MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why do they have to play the national an...

Why do they have to play the national anthem at sporting events?

We've had enough of "America first." Time to tone down the fanaticism. Also time to get "God" out of the pledge of allegiance and restore it to its pre-red-scare integrity. And when oh when will some party have the guts to propose taxing the enormous wealth of churches? Enough with the righty meme that this is a liberal country!


Because we all Americans and we love our Country.


But it's a sporting event. Has fuck all to do with loving your country. Do you sing the national anthem when you send in your tax returns? It would make just as much sense.


It sounds like you're a communist.


You need to speak to my Accountant, he always does a rendition before sending them in.


To be patriotic I guess.


Remember when people didn’t hate their country? Remember when it was cool to take pride in where you were born instead of hating it?

Why the hell is it such an issue for some of you to hear the National Anthem at a sporting event? It’s like people choose to forget every young soul who died defending the freedoms our country provides, including millionaire athletes who get to play a game for a living, while they constantly bitch about the song they play for 2 minutes beforehand, which just takes a few moments to give thanks to all of those who died for their right to play a game and bitch about the National Anthem.


I guess the organisers think it enhances the stature of what is, essentially, an unnecessary leisure pursuit. And that goes for some of the fans too.

They might as well sing it at the beginning of a TV cooking contest. Or an online video game contest.

It's jerks jerking each other off.


Then you're either a Communist or a useful idiot for the American Communist party.


Mark Cuban just might be a bigger a-hole than I ever suspected


NBA requiring teams to play national anthem after Mark Cuban axed song for Mavs games


For a long time I liked him on Shark Tank, but lately he said a few things that made me think he is in the pocket of the Chinese (along with the rest of the NBA).


Why would playing that make you uncomfortable?


Uncomfortable? Seriously? Are you really that sensitive? It's like people getting "offended" if someone says "Merry Christmas". Gimme a break. It's so benign and if it doesn't appeal to you, just ignore it. It's quite short. Do you need a hug?


I need my safespace after reading that.
