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Why do they have to play the national anthem at sporting events?

We've had enough of "America first." Time to tone down the fanaticism. Also time to get "God" out of the pledge of allegiance and restore it to its pre-red-scare integrity. And when oh when will some party have the guts to propose taxing the enormous wealth of churches? Enough with the righty meme that this is a liberal country!


I live in the great state of South Carolina. They play the National Anthem twice a day on tv broadcast. Cause the news just does a 30 minute cycle, f off with that 35 minute nonsense. They air the most inspiring footage of the best America can be. They roll that reel again in the early hours before the new day begins. I never get tired of it. Not ever.


I think the Australian crowds had it right back in the 1960's. They would stay respectfully silent for the first five seconds of the national anthem and then they would drown it out with their collective roar of impatience for the game to start. Balance and perspective.


That's the spirit! Is it still that way?


No there was a change after the 200 years celebration of the First Fleet arriving in Australia from England back in 1988. Then they started pushing patriotism in a steady and determined way. Linking sport and the military more closely.

Plus Australia back in the 1960's was still mostly a white Anglo-Saxon-Celtic country and quite cohesive. Now thanks to mass immigration it is a "multi-cultural" country, everything has changed.


As a non-American, I can't say your national anthem makes me uncomfortable, but it is kinda weird - but then, I think that about most traditions. Why do a lot of people still play the Bridal Chorus (Here Comes the Bride) at weddings, for example? I don't see it as harmful or uncomfortable, just a little odd.


Why do we have to pretend to like Islam, and welcome millions of so-called "refugees" into the west?

Why do you pretend that a wildly violent, misogynistic, homophobic bloodthirsty religion is a "religion of peace"?

That's a lot more important than your complaints about a "jingoistic" piece of music.


In England the national anthem is only played at sporting finals but having sung the English and American anthems at NFL games in London, I find it an enjoyable tradition to the sport.

Anthems played at games of international Soccer and Rugby is great to behold especially watching passionate players belt out their anthems with pride.


So you watch pro sports but you have a problem with patriotism? What a fucking moron you are.

Embrace the shit storm of your beloved One Percenter overlords as you suckle at the teat of fake social awareness.


Despite your insulting language I respect your opinion. But I'm sorry, I just don't see the connection between sports and patriotism. Should we play the national anthem before movies and plays? Before entering an art museum? Before every class from kindergarten to graduate school? Before every Shamu show at Seaworld? They all make as much sense.


You're changing the subject. I never said it made sense but it makes just as much sense as you chest pounding over your beloved little sports games.


Frankly you are a fascist and I wish all you fascists who hate that anyone believes in God would all just leave America, buy an island somewhere out in the ocean, and just go make your own country there where nobody is allowed to believe in God.
