MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Weed - should be legal everywhere

Weed - should be legal everywhere

Think about it, alcohol is a great scourge that kills many people directly or indirectly but marijuana has many benefits for things like pain management and people suffering adverse effects from cancer treatments. Really when was the last time you heard about a stoned driver killing someone on the road? Not daily like dunk drivers I’ll tell you that for free!

Legalise it, man 🤪


it is here


Canada right? The whole country or just your province?


the whole country


Good for Canada! Slightly jealous I must say.

Has there been any increased crime or health crisis since it became legal?


not that i know of.


That’s what we like to hear! Spark up Canucks!! 💨😝


the sky has not fallen. this is coming from a non user.


I need to move to Canada.


I would take it for genuine medicinal purposes. I wouldn't touch it otherwise.


That’s fair enough. Of course it’s not for everyone but I still think it was incorrectly demonised early on which accounts for the laws today. Think of the money and police resources it would save. Not to mention the jobs it could create if the industry went into full production.

Generally I think when you compare it to alcohol which is legal in most countries, it’s the less of two evils.


I chose neither evil.


“ it’s the less of two evils. “

I would love to hear from anyone who would think otherwise.


Many an alcoholic has said that to me.


If only to cut down on wasting Police and court resources I agree, it should be legal

It's also fun in moderation


Every drug should be legal everywhere.

In Portugal, everything is decriminalized, and guess what? Drug use went DOWN.

I'd advocate for its legalization even if it went down. "My body, my choice?".. If you can abort a fetus, why not buy painkillers and tranquilizers at the pharmacy with no script? To be a diplomat, let's say it's a law that the one who sells it to you must read you warnings (since the literature is usually thrown away before you pop a single pill).

Also, it gets rid of the black market.. Flaky fucks, violence, prostitution, etc.. Big Pharma won't like it, but fuck them, too. They can get in line like any other drug dealer.

AND, it can't be used as an excuse for the police to do whatever they want. But if you're an irresponsible user of alcohol, etc., and you kill someone, you suffer the consequences.


Weed is not decriminalized in Portugal. It's legal to use it, but you can't sell or cultivate it, you can't even cultivate it for personal use. Use is decriminalized, but there's no legal way to get it.

At the end of the day, it's not that different from other countries. Police usually don't chase the final consumer, but the dealer. And dealing is still a crime in Portugal.


Are you in Portugal?


It is in The Netherlands 🇳🇱.


If it were, I think people would find great appreciation for movies they otherwise would not like. That is, if they smoked before watching movies. 😀


👆 this guy knows.

Also sci-fi tv show ratings would go through the roof!


Omg.. I think that’s why I love obscure and cult films.


As the Family Guy song goes... everything’s better with a bag of weed 😂👍




Nope. I love a clear, unimpaired mind.


THC related DUIs have risen greatly in the past 10 years. It's a myth to say marijuana use and abuse is completely benign. And , in combination with alcohol, the level of impairment from THC increases exponentially.


Fair point Allison but I still feel that legalising it would be beneficial rather than detrimental on the whole. Of course people shouldn’t drive under the influence of any drug, legal or otherwise.


I was speaking to your suggestion that THC use doesn't result in loss of life in MVAs. It has and it does.


I suppose it’s definitely possible but I’ve never heard of it happening. Whereas deaths as a result of drunk driving is a daily occurrence.

Not saying you’re wrong though and I value your comments 🙂


What a polite exchange! Thankyou. It's refreshing on this site which has recently been saturated with name-calling and meanness. ☺


You’re more than welcome. I can tell the difference between someone offering an honest counter argument and those who are just contrary for the sake of being an asswipe. I agree, there is a pervading sense of nastiness and intolerance on this forum with people ganging up on minorities and slapping each other’s backs when they try to outdo each other with vile and hurtful statements. I guess their misery likes company 🤷‍♂️

Anyway, you’re a good egg. It’s not hard to see that.


That's eggist!


Can't speak about fatalities, but every state in the US where it has been legalized for recreational use has seen increases in motor vehicle accidents and insurance premiums. That's one of the reasons I'm scared here in NJ. The insurance companies already fleece us because we're sandwiched between NYC and Philly.


I wouldn't recommend it while driving either. One time back in college I did try to drive while really blasted and while I was driving along, I thought I was speeding, but when I looked down at the speedometer, I was going 25 in a 45 zone. I'm glad I didn't pass by any cops.


Its a fair point, however I think they are two separate issues

1. legalization
2. driving while intoxicated in general (alcohol and drugs) / and appropriate penalties and negative advertising campaigns which can be funded with the tax revenue of the weed sales


Okay. That does make sense.


Weed isn't completely harmless.

Prolonged use can adversely effect the users brain, the effect is more pronounced with developing brains.

The part of the brain effected is the motivational part or the "get things done" area.

The stereotype of slacker/stoner is true.


Maybe. Both Paul McCartney and Willie Nelson managed to be pretty active, motivated and successful for decades on the chronic though 🤷‍♂️


😆 that not a day job!

They would never make it as 12 hour a day construction guys.

"Look at that yo-yo that's the way you do it, get your money for nothing and your chicks for free"

"Maybe get a blister on your little finger, maybe get a blister on your thumb"

~ Dire Straits


Hahaha ok. But anecdotal as it may be, I myself have a decent day job and have had since I finished University a good (unmentionable) few years ago 😝 I also enjoy a smoke. I think there are some big myths and misconceptions lumped on pot smokers.


I watched Reefer Madness (1936) a few months back.

This movie was the KEY reason why Mary Jane got such a bad rap. A remarkable feat of social engineering, no other movie in history had such a large impact on society.

I see it simply. It could give America a more artistic bent, but will also harm the Puritan work ethic that built it.


Right. I'd be quite uncomfortable if my child was being taught by a teacher who's stoned on a regular basis. Or if my doctor was stoned while trying to figure out a complicated diagnosis.


There is a time and place, no doubt.


What does it matter what someone does during their free time? As long as they are sober at work and fulfill their duties, there shouldn't be a problem. I mean, do you think doctors and teachers don't drink on their free time?


Yeah no denying the stereotype rings true for people

However I smoke regularly, I admit I don't have a day job anymore
I'm self employed in finance / also run something else as a director

But I also do Krav Maga, spar atleast once a week, run x2, free weights, pretty thin/lean looking but I'm 85kg
I got right into the Joe Rogan podcast, Joe rogan changed my life

I'm putting together a biz case atm, and getting financing for my deal, just the election is putting a pause in it
Also do consulting work for my partner, cause she manages a law firm

most of the dev team at this hedge fund I work with, they smoke bud most nights

Like, im doing things, and I smoke bud.

Same with others, like a mate of mine, hes a graphics artist been working at a graphic deign firm for 8 years now, hes management but does his own designs still, more of a director role now. but yeah, hell finish up work sometimes cause its down the road, and we'll smoke some bud and talk shop cause I used to do design work ages ago, so we conceptualize ideas, and the clients love the shit. good money also.


Weed isn't completely harmless. Prolonged use can adversely effect the users brain, the effect is more pronounced with developing brains.

That's true, but something similar (and even worse) happens with alcohol, which is far from being completely harmless too. Ask alcoholics.


I believe they know that alcoholism has a genetic component (Native Americans are very prone to it, it is outlawed in some Alaskan townships). Pretty sure they have isolated it (haven't researched this)

Knowing this info (family history etc) is a key factor, many stay away because a close relative was one.

I don't think the weed/burnout gene has been found (if there is one)But its long-term effects on the brain are documented.
