MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Big news about E̶l̶l̶e̶n̶ Elliot Page to...

Big news about E̶l̶l̶e̶n̶ Elliot Page today.

Ellen Page has come out as transgender. Her pronouns are now he/they. Just a few years ago she came out as a lesbian so I guess this now makes her a lesbian man who likes women.


Elliot Page...the next James Bond!


Another straight white man to be James Bond? I thought the franchise needs more diversity!


It's a cunning plan, once Elliot gets the role he can go back to being a woman.


this reminds me of something i heard dan savage say on his podcast years ago: every woman he knew in college who identified as a lesbian either was now with a man or was a man.

not that it's necessarily directly related to this, but lesbian writer katie herzog wrote an interesting piece this past weekend for andrew sullivan's new substack newsletter about how lesbianism as an identity seemed to be vanishing. worth a read if you're interested.

i'm not sure if everyone can read this - it might be limited to subscribers only. if you can't, you can find a summary of it here:


In regards to the article it's interesting as to how the Woke ones again feel it's ok to shame and silence people who don't fit their agenda. In this case a woman calling herself a lesbian.


A lot of people feel that transgenderism goes against people being gay. I kind of understand their point. I mean, if they're saying that gender is a social construct, then they're saying gender doesn't really exist, it was created. And if it was created, then there is no such thing as being gay.

The first link is behind a paywall.


Keep ticking those PC boxes Ellen!!

Just remember though, it will alienate you from any Lezbo fans whilst not nessecarily gaining you many transgender fans.

A real turn off for any straight men who may liked her too.


Maybe he doesn't care about the fans. Maybe they are just being who they are?


Good luck to it.

I am bored and cynical about these actors and their causes and issues.


So if an every day citizen is trans it's fine, but if a celeb does is it's just lip service?


I'm cynical about every day trans people too.

In Australia due to a program we have or had here called "safe schools" where kids were indoctrinated into homosexuality doctors were reporting a huge increase in kids telling them they were transgender.

Just more corruption being brought on by the sickening Left.


You can't force sexuality.


You can certainly brainwash innocent kids.

You can also influence people to push for things.

It's all another bullshit Leftie game.


Brainwash kids into what? Thinking they are gay? Trans? Or is it just that they are just told that they don't have to hide who they are?


It's all a game to further corrupt society.


I hope you feel really lucky that you've never had a doubt about who you are, and who you are attracted to. Never had to worry about being rejected by friends, and family.


Way too much hate on MovieChat today. I'm out of here.


why not start an entertainment related thread or a baker's dozen/song lyrics??


A lot of basement dwellers on this site complaining about something that won't affect their life in any way, shape or form.


“Way too much hate on MovieChat today. I'm out of here.”

Which was exactly the intention of the OP to stir up some more nastiness.

Don’t go Laura. Give the bozos a good old 🖕 and talk to the cool people instead.


There are many issues and problems in life which affect us all. Being straight does not make us immune to them.

You have raised a great point though, and it what pisses a lot of us off. The Trans/Queer etc crew think they are unique in being the only ones with problems.


I don't think she's trying to check PC boxes, I just think it proves how inaccurate all of these transgender arguments are. Ellen Page may feel that she is a lesbian one day and a man the other, but she can't be both. It's just a feeling.


That is my point really. People are being influenced by all of this crap.

They have a "feeling" as you say and then decide that they must be transgender based on some crap they have been told or read.

It's no different to any other self diagnosis. "I have a head ache, oh shit it must be a brain tumour!"

I am cynical about celebs now though and I do believe many are just toeing the company line spouting whatever shit they think will secure them their next role.


I have no problem if they consider themselves transgender, but what I hate is how they expect everyone to believe the same way and if they don't they're called "transphobes". I don't believe they are the gender they claim to transition to, so why should I be forced to call them what they feel comfortable with it if I don't feel comfortable with it?


Exactly. What if I want to identify as a Doctor despite having zero qualifications?

It's what I keep saying just a big game to cause more disruption and division.

The alphabet people are already fighting amongst themselves, the B is LGTIBQ contradicts the T!


the B is LGTIBQ contradicts the T!

Not enough people realize this. Are they going to claim bisexuals are automatically transphobic just because they like both genders?



She used to be cute.


I still find it confusing how the woke crowd keeps saying to accept yourself the way you are, but not really...


"Accept yourself the way you are. Provided we agree.

Changes occur daily so please check for updates and alter yourself and your beliefs accordingly.

Failure to comply will result in us putting you through hell".


If I say I identify as a baby and I walked around in a diaper and a rattle, people would call me crazy. But if a man thinks they're a woman and goes through surgery and hormone treatments, they're supposed to be considered "their true self". I mean, I was once a baby and didn't have to go through surgery to become an adult, but somehow that is considered a mental illness but the other isn't?


It's possible to feel "masculine" and dress "like a man" without maiming your body, isn't it?

I don't know if she wants any surgery, but if she's going to demand that everybody considers her a man and not a woman, she's not very tolerant. If she calls herself a man, that's her business. Whether I call her a man or not is my business.



Like "Chaz Bono." She had her tits cut off, took hormones to grow a beard.
That makes her "a man?"

And, let's not even get started with Bruce Jenner. 🙄


If they ever dig up her ("Chaz") remains, they will say that she was a female and Bruce was a male. Period.


There are transgender people who don't like when transgenders claim they are 100% the gender they transitioned to. They feel that it lessens the struggle of their transition.


Dear god.🙄 Why do people care so much about what others say or do???


Exactly. I'm not sure why I get looked at when I pee in the bushes.


Awww, not the rose bushes that belong to your sweet elderly neighbour!


That explains the thorn marks.


No, that happened in my basement last Friday.


Never heard of this person before today.


She was Oscar nominated for Juno.


Don't go to the movies, and pay no attention to The Academy.


Me either.


I’m a millionaire trapped in a lower middle class person’s body! Please help me live as I truly am! Haha.

Also...anyone who questions me in any way is a bigot! 🤣


Whoa, it's like someone went into my head and feels the exact way I do.
