MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you bother with a Christmas tree?

Do you bother with a Christmas tree?

And do you have a real tree or fake?

I always loved a twinkly Christmas tree. But since I moved into my tiny flat it seems too much hassle to make space for. I usually just put fairy lights around my huge bush of a potted plant that's in the corner of my living room.

I'm more pagan than Christian anyway so it still fits with my mojo.


Christmas trees are an extension of pagan traditions.

Aside from that, no. I'm not a theist and the idea of chopping down a tree for a single day event doesn't make much sense to me.


My family did fake ones and some very weird experimental ones for years. We have been doing real tree for many years now and will this year too. No reason not to. Wreath too. Poinsettia maybe. No outside lights.


No, I live alone in an apartment so I don't put up a tree.


You should consider it. I live alone as well, and also in an apartment, and I put up a tree every year.

If you don't think it's worth the work to by and set up a real tree, pick up a cheap artificial tree that's easy to set up. I paid $25 for mine, can set it up in about 20 minutes, and it looks pretty good.

It should bring some cheeriness and good vibes into the apartment. At least it does mine.



What is that?


From a Seinfeld episode.


But do you go with a natural aluminum pole or a manufactured one? :-)


Christmas Trees are actually a leftover from European Pagan times. Pagans worshipped nature and certain trees had a spiritual importance to them. When the Christians started taking over they started cutting down these trees (Cancel Culture mark 1) and so the Pagans ironically perhaps, would either take those trees or cut them down themselves and keep them safe in their cottages.

Hence why we have Christmas trees. Christians just adapted a lot of the Pagan ways to get people to convert.


Yes, we have an artificial for the living room and another for the back deck

For years now we've also been going to a tree farm and cutting down a large real one for the dining room


That's excellent. I used to go with my family every year to a local tree farm to cut down a tree. It was an annual tradition when I was a kid. I really miss those days.

If the time comes when I have a family of my own, and I can find a good tree farm nearby, I'll be bringing that tradition back to life for sure.


We do a real one every year and hang ornaments that our kids made when they were little and I still have many from when I was a youngster too.


Happy to hear you "put fairy lights around my huge bush." 😏 😲


