MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > These are people media tried to fool us ...

These are people media tried to fool us to think were good looking people

Carrie ann moss
David duchovny
Gillian anderson

So media ppl were saying ' oh these ppl are attractive and they are sex symbol' but if you watch back x files it is mulder with spam head look, and other was television first ever ginger attractive woman, who look like she smell her own lip. So this was lies

Also trinity woman has angle sharp face, is more like european catwalk model guy, but she is woman. So more lies


Isn't nice that we all don't find the same things attractive then. But who are these media people that were tell us stuff?

I also don't think it was Carrie Ann Moss's face in The Matrix that most people found attractive.


Well these are men who would love transexual.

You must not deny how media push things on people, because is true fact.


Wow. You are real special.


C’mon, you know it’s true. The Pope just told you it is.

The reality is that this type of propaganda does not start with people who work in news media. It starts with the agents and publicists who shill for the respective celebs. They “spin” the yarn to their media contacts, a great man of whom are so lazy they’ll just slap their by-line on the press release and report it verbatim.


Always proofread your own bullshit before posting

You are a notorious spelling and grammar Nazi here and it's hilarious how often you fuck up the simplest things yet call everyone else out on minor mistakes


The 'y' is the most underrated letter of the alphabet!


I just think that no matter what, no media can convince me of who I think is good looking. I mean other than photoshopping into something completely different. I'm attracted to what I find attractive, it's really just that simple. I know others will not always like what I like, and that's totally fine.


Perfectly reasonable response


True for me as well.


I think likewise. Honestly, what I find attractive is much different than the media pushes.


you would have to be fairly pathetic, or maybe insane, if you don't know what you like yourself.

for example, 1000 people could tell me jennifer lopez is the bees knees, but she's not my type.

i often am far more attracted to extras in a scene than the star. it is probably the case that stars are cast -not- to be distractlingly beautiful. i can't say why, but according to my tastes, that seems to be the pattern.





Carrie was gorgeous in Nowhereman.

Around 7:35 she appears.

She's younger and playing a woman whose job it is is to make a man fall in love with her. I thought she was very attractive in this role which highlighted her femininity.


You ain't seen nothing yet.

Watch who they throw at you in the next few years.


It's gonna be a wild ride.


What?? Who you mean by this, I need to be prepared.


I think Gillian was more sexy and it probably had a lot to do with her character on X Files, after that I never saw her as being that hot.


Agent Scully is hot because it was a strong independent woman character when strong independent woman means STRONG and independent. The same can be said to Pamela Landy in Bourne franchise, or before that, Nikita in La Femme Nikita, or way later Rita Vrataski in Edge of Tomorrow, etc. Hell, even M (Dame Judi Dench) was somewhat hot, even when saying a 70 years old chatacter hot may confuse some people.

Those characters stood out, they were one in a million. It's like Chun Li and Black Widow. Women that can compete toe-to-toe among the best of men. Their strong part comes from character design, not forced in the story.


And it was never rammed down our throat that Scully was a woman or hard done by, had to do it better because she is female, blah blah. No eye roll inducing speeches to endure.

She also didn't try to be sexy, she just was, no skimpy outfits, over done make up etc. I also liked Megan Boone in the Blacklist for the same reasons.*


So who is "the media"? The artists? The artist's agents? The producers of the show wanting to promote it? Advertisers?
Or some amorphous coordinated group that has ill-will toward their consumers?


That was your first question? I mean, it's a fair question, but I was more perplexed by spam head and smell her own lip.

I sense a language barrier.


I was ignoring the weird OP extra comments and focusing on the banner.
A lot people want to call out MSM as some coordinated attack on us, and I don't by it and it bugs me.
I don't care whether Moss, Duchovny or Anderson are thought of as attractive. (All a lot better looking than me)
And I don't care to attack somebody for misspellings or incomprehensible utterances that aren't worth contemplating.
But I felt like asking why "the media" should be blamed for telling us they are attractive. We get lied to all the time over things of much more consequence than this.
That's their job (promoting actors) in a free market economy, and attractiveness is utterly subjective.
Plus -- they're all good looking and talented people ! So I piped up.


See, we reacted the same way, just oppositely. You ignored the OP's hilarious insults and I ignored their political comment about the media and gender identity. There's no point sharing an opinion that isn't center to ultra right wing on this forum these days, you just get shouted down as an insane lefty who is out to destroy democracy (or something like that, my interest usually trails off when one of those guys starts ranting at me for disagreeing with them).

I like it when you pipe up, by the way. You've always got something worthwhile to say :)


my wife loved duchovny.


Yes but only because she was told to do this by media guys. If you ask her now about him she will not agree


Robert Pattinson.


I thought all the girls liked him...🤔
He's a damn good actor, would you agree?


Haven't seen enough of him, to be honest.


A few years ago I only thought of him as 'that sparkly vampire boy that young girls swoon for' but damn was I wrong

He was amazing in Good Time, The Rover, The Devil All The Time, The Lighthouse, The Lost City Of Z and he's going to be in 'THE BATMAN' which I'm pretty amped for but we may not get it until Spring 2022...this virus deal is screwing everything up!

Check out his stuff, that dude can really act
