MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Most say they wouldn't be like Germans i...

Most say they wouldn't be like Germans in Nazi Germany

But the truth is, they would. Very few like to stick their neck out and say 'no, this is wrong,' they only do that when it's popular or accepted to do so.


Hitler dindu nuthin' wrong!


Learn how to spell! It's nuffin.


Pretty sure it's muffin


No, you're thinking of hindu muffins, not dindu nuffins. It's an understandable mix-up. After you eat a hindu muffin, it is reincarnated in it's next life as a piece of pizza.


I thought it was nuttin


My god you guys are insane...


If it's good enough for Jerry Seinfeld, it's good enough for me

at 0:21


funnier..than seinfeld.


I agree and my husband and I were discussing this exact thing a few weeks ago, but I don't believe it because it's popular or accepted but at least with the current situation in the US, some people are risking their jobs if they speak out against the crazy left and the BLM organization,(which IMO, has very little to do with ensuring that black lives really do matter.)


Yes, the times are changing and not in a good way.

BLM is a marxist, anarchist group and I cannot believe that they are painting that slogan on city streets including now, Hollywood Boulevard.


The current situation in the US has everything to do with our present divisive leader throwing gasoline on every fire he can, stirring up all the fears he can. If you are also a fox channel watcher tucker Carlson, sean Hannity, laura ingraham, these people are not journalists but they get paid millions of dollars to spread a certain perspective, not the truth but a skewed version of everything and people who watch them don’t even realize its propaganda, but it is.


Quite a few would. I’m impressed by the lady who would not bow to the mob ( She’s one who can say for sure that she would not. There are quite a few middle class suburbanites repeating the mob slogans. They are all proud of themselves, not realizing that they would have been cheering the Nazis the same way.


I’m strongly independent and don’t get caught up in mob mentality.


I also think exactly this way.


We are all told to wear a mask in spite of the science behind its efficacy in preventing the spread of influenza. Do you wear your mask? I do and yet I don't consider myself a joiner either.


Whether I wear a mask or not depends on my best reckoning of the situation. I don’t base it on political reasons.




Of all the sexual stuff you could come up with on this site..You guys decide to discuss Hitler...@!$@#!@$


Nazi's are kinky to you? Tell more...


I’m happy to dress up in lederhosen if it floats your boat.


Can I get a show of hands on whose on something here...Seriously ...Pot, Vodka, Wine:), or something more serious.


Raises hand


Reminds me of a joke.

During the Cold War, an American diplomat tells his Soviet counterpart that in America we have freedom of speech. Any citizen can go to the gates of the White House and denounce the United States. The Soviet diplomat is unimpressed. So what? Any of our citizens can go to the walls of the Kremlin and denounce the United States.


I didn't realize this was the just say crazy crap thread..let me join in....Mask suck..I think we all need to get covid so that there is a resistants to it..


another old joke

A Soviet man is waiting in line to purchase vodka from a liquor store, but due to restrictions imposed by Gorbachev, the line is very long. The man loses his composure and screams, "I can't take this waiting in line anymore, I HATE Gorbachev, I am going to the Kremlin right now, and I am going to kill him!"

After 40 minutes the man returns and elbows his way back to his place in line. One man asks him if he has succeeded in killing Gorbachev.

"No,” he responds. “That line was even longer."




An undercover policeman overhears a man say, "Leonid is an idiot!" The policeman promptly arrests the man, who protests, "I was talking about another Leonid, not our beloved General Secretary!" "Nice try! Don't try and fool me!" says the policeman. "If you say 'idiot' you are obviously referring to comrade Brezhnev!"


Why didn't the Soviets put a man on the moon?

They were afraid he wouldn't want to come back


I don't know how to join in to this but I want to?


You should check out the book What We Knew by Eric Johnson. It's basically an oral history of Jews and Germans during Nazi Germany and it is an incredible read.

I think it depends. Plenty of people in the past have said no, it just takes a spark for others to follow. The US revolutionary war is an exact product of that.
