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Why is the US so obsessed with sports? They are boring as fuck.

I will never understand that, so many things are far more interesting and entertaining. With such limited free time I find it absolutely mind boggling how much of it people spend watching and discussing sports.

Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy PLAYING some sports, but that’s not the source of the majority of this country’s interest in them. People are literally obsessed with watching, studying and discussing sports. They worship athletes. Drives me insane, and instantly separates me from a good chunk of the population in a major way. No matter how much I have in common with someone, they always seem to be obsessed with at least one sport.


Because most people are boring. They need to get their self-worth from others. Pathetically boring people who need to wave the flag of "we won!" by the fruits of the labors of others. Sports, politics. It's all the same shit from miserable people who can't do anything on their own.

This isn't just an American thing but I see so many dull shit stains trying to claim some level of accomplishment because of what someone else has done. All the while they're cheer on their little bitch "heroes" while these same organizations screw the money right out of them via corporate welfare. Any sane person left this scam behind a long time ago. Anyone with any self-respect doesn't need these entitled dildos ruining their live.


I'm not a big fan of sports either, for several reasons, but I think I know why people [in any part of the world] watch or participate in them.

Human beings are naturally competitive creatures, and it's a great way to entertain people (particularly when life is boring), relieves stress, and helps with national pride, depending on the sport. It's a more constructive way of dealing with frustration than war, and is a great way of finding out who's the best at something, and showing that these people earned the prizes and glory. Even if you're not playing, some people really get caught up in it.

Unfortunately, today's sports are often more appealing to people of average or low intelligence. It doesn't require a high IQ to watch it on tv (or to attend a game and watch it in the arena), and if you talk to enough people or do your own research, you can learn what the rules are very quickly. It's basically a way of distracting the idiots in society, more so than the intelligent minority of most societies.

Now like you, my family and I are not big on sports, particularly things like [North American] football, basketball, baseball, hockey, or tennis. It just doesn't appeal to us, and we find it pathetic when people treat it like a religion. I especially loathe sports after years of having to put up with them in gym class (it was really annoying, seeing how crazy some of my classmates got about this or that sport). Like you, we get bored and have zero interest in sports on tv, and get angry when they put some stupid sport or other in the place of our game shows. My dad in particular calls basketball "Homie-ball." I seriously never understood the appeal behind a bunch of big beefy guys in plastic armor, beating each other up over an oblong, pigskin ball. Now my dad and brother did play football in high school, and each got a letterman's jacket, but that's the extent of their sports experiences. They don't watch it on tv any more than mom or I do.

There are some sports I like to play, but they are not mainstream. I enjoy playing things like badminton or archery. I'd happily watch martial arts matches if they were more available in the US, but they aren't. And you want a badass sport to watch, go to Medieval Times. Now the medieval sports they play there are awesome to watch :D


I find them boring and uninteresting.
