
There's nothing wrong with off-topic stuff (as long as its interesting).

It seems like this site is trying to imitate another one.


I'm just hoping the movie database grows so there's more discussion on the less mainstream movies.


Yeah, that would be nice. But I keep reading really trivial shit.


Definitely a lot of crap on here. Rome wasn´t built in a day though. It will take some time before this reaches the popularity of IMDB.


I actually thought we started off great, but we've gone off the rails in the last few months.


Its a bit of a double-edged sword, we want the site to get bigger but with that comes the amount of crap that gets posted too. Have to take the good with the bad I guess.


If you post threads like "How are you supposed to clean the plunger or toilet brush after using?" - we'll get more of those kinds of people.


That one was really weird and I haven't clicked on it to be honest but maybe that post was sincere, who knows?


I'm not doubting the sincerity, but there's way too much of it.

I saw one post that read "It's cold" -- no shit, its winter!


lol yeah it does get a little sad. It's all small talk in the end but you have to draw the line somewhere.


Oh c’mon, I’ve seen weaker threads than that on here! I agree though billhicksfan, I’m feeling a little stifled with all the rules and whatnot. I hate politics but I don’t want it to get too controlled here. I was gonna take a break from moviechat as I do sometimes and I decided to check out that filmboards for the first time (someone suggested it to me a while back). Holy shit, I didn’t realize there was a whole soap opera between moviechat and there, how strange the interweb is! There was even a thread about that croft debacle. I didn’t stay on long enough to really see what that place was about. Strangely, I felt like a traitor.


I haven't looked at that and I'm not going to.


Rome wasn´t built in a day though. It will take some time before this reaches the popularity of IMDB.
Especially when this place feels less popular than it was a year ago....


Not every country's a Rome though. Some may fall even before they rise.


I feel the opposite, I feel like in the last few months, a bunch of new users have popped up.


There was lots of trivial shit on the IMDB board as well though. I think if you restrict people too much then you are left with a smaller amount of users who then start to complain about a lack of activity and then leave themselves. A vicious cycle.


It is. It's "the nature of the beast".


I've seen a lot of different types of forums fail because the Admins have too many stupid rules/enforce the rules on an adhoc basis, staff too cliquey etc. So overall this site seems to have a decent balance now. Go to a site like IMDBV2 and you will see it was just allowed to be over run by trolls and movies and tv shows are barely posted about.


I agree that, for the most part, there's a sense of balance here. There was a time when a mob mentality existed and was popular. As to be expected, it finally spiraled out of control and had to be put in check, just like all of the political ranting.

I was in another forum once where the creator/owner seemed to disappear. I eventually became completely inactive over a 2 year period when there had been no input from him and the site gradually deteriorated more and more. I once tried to log in out of sheer curiosity and received an immediate message from my anti-virus software provider that it was a dangerous site.


I've been on forums like that as well. The Admin/Creator checks out and all the trolls check in. Also forums where the staff create more problems than even the worst troll could. Everything catches up eventually though no matter how cool they think they are.

I lurked here a while before joining because although I liked the IMDB threads being imported over I didn't like the amount bitchiness and politics over load.


The one good thing is that v2 divides the shit up. I've never read the drama. My link is the Film General, where as others try to lump them all together.


It is better organized in that respect. I would love to see this forum divide up it's boards and have a search function etc.


And that's why there is no IMDB message boards.


I think the boards became an embarrassment to that site. IMDB didn't want to invest in proper moderators and the film industry most likely didn't like seeing their films and actors being spoken about so honestly by the riff raff.

They were also biased in that they were more restrictive about controversial Conservative posts than they were about Liberal ones. If it were my site I would just ban overt political discussion unless it directly related to the film/show.


I agree, politics doesn´t belong in a Movie forum, I see enough "orange man bad" on Twitter, that I don´t need to see it here. That said, I think that the site would be a lot smaller and a lot less active if users weren´t allowed to talk politics.


It is difficult. Primetimer has a no politics rule but as politics is a big part of so many TV shows now how do you avoid commenting on it all?

I like that the politics forum is at least separate now I don't know how much crossover there is as far as users who post there and on the general board. But there would be less members overall if you got rid of it.

Something that always pissed me off on the IMDB site were racial trolls the ones who post stuff like "Not enough Asians in this film!" well yeah, I mean it's fucking Western isn't it? Or they are always wanting more people of colour etc etc. Just stupid stuff like that brings a whole site down.


My solution has been to dump social media in the trash, where it belongs as far as I'm concerned. Life is too busy for me to waste on a lot of bickering and name calling. I enjoy talking about movies, that's why I'm here. Beyond that, I focus on my wife first and foremost, my neighbors, my community. That's enough of a scope for me to invest in and contribute positively to, the best I can.


I think a lot of people are dumping Social media, Facebook isn't as popular as it used to be, forums have been dying for a decade or so now. In the end you start to realize that you spending your time arguing or being upset by people you don't know and will never know.

And for what? Just to keep the post numbers up for someone's site so they can bring in more advertising dollars?


Facebook may not be as popular to the young generations, but Instagram is more popular than ever. And it is also owned by Facebook. In fact, social media is the one killing off forums.

Because of heated politics discussions, corporations don't want to take sides (hint: they're only on the side of the money.) So they don't really want to host nor enforce rules for such "discussions" from basically anonymous people.

Social media, however, has somekind of identifications. That means, the corporations can shift blame on the content of the discussions on other parties. While it's not even adequate, it's still better than total anonimity as in forums.

From corporations point of view, social media is way superior than forums. Thus they close theirs and double down on social media platforms.


I agree, Forsaken.


Trivial shit is a part of all our lives.



Does anyone know if the traffic on MC has steadily increased ?


Jim does.


James Douglas?


No, Jim Smith.


I hope it’s been increasing.


It's up to us


"Took a look around see which way the wind blow"




I'll never get sick of The Doors and/or Jim Morrison. I'm looking forward for Robby's autobiography.


I am as well. It was genuinely a sad day when Ray passed away. I’ve got tons of books on the Doors and most are from the days before the internet. :)


I've read almost every one. I even re-read one from 25 years ago. The only one I haven't started was the one about Jim and Pam (but I heard its bullshit)


I’ll have to look and see if I have that one. I do have the Patrica Kennelly one that I have never read.


I also have that. I'm sure its bullshit, and I wonder how my bullshit detector does when I finally decide to read it.


What kind of posts would you like to see on General Discussion?


Maybe everyone should make an effort to post on the movie pages rather than in the general discussion so often.


I do fairly often, normally when I've just watched a film or a TV programme.


I’ve been trying to do so more regularly also.


In fact, I was a regular poster on the film pages way before I discovered GD by accident about a year ago.


We are a long way from that other place. I find most of the the non movie stuff fun.
