MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why is there so many political threads o...

Why is there so many political threads on this site?

Is there not a political forum any of you can go to complain about this or that? It's a website called Movie Chat and at least two of the most recent discussions are always regarding politicians. I imagine most of the people that joined this site want to discuss movies, but now we have to deal with politics here also just like everywhere else. Am I alone in thinking this shouldn't be the place for that?


Well it turns out Movie Chat people are more fond of discussing politics so those threads are very popular.

If you want to discuss movies, please do so too.


The USA is deeply divided politically, and lots of people really care about the situation. Here they can discuss it with people whom they have something in common with. And the General Discussion section is where the action is. On some of the other boards, the last post is months, if not years, old.

This is a situation which will continue, and probably get even more intense as we head into an election year. Unfortunately one just has to deal with it.

PS And as Kamen says, if you want to discuss movies, do so, and just ignore the political threads. Problem solved, and you're welcome.



Yeah just ignore it and go talk to yourself about movies while we argue about politics. Good one...


Most of the stuff I see on here though isn't about people caring about the situation so much as talking shit ๐Ÿ˜‚


Then there's that.



It's driving me up the wall. I'm very political but I come here to get away from politics. I don't see why the hell these people have to keep doing this here. Many people, including myself, have repeatedly asked them to stop, and they keep doing it.


Believe me I've been banging the same drum for two years but no one gives a shit. People more willing to argue about Trump than movies and hoardes of hard right wingers are the reasons I'm not very active here. Hardly anyone appreciates quality discussion about films. Unfortunately, it won't ever change unless more people come on board to talk about films. But that seems impossible if this site doesn't advertise itself.


I agree. I'm a very political person as well, but in my own country. Some Americans can seem to get upset when you aren't an American and you share an opinion on it. How can I not when American politics overshadows everything. Even a movie board.


Is the problem political discussions or that that discussions in general
here and on most chat boards degenerate into argument and bitterness.

I don't see why politics should somehow be off-limits or bother people,
because its not like you can escape it anywhere. It is how you argue, and
I'm afraid the whole lack of civility can be traced back though history to
right-wing groups. Not all right-wingers, or Conservatives, but there are
like criminal gangs that are somehow now acting like they are registered

Dirty tricks are much more common on the Right. The same with terrorist
acts, shootem-up nuts and so-forth. Bad actors somehow have a connection
to the right mostly. Not always, but more than enough to know that it cannot
be false equivalencied away.

So, when a political discussion comes up, there are certain predictable behaviors from people on the Right that if almost immediately offend people, and maybe that is their function. It is basically not productive collaborative conversation, and the goal of the Right is to make that impossible.


This is why (last night)


Youโ€™re not alone. The inmates are running the asylum.


all forums have become political forums. sign of the times.

you'd have to close the forum (just like imdb) to stop it.


Itโ€™s not truly politics. Itโ€™s anger. Sign of the times.

The inmates are running the asylum.


I think it's partially due to the fact that politics is on everyone's minds, and it leaks over onto this website. It also doesn't help that a number of politicians (our president included) have been on tv and count as "actors," which opens up the door to discuss them.

I did find out, however, that there is a political thread to this site, but it's not easy to find on the front page, so most people don't use it unless they have actually found it.
