MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I miss IMDb, man

I miss IMDb, man

I feel like this site will probably be sued. Kind of amazed it hasn't happened yet. Anyways I just joined this place because I miss the IMDb and the part it played in my life (especially the LOST board in 2008 and onwards until The End). It was an almost daily part of my life from when I was 14 until I was 26. I miss the LOST board, of course, I miss the Harry Potter boards and moving on to the board of the next movie in line when it was in production. I miss posting on the board of some actor (or obscure movie) and discovering 6 years later that I'd gotten a reply 3 years ago. I miss how it was always active and always made me feel less alone.

I just wish they'd bring them back as they were, no new features, no added moderation or stricter rules. But I know that's not going to happen. The internet is becoming so impersonal. It's all about money and no longer about communities and human interaction. Youtube's lost, too, it used to be a video social networking site where people made videos and response videos because they liked it. Now it's a corporate site where you need adblock because every video is spammed with ads and if they don't have ads, they have in-video ads(sponsored content) and nothing's real anymore.

I never had much of a social life due to social anxiety so the internet used to help with that (particularly the imdb boards). Now I just feel more alone than ever.

Also can't get used to watching a movie/tv show and not going to its board to talk about it. WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO RANT


I'm guessing everyone that used the message boards on the old IMDB miss something about it. One thing I miss about it is when I did not understand the end of a movie I knew I could talk to people about it there.


You can do that with MovieChat too.


What WOULD be cool if they re-opened it, that way we have more choices....





I don't think you have explored MovieChat as much as you should. You can look up anything on MC,including movies, actors, actresses, news, music, sports. I was a poster on IMDB for years, and I find MC to be just as good. Keep trying.


Nothing wrong with MovieChat but I don't think it has 5 percent of the traffic when looking at old television shows. Many friends that were never heard from again. The lone bright spot is that a couple of real nasty trolls had to find something else to do with their lives.



I'm starting to explore and I like it but ehhhh it looks like a lawsuit waiting to happen due to its design and literally carrying over threads and usernames from imdb. It's a real blast from the past, though!


Imdb relied on user submissions, it listed public information on entertainment properties owned by other companies, and the posts/usernames were all user created.

The only thing imdb owned was their own site code, and this site was coded by its creator on his own. It also functions a bit differently.

No infringement that I see.


This post, from the very early days of MovieChat and written by this site's owner, should help explain lawsuit concern.


I see some of my IMDB posts on MC.


Why do you think MC will get sued? IMDB kicked us off their site. What were we supposed to do, sit on our hands?



stick around.


I just might!


No dicussion = they're dead to me.


well , your home now ....

Identical to imdb , you can talk about any movie here,
'course the readership is a lot less , so that 3 / 6 year thing might be longer :P


The show boards never get hopping here. It's very frustrating. On IMDb you could talk for hours after a new show aired with other folks watching it. The real time chatter about 24 in its heydey was especially amazing. I got nobody to bounce my theorys about Masked Singer off of! Oh well. Definitely a huge hole in my life that hasn't been filled since.


Yeah I remember when LOST was on there was a new post every few seconds, it was rad


You can do that on reddit now with many many tv shows. Not all, but plenty.


I've flirted with reddit for years but I haven't signed up yet.


Really? I gotta give MovieChat some credit. At least there's a website to still start discussions about movies. It's better than nothing. And I don't really understand what you mean by MovieChat getting sued?? The only downside to this website is that the discussions and feedback I get when it comes to talking about movies, doesn't really expand as much as it did when I was on Imdb. But that's only because this website doesn't have that much traffic. Maybe as time goes on it'll get more traffic. But I guess we'll have to wait and see.


It's much better than nothing! I just meant it has the same design, the same boards and even some threads from IMDb were copypasted on here which makes me worry for this site's future

reply is another site you can discuss movies and everything else. It's a lot like MovieChat and IMDB. The more the merrier.


True, linked my old account to all the posts. I'm very grateful to the creators of these websites for preserving everything.
