MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Ever thought you might be a little telep...

Ever thought you might be a little telepathic?

I have thought that a long time throughout my life. I manged to see the future a lot by accident.
For example, I sang a song once in my mind, and 10 minutes later, i walked by someone listening to the song while sitting in their car.
I am a bit psychic. Let people continue believing I am crazy.
I don't give a shit.

Have any of you experienced similar things?


I am thinking of a number between 1 - 1000. What is it ??


Definitely 42.


right on Kreskin !!


I should be a magician!!


That's the answer. The question of course, is what's 7 x 7?



4 of course
Bobby Orr's number


I'm thinking on a character now๐Ÿค”


Yes I used to think I was some kind of telepath until I realised it was just the " Illuminati " beaming things into my mind. Bastards...!


Joking a side, synchronicity is a real thing. Carl Jung ( A famous psychologist that am now in love with) suggested it.
In both science and religion, telepathy is taken more seriously than you might expect.


Who said I was joking...?


I'm very much familiar with that and the story of the scarab beetle.

I went to a live Kreskin performance during his heyday. He claimed he was a mentalist as opposed to a psychic. He had a trademark method of ending his program. His paycheck for the performance would be hidden somewhere in the audience and he would use his skills to locate it. He had failed to find it only a small number of times. I witnessed another rare, failed attempt. The incredible irony was that it was taped underneath the seat he was standing directly in front of when he conceded. I'm not sure if that was a publicity gimmick or not, but it's the moment highlighted in my memory compared to anything else he did that night.


I love it when synchronicity kicks in. The universe throws you signs and seems to line things up for you.

It feels like something that sometimes is in effect and sometimes it isn't, and you can't force it.
Kind of like your planets are in a good alignment (astrology) or biorhythms are high (I'm not saying either of those are a factor or even valid).


it's called coincidence





That's news to me.



Quoting Wikipedia on Synchronicity here:

"Jung used the concept in arguing for the existence of the paranormal. A believer in the paranormal, Arthur Koestler wrote extensively on synchronicity in his 1972 book The Roots of Coincidence. The idea of synchronicity as extending beyond mere coincidence (as well as the paranormal generally) is widely rejected in the academic and scientific community.

Bottom Line: It's coincidence. There has been no evidence to support anyone being telepathic.



Being rejected by the academic community doesn't mean much. For example, Ayn Rands philosophy was rejected by the academic community, yet she became one of the most successful philosophers of the 20th century.


Well actually, it does. And being rejected in the scientific community matters even more. Ayn Rand's philosophy is totally different. She did not hypothesize the paranormal. Synchronicity and the paranormal fall into the same category: Fiction and Ghost Stories. Real science deals with what can be proved. These things have never been proved. So they remain fiction.



I guess that proves it then?



Mister Chicken,
I did not say it proved it. I said that these things have never been proven. Therefore science considers them fiction. Science demands proof, and in this case, there is none. Provide proof, and science and I will re-consider.



Trying to convince others of these kinds of things is a fools errand.

First hand experience is the only way.



As I said, there is no proof of these phenomena. So Science and I must regard them as mere fiction. Sorry.



That's fine with me ๐Ÿ™‚

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.


To be, or not to be. That is the question. Whether tis nobler in the minds of men to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them.



Entangled Photons


Schrodinger's Cat walked into a bar, and didn't.



I was about to post the same thing!





I love you, Stratego.

Oh. Sorry. You already knew that.

What am I wearing? This is a HARD question.





Yes. I knew you were going to ask me that question. BTW, have you ever seen the movie "Final Destination"?



Yes. I thought it was very creepy...


Yes it was. It was also implausible as hell, but entertaining. They've made five more, I think, but I have ignored them.



Yep. What people call psychic/telepathic/clairvoyant/synchronicity, I guess I would call being in tune. I've seen weird things and dreamt weird dreams and had weird experiences that kind of tell me I'm in tune with the universe or something. It's sounds like crap to my own ears, but it's something I've experienced so I know it's not merely coincidence.

I'm bad at things like guessing numbers or images, kind of like Concentration or what I call reverse mirroring. You know, when someone has a picture on a card and they ask you to pick the matching card without seeing the image. When I have to guess something specific, then I'm hopeless. But when it comes to other things...

I once had a friend call me out of the blue and ask me a question and I said the answer before I'd even really heard out or understood the question. This has happened to me many times. I've seen weird things that have made me not turn down certain paths, which I'll hear about later in the news because there was a major accident down that path.

I've also had dreams of places that I then saw in real life - I think I literally cried once because I had dreamed about a place as a kid I'd never been to, then traveled as an adult and ended up in this place in real life by accident and it wasn't a landmark or anything so it's not like I saw it on TV or something.

So, yeah.


I was once startled awake in the middle of the night from a sound sleep and found myself walking toward my telephone. Halfway there, it began to ring. It turned out to be a friend I hadn't heard from in quite awhile, living thousands of miles away. Interesting, unexpected experience, catching up with an old friend in the middle of the night.


How random. But definitely possible. And also, pretty nice.


Indeed Wint3r. I have had similar experiences. Enough to prove the existence of telepathy, precognition, amazing synchronicity etc. beyond doubt to me. But that's far different than convincing someone else. Something I have no desire to do anyway.



Cool. Yes, it's hard to convince someone of this and I have no desire to also, mostly because even knowing what I know, it still seems nuts.


Amazing dude. I believe you.


Thanks, fellow dude.


Telepathy is the ability to read other minds, and perhaps to control them. What you describe about yourself is called precognition, the ability to see the (probable) future. Other forms of psychic ability include clairvoyance (the ability to see ephemeral things), clairaudience (can hear ephemeral things), telekinesis (move objects with the mind) and pyrokenisis (make thing burn with the mind). Some esoteric experts believe that 5 percent of humans have some sort of psychic ability.

What Wint3rFir3 describes sounds like reflexive astral projection. The ectoplasmic astral body, which contains our soul, leaves the physical body and wanders about, remaining connected to our mortal body with a very elastic ectoplasmic umbilical cord. For some of us, there are dreams that are more vivid and solid than ordinary, because they are not imaginary. Our astral body can travel while we sleep, experiencing real places and/or real future events. These โ€œdreamsโ€ are always in full color. The astral body also explains the โ€œout of bodyโ€ experiences so often described by survivors of near-death experiences, who talk about hovering above the scene of their emergency, describing in
full detail how their rescuers saved their lives.


Reflexive astral projection? Sounds cool. I'll have to look this up.


No, I don't recall anything specific, although I've experienced some strange coincidences. I chalk it up to my mind evaluating a situation and predicting a likely scenario based on past experience with the subject - be it a person or an event.
