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Do you want to play a game?

Growing up I used to play a lot of board games.
Still like to play games. Now it's more Cards Against Humanity and things like that.

I still have some .
Clue, Stratego, Payday, Battleship etc...

Also a lot of games like
Hi Ho Cherry‑O, Trouble, Cooties, Don't Spill the Beans etc...

One of my favorites was called Gambler.

What were your favorites growing up ?


Dungeons and Dragons...lived for that game
Axis and Allies was a favorite as well
Chess and Feudal (very similar but Feudal had six armies and geography to deal with)
Darktower was brilliance! One of the early electric can get them on EBay for about $700 now...jeez!
Electric/vibrating football was cool too
And yes...Stratego was quite enjoyable
Any wargame really
I was an enormous nerd😣


Loved that football game.
You could turn the dial to make them go different ways.
The little foam footballs.

Remember the basketball game with the ping pong ball.
You'd pull back the lever and try to make a basket?


Electric Football was a great game
Somehow my cousin kicked my ass everytime and it was really all just chance and luck

No i dont remember that one
But i had a funny game where you fired BB's to advance a 'puck' to the goal from a little plastic pistol
It was sort of like hockey but with much more shooting
I wanna say it was called 'skee' or something?

I was bad at all games to be honest


This was the basketball game

The other game I think was this


Ive never seen the first one but it looks cool

And holy crap Yes!
That was the very one
Goddam i loved that game
I used to beat my kid sister at it til she ran off upset every time
I may have been a jerkface back then...
Nice work godewey!


Cool for the 70's.

Crossfire was a great game.
Jerk face or not if she couldn't hang with big boys get out of the kitchen.
You did it for her own good. Trying to make her a better player.
She should have been paying you.

Ever play any of the Super Jock games?


Nice recall GD!
Yeah she really owes me a 'thanks' for all of the tears 😁

Never heard of 'Super Jock Games' (unless thats one of those porn links i dont click..?)


I don't know much in my life but I know those games.

Super Jock game might be my favorites of all time.
So many hours playing those things.


Looks cool
I guess i missed out


Next time you come over for a sleepover I'll get them out.

I'm all goosepimply thinking about it.


Sounds fun!
See you Friday after school
Ill bring Axis and Allies...well make a whole night of it


I just got a new jar of Ovaltine.

This weekend is going to ROCK.


A good one-on-one game of HORSE on the basketball court with a buddy wasn't only fun but also great practice to keep those athletic skills honed.


Another good one.
We were always outside.

We used to play a game called One bounce and one called lightening.
I noticed the older I got the shorter amount of time I could play these games.
I think it had something to do with the newer basketballs. 😉


When I was a child, I guess about 6 (?) maybe, I once cut the electric cord off of one of those electric vibrating football games and then plugged the cut off cord into the wall to see what would happen. Learned a valuable lesson that day. Don't do that.


Been there
My step mom tossed a busted blender and i salvaged it to make a BB machine gun with a length of pvc pipe and the made total sense when i was 12
It shorted out the whole house including the heat
Im lucky to be alive (pop dukes nearly killed me)


I remember it sent a bolt of electricity flying across my room, which fortunately did not start a fire, and blew a breaker. I guess I got off luckier than you did.


It seems you were about as stupid as i was
I think i just made a good friend⚡️⚡️⚡️


When I was a kid I made an arc welder out of a flower pot and some carbon rods salvaged from batteries. I had a cord hooked into the house power into a bucket of salt water. The other end of the bucket had the other end of the power line into the welder. I would add salt to the water to increase the current. My poor mom put up with all my tinkering. God rest her soul.


lol, kids...


I'm glad you guys enjoy me so much!


Now I get your name.

Small world you'd have the same name as a game.


That's no concidence. You know what a player I am. Games are my life. Especially strip poker. Or Go Fish.


With me it's more a barrel of monkeys.


Now that's animal abuse! You disappoint me, Dewey!


It's not that bad. Pretty nice layout.
I'm right down there in it.


So Milton Bradley is your dad?


Yo, Stratego is a Dutch game, so my father's name is "Jumbo". I'm sure you can imagine why.



'Put up with' is more like it


Hey, those were your own words! "Stratego was quite enjoyable". Read it again!


I meant the board game you crazy woman😡

Youre just an annoyance that i have to put up with...
And can you stop wearing those boots...its very distracting!


I can't. It's raining really hard and I don't want my feet to get wet! Dang, you think you're easy to live with, Shogie?!


Oh you know im easy😘
On second thought keep the boots and fetch the paddle!


Yeah we sold an incomplete Darktower game for $200. Got the tower working so that makes the $$$ add up.


Couldn't help but make the connection of your title to Joshua, the computer in War Games.


I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

You gotta give the people something familiar.


Hello professor Falcon


Hello my friend.

I'm working at relating to the common people.



One of my favorite movies.


Great movie.
I'm sure it's due to be destroyed, errr, sorry be remade.


Poker,airplanes and other games that includes cards,not to mention football.


Did you play poker when you were a kid?

What other kind of card games do you play over there?


21,i think you know this as black - jack,of course without money😉


Did you play for rabbits?




I just thought instead of money you used rabbits. 😉
Maybe not.


We were to young for hunting😉


I still meet weekly with my four friends from high school. We have played a lot of games over the years. One of my favorites was a cheesy game called Heroscape, which was like one of those hexagon based video games, like Dark Wizard, or Panzer General, except, uh, not video. We called it "Nerdscape." We mostly just play hold'em nowadays though.


So many of those games out there now.
We always have a great time getting together and playing games.
Alcohol of course helps.


We definitely played Battleship and Clue. Also Operation. I still remember the tv ad for it. “It takes a very steady hand...”

There was another game, the name of which escapes me, where you dropped a chip down a vertical chute and had to get a certain number of your color chips in a row. Simple but fun.

Uno is one card game I used to love.


I think it might be Connect Four.

I used to have a carrom board too. Kind of like a pool table but with plastic rings.

I just remembered I had the Mad Magazine Game. That game was a trip.


Connect 4 was it, thanks.


I remember that commercial too.

The sister beats the brother and he says "pretty sneaky sis".


We played a lot of Parcheesi and Sorry. I remember playing Booby Trap and Chutes & Ladders, too. Crazy Eights and Old Maid. Can't forget Twister!


Those are great ones.

That reminded me of a game call Pit. A card game with a bell I think.
Mille Bornes was another one. Something about traveling.

Did you ever play Tripoley?


I forgot about Pit. I don't remember Tripoley.

Did you ever have a Carrom board? We did, but I think we played about three out of the 100 games you can play on it. Things always got rowdy after a couple of games, so my mom pretty much called a halt to the "festivities."


I just mentioned a carrom board. So much fun.
So basic but we spent hours playing it.

I may have gotten a few more than 3 but nowhere close to 100.
I remember one side had an indentation on it where the plastic piece would fit on one of the games.

Did you use the cue or did you flick it with your finger?


Oops, sorry - I missed your earlier carrom comment. We tried the cues but I seem to recall they didn't work all that well. Or maybe we were just lousy players. So yes, we ended up using our fingers.


No need to apologize I'm glad somebody out there actually had one.

Yes, I agree fingers seemed to be the way to go.





Remember Kerplunk - it was so stupid. Still around apparently.


I do remember Kerplunk.

I had forgotten about that one.
Pull the sticks without letting the balls fall right?


yes played with marbles I think


There was another game called Stay Alive that was similar.

We so much fun playing those games.
