
Vprst (20)


Not a fan of "fan-favorite" Elaine He is the Penguin. View all posts >


O. Orca (1977) Antichrist (2009) Yep. Went from gritty sci-fi horror, To flashy Arnold Schwarzenegger action/buddy-comedy. I watched an interview the other day where he talked about his shirts. It's on YouTube I believe. He is using the same shirts he wore in season 1, except now he has them tailored to fit better and dyes them blue. Did I call it? Your definition of a psychopath is so wrong. Why do people try to teach others about shit they have no idea about. You have no actual idea. I thought the same thing from the teasers at the last reunion show. Thought it was going to be players from the past who made huge mistakes. Friday the 13th NES I always thought these movies were imitating life rather than life imitating art. Some messed up shit happened in the cities. Yeah we sold an incomplete Darktower game for $200. Got the tower working so that makes the $$$ add up. View all replies >