MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Cold Weather Advice

Cold Weather Advice

Here's some advice for the really cold spree that's coming, for anyone that want's it,

A - keep the water trickling out on all sinks to keep the water flowing and help keep it from freezing

B - keep the cabinet doors in the sink base open so that heat can help keep the pipes warm,

C - don't lower the heat at night, keep it the same temp as you would in the day time, that keeps the circulators running so the water doesn't freeze,

It will cost a bit more on your bills but a very small price to pay should your pipes freeze which could go into the thousands fixing frozen pipes,

it would be nice if others could add to this list.


The MOST important advice is to take pets INDOORS.
Livestock must have shelter and water free fro freezing.

In my state it is a FELONY to leave out dogs for more than 30 min if the temperature is 32 degrees or below.


Best advice: move someplace warm.


Southern states are presently getting hammered as well, Kane but I've definitely entertained the notion of being a " snowbird " often during the past several years.


I am literal, and was not thinking of the USA, save for Hawaii, in my suggestion. Go tropical. Go island. Get the hell out of the cold. The worst part of Hell is not flames. The worst, most wicked, most soul-less part of Hell is snow-ash.

As I have said before, Kane is not my family name. My name is R_Kane, and that is how people address me.


Oooh...another one of your touchy moods you're gonna blame on the full moon ? 🙄


I like being touched, by comely ladies.


I seriously doubt that you get much if any of that .


stay inside as much as possible


D - The cold temperatures outside can cause ice to form on windows, and then thaw during the day. Check your window sills in the morning, to see if they need a quick drying with a rag.


Idling in winter thus has no benefit to your (presumably modern) car. Auto experts today say that you should warm up the car no more than 30 seconds before you start driving in winter. "The engine will warm up faster being driven," the EPA and DOE explain. Indeed, it is better to turn your engine off and start it again than to leave it idling. (As many readers pointed out after this post was first published, it's always important to be careful driving in winter, and clear your windshield of any ice.)

So idling does nothing for your vehicle, but it does have several big (and avoidable) costs: Wasting fuel, and giving off greenhouse gas emissions and other types of pollution.


Also, idling a car is considered illegal in some areas if it's stolen as a result.


If you have a toilet against an exterior wall, the line feeding it can freeze in extreme cold even if you keep the faucet trickling. To prevent that, you can either keep the heat at no less than 70F constantly or you can keep a trickle of water running into the toilet. (See:

I use a trickle charger on my car battery whenever the temperature falls below 20F.


my son called me today and said the water line to the toilet was frozen which is on an out side wall, luckily we were able to find the frozen pipe and it only took a couple of minutes to thaw it out, it could have been worse had the pipes not been insulated, but they were, all other faucets were trickling,
I think it's a good idea to set the toilet feed to just trickle, it becomes a pain when you have to use the bathroom but not as bad as tearing out walls and paying thousands to plumbers.
excellent idea BeExcellent.


Advice: bundle up, and stay inside.


will that stop the toilet from freezing?


No, but it will keep me from freezing. I don't know a lot about domestic upkeep.


I'm hanging on for the heat wave we're supposed to get this coming Sunday: 26 degrees! That's above zero. Last weekend it was -25 when we woke up Sunday morning. We've had below zero temps every day since Christmas Eve, so 26 above is going to feel almost spring-like.


Time to break out the shorts!


Hotter then where i live😉


"Hotter then where i live😉"
After reading your, "We in Romania have the coldest weather EVER" posts, I just have one question.......
IS THIS A CONTEST????? If so, I have no problem with you winning.
Personally? most of us in Canada and the States have had our fill. I am ready for 26 degrees above 0 F. After two weeks of this crap?????
YOU WIN! I'm not sure of what the prize is......
YES I DO!!!!!
YOU ARE ONE MISERABLE HUMAN BEING!!! You obviously enjoy it.....


Wow, Miss Margo, we must be psychically linked! I was just thinking along these lines, of how this always turns into a pissing contest :


LOL!!!! What is it with some people? Is he tired of us bitching and complaining, or is he trying to win this pissing (and moaning) contest???
I'll gladly ship this weather to Romania. He can have it all! From what he says, he can obviously handle it.
Do I care? NO! Let him win his pissing contest! I hope that he gets stuck in the freezing cold with his hands on the throttle and that long yellow Popsicle jetting out between him and the frozen ground!
I'm not in this for the prize. I just want two digit numbers when I see the weather report!
Those digits had better be ABOVE zero!


Well, it's clearly about one upmanship, trying to appear tougher & superior. Those of us that are more mature know it's really about practical, problem solving survival strategies.


Whew! I'm fine now. Just felt ......
Not sure about how I felt..... 😉
I just swiped his smile. Feel pretty good now.


Good, just hunker-down and ride out the winter like you've done many times before.


Will do! From the news, I see that there is no place to go. Even the snowbirds are having to deal with this crap!
We are in this together. I'm just so glad that I'm not living in Romania. I understand that I could have it so much worse!


Butting in again MissMargo.

Last February there were 60- 70 degree temps. We forget but they were there.
Let's hope we can match that again or even half of that and I'll be happy.


Me too! Let us pray!
Sorry about my rant. I am just so fed up when it comes to, who's button is bigger?


You know I always love your rants, mostly because they're spot on!!




Right back at you hermosa.


I'm at the other extreme in the land down under. We're preparing for 41 degrees Celsius, about 106 in Fahrenheit I think, in the next couple of days. I'll be dreaming of snow.


We're getting a bunch of it today, I'll send you some.


Pleased to meet you!
I just read this
And now i hate you;)


Pleased to meet you too. I hate the heat so.....


I wish someone would create a site for people who want to swap homes for a few can freeze and i can sweat
And i promise to not tarnish the good silverware
Ive got coyotes and black bears...youve got 'roos and the scariest snakes on Earth
Even trade?
I was just kidding btw...Aussies are held in very high regard here in the States
We love you and ive personally never met an Aussie who wasnt good people


now that's a knahph


I dont know what knahph means
And now i need to
You brought it up yawkee...


in the movie "crocodile Dundee" he and his girlfriend are getting mugged by a guy that pulls a 6" knife on them, Dundee laughs and says "that's a knife?" he then reaches in his back and pulls out a 20" machete and says.... here it comes..... "NOW THAT'S A KNAHPH (knife)"


I really thought that was a Yiddish term no lie!!!
Get the dunce cap lol


not your fault, I was trying to write it like he said it with the Aussie accent, nice try but no cigar


Yeah. It's funny how there's that perception of us. We do have our share of bigots, right wing conservatives, rednecks, left leaning politically correct nutjobs and general assholes though.


Dont we all
Be well


just cracked -20 celsius here in Toronto


Hope it's not too late to mention anti-freeze for the radiator. I get lazy and don't bother to check, but it rarely gets below freezing where I live. But I did buy a jug recently and added to the reservoir.


Excellent idea.



great to mention the radiator, all cars are filled with anti-freeze/coolant, which is a very strange chemical, sort of a contradiction and a mystery to me, it helps the water in the radiator from freezing by keeping it warm in the winter, then helps to keep the water cool in the summer, very strange.
