MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Movies they couldnt make today...

Movies they couldnt make today...

Yours could be very popular, a cult classic or an all time legend...or anything that suits your tastes really...
Blazing Saddles for me ( the racial humor was hilarious and made asses out of the racists...Nobody greenlights that sort of thing today...its not PG13...)


Revenge of the Nerds (1984). Gay stereotypes, Asian (Japanese) stereotype, Skolnick's "seduction" scene. For television All in the Family even though it was never written to glorify Archie's attitudes on race, politics, and sexuality.


Agreed on both
Nerds wouldnt be nearly as funny
AITF what a show!
Nobody has the balls to do that...even tho the whole point was the march of a mean dumbass towards his own humiliation each episode...


There was also the illegal surveillance scene with the Pis.


Yes...funny then
Bit creepy looking back
Same with Porkys...


I don't know, man. They're making movies like The Human Centipede. I don't think there's anything you _can't_ make somewhere.


Btw that was some really sick...nevermind


If we're going to broaden this discussion to include films that would have to be severely dumbed down to appeal to audiences who are more desensitized and stupid than the audiences for there originals were, well then:

every Marx Brothers movie

every W. C. Fields movie

every Kurosawa movie

2001: A Space Odyssey


We already have a 2001: A Space Odyssey that was dumbed down. It's called Interstellar! Oooh, black holes make time wonky. Mind-bending! Fuckin' Nolan...


I haven't seen that, Mina, but I'm sorry to hear that Chris Nolan created something like that. He's been my favorite current director.


Oh, it's Chris, is it? I have a love/hate thing with Nolan (NOLAAN!) where I'd like to love him, but I hate him. So as far as Interstellar is concerned, that might skew my feelings about it some.


First of all: you always interest me. Greatly.

Second of all, please share your distaste for this film with me.

Finally,and l think most important of all, will
you be my friend with me ?


None of these are my taste, but they're ones that stand out after I've been made aware of them.

- Gone With The Wind (1939) Mammy, no way that character would fly now
- The Birth of a Nation (1915) blackface, KKK (already mentioned, but yea it was bad)
- Freebie and the Bean (1974) brownface, derogatory homosexual references, race jokes, hitting women (probably more, but I never finished it)

For ones I've watched and enjoy

- Dumbo (1941) the racist crows, Dumbo getting drunk 'underage'
- Sixteen Candles (1984) Long Duk Dong and the gong sound


You didn't actually read through this topic before posting. It's considered polite, and mature.


@R_Kane Excuse me?
If you're refering to my mention of 'The Birth of a Nation (1915)', I did clearly point out that I saw it was already mentioned.

Otherwise I read, agreed with most, and contributed my own opinion. Just as you're doing now :)


The Mammy character would have to go for sure


I have to check out Freebie and the Bean.


Im intrigued now too tbh...


The thing is, everything could be made today, but it will just get Disney-fied or put on Nickelodeon. I remember watching Adventures in Babysitting (1987) as a kid - that got remade last year, I think. It definitely wasn't the same movie - a movie for teens and adults became a movie made for ten year olds and under.

Isn't that what we're always saying - Hollywood has no new ideas? Everything will get remade, but made worse usually.


"Spotlight" certainly couldn't be made during the Production Code's reign since the Code banned speaking ill of the clergy in any way.


A Clockwork Orange is the one that jumps out for me. The first reason being for it's style, because nothing done these days is even close to that. The second is controversy. As controversial as it was in the 70's, these days people would call for it to be burned and forced to apologize for it even existing.


Hmm thats a good example...
They would certainly not do it justice today




Just about every Italian genre film 70s-80s. 😀


Three Men & a Baby: by title alone they'd be accused of pedophilia. Or they'd be expected to get married.


Maybe change it to Three Men and a Sugar Baby.
