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Strange But True ?

I was listening to radio show a few weeks ago.
They were discussing myths, old wives tales or whatever you want to call it.

They were particularly talking about myths surrounding women who are menstruating.
Two that I can remember-

Don't make mayonnaise during or the milk will curdle.
Don't shower during because the water will absorb in the skin and will make it last longer.

There must be a lot of these myths out there depending on where you live
and your culture. Some of the them sound very strange. Maybe some are true.

Wait 1 hr. after you eat before you go swimming.
Don't open an umbrella inside or you'll have bad luck .

One I remember from my days in Arizona.
If you watch a lunar eclipse during your pregnancy, your baby will have a cleft lip.

Anybody have any other ones?


Don't make that face, or your face will stay that way!


"I Am the FBI."


Good one
Heard it too!







If your nose gets itchy youre gonna have a fistfight

If you see a mouse on the floor while clothes-shopping...very bad news is ahead

Catch a SeaRobin from the deep when fishing...cut it open and chuck it back in




So somebody somewhere is talking about Baby all the time?




The same saying here too...


We have the same thing, but it's if your ears are red, not ringing.


Same as here, if you ears are red or burning someone is talking about you.


If you break a mirror you'll get bad luck.

Also if you walk under a ladder.


It's also supposed to be bad luck to put a hat on the bed.


And to open an umbrella indoor.


Ha! I still won't do that.


The testers in the umbrella sweatshop factories in China they all have bad luck I guess. That's why they all are umbrella testers in sweatshops in China!



That comment is hilarious.



Isn't it funny how these things from childhood stick with us? I can never bring myself to step on those cracks in the sidewalks.



It's a scary thought!


Do you knock on wood ?


I do, and if I have to because none around I'll use my head. LOL.


Somehow this doesn't surprise me. ;)


And why is that? hehe Our family growing up though was so religious and superstitious it was unreal. No wonder all my generation are the way we are. LOL


That explains it. I've been wondering why. I never put it all together. Makes total sense. 🙄


"Do you knock on wood ?"

Do you ever listen to that song? I have often wondered what that was all about.
Sorry...... I'm just a dirty old lady.




HA! Nice to know I am not alone.






Supposed to bring bad luck!


croft? I'm here. If you are wondering what stepping on sidewalk cracks means, it is just an old and silly superstition here in the states......
Step On A Crack, Break Your Mother's Back.
We use to say this when we were kids. It seems silly,, but it sticks with you when you are a child. You really don't want something bad to happen to your mother..... not unless she has always been cruel to you! If that is the case???? STOMP ON THOSE CRACKS IN THE SIDEWALKS!!!!


I was told it's bad luck to put a hat on a table.


I was thinking about superstitions. Besides the well-known black cat crossing your path, don't walk under a ladder, breaking a mirror means 7 years of bad luck, how about...

An itchy right palm means you're due for a financial windfall. Scratch it and you'll lose out. If your left palm itches, it means the opposite - you're in for some financial pain. I don't remember if scratching the left one was supposed to cancel it.

Or how about bad luck comes in threes? Friday the 13th? Crossing your fingers for good luck, but only on one hand. If you do both, it's bad luck.





People die in threes.


Can't wait for Friday the 13th next week! Is anyone else also a little excited for that day too?


I think 13 is my lucky number. In 2013 I: got my AAS degree (at a 'mature" age), sold my house in 13 days, moved from lot 13 (legal description) to another lot 13 on 13th Ave, and got a new job. I decided if 13 was at all bad for me before, that year it got flipped to the good column.



Yeah, a lot of primitive cultures banished women to the "menstrual hut" during their periods.

In some parts of South Asia, women are isolated during menstruation. In 2005, in Nepal, the Supreme Court abolished the practice of chhaupadi, keeping women in cow-sheds during menstruation.[42]

Many religions have menstruation-related traditions, for example the laws of Niddah in Judaism. These may ban certain actions during menstruation (such as sexual intercourse in some movements of Judaism and Islam), or rituals performed at the end of each menses (such as the mikvah in Judaism and the ghusl in Islam). Some traditional societies sequester women in residences called "menstrual huts" that are reserved for that exclusive purpose.

Although most Christian denominations do not follow any specific or prescribed rites for menstruation, the Western civilization, which has been predominantly Christian, has a history of menstrual taboos, with menstruating women having been believed to be dangerous.[39][40]







"Also it's very strange how women who live or work together synchronize.Must be quite scary for the men in their lives."

I remember five of us girls living at home, all, the ripe age. All of us with different cycles! One or two of us was always out of sorts! a living Hell for our father, indeed! And as if that weren't enough, my stepmother was going through her change during that time.



"Haha! Poor fella,did he spend a lot of time in his shed?"

He was definitely a quiet man, and smart enough to stay as far away from us as possible!

Oh, I really do believe these sort of superstitions come from what happens to women during pms!
I also wouldn't be surprised if a great number of murders have occurred during premenstrual psychosis.
Menopause is a rough ride as well! I applaud my husband to this day for hanging in there with me during that time when it all started. Talk about a crazy bitch! There were times while I'd be talking, and even as I spoke, I couldn't believe what I was saying! All I can say is that if I ever needed proof that my husband loved me, it was during those first couple of years of the change. Had it been me? I might have left, never to return!


If you drop a spoon, company is coming over.


I know it as a fork means a woman, a knife means a man and a spoon was either a child or a family - can't remember.


If you have money in your pocket when the cuckoo is singing,then you'll have plenty of them the entire year.

When the owl sing,someone will die.


How often does the cuckoo sing ?

If a bird gets loose in the house there will be a death in the family.



Only once...yes,they sing in the springtime,but not only one cuckoo.


I know the bird one and it actually happened to my uncle.




Yup. It was like 20 years ago but the bird flew in the attic the morning he died. I went over to get rid of it.









And knees clicking...


