MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Anyone else been disappointed by movies ...

Anyone else been disappointed by movies the last few years?

Over the last 3 or 4 years, I haven't been truly be enamored with a film. Any film. You know, those kind of films where you watch soon after and watch it many, many times over. Those films that make you happy to just think about. Those movies where you could watch any day of the week. Those movies where you can spot all the mistakes and grasp all of the hidden meanings.

I feel like movies now are just trying way too hard to be different and are quite self-indulgent. All action movies are just slammed with CGI and completely avoid practical effects. Why can't we have another good Jurassic Park? Movies now seem like rehashes, reboots, sequels, comic book adaptations of obscure characters. I mean, why not an original comic book film created specifically for a movie?

I've always loved non-Hollywood movies but I am finding myself loving non-Hollywood movies more and more.


I don't know, I felt quality of Hollywood movies are about the same whether in 1990s or 2010s.

For the last 3-4 years, movies that I enjoyed multiple times are...
Edge of Tomorrow, Rush, Whiplash and Ex Machina.

And then there are movies I enjoyed quite immensely (but not multiple viewings)...
Silence, Moonlight, Logan, Hacksaw Ridge, Sicario, Mad Max: Fury Road and Deadpool.

So, I guess I'm good.


I liked all those movies you mentioned. I saw Deadpool twice (didn't intend to. Saw it with friends in the theatre.) Edge of Tomorrow is maybe the only one I could watch a few times. I don't know if I'm expecting too much or if other people feel this way.

reply,i miss the old good movies with good stories,now days there are more special effects with no story.After i saw for what reason sony delayed the final chapter,i was indeed dissaponted,but now i have other priorities.πŸ˜‰

The extraordinary is in what we do,not who we are.


"The extraordinary is in what we do,not who we are."

Sorry. This is off the topic, but I was just curious. Is that a quote from one of the Final Chapter movies that you like?
Somehow, it just doesn't seem quite right to me. I've always believed it to be the other way around. The extraordinary is who we are.... NOT what we do.
We can do anything we set out to do if we want it badly enough. That is what makes us and who we are extraordinary.
Don't mind me. I'm just over thinking it. lol!


I will reveal the source for you,MissMargo

"A famous explorer once said that the extraordinary is in what we do,not who we are.I finally set out to make my mark,to find adventure,but instead adventure found me."

Lara Croft - Tomb Raider (2013)πŸ˜‰


I see. Thank you.


you welcomeπŸ˜‰


I don't think today's movies are lower quality than yesteryear's. However, lately I believe we do have more disapointments.

Maybe it's because of marketing of movies are exponentially stronger, resulting in unprecedented hype surrounding every AAA release. The hype were so high practically left no room except for underdelivery.

In just the last 3-4 years I was underwhelmed by...
Jurassic World, Star Wars: The Force Awaken, Star Trek Beyond, Jack Reacher: Never Go Back, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Suicide Squad, X-Men: Apocalypse, La La Land, Beauty and the Beast, Baywatch, Ghostbusters, Ghost in the Shell, The Accountant, Finding Dory, Fantastic Four, Spectre, Jupiter Ascending, Gods of Egypt, Jason Bourne, Warcraft, Terminator: Genisys and Independence Day: Resurgence.

Those all are movies that should be great (and hyped really high) but turned out really lame. Negative feelings are stronger than positive feelings so we are left with sour taste in the mouth for so many years we feel recent movies can never be good anymore.

So yes, we are expecting too much. Yet it's because of their own marketing schemes that are making our expectations impossibly high.


I've been feeling this way since the early 2000s.


5 of the top 10 domestic box office movies this week are either sequels, remakes or franchise continuations. This is my biggest issue with Hollywood.
Some weeks it's as high as 7 of the top 10. Hollywood takes no chances anymore and is determined to regurgitate the same movies in the name of mass appeal.


I almost stopped attending movie theaters. Mostly washed out big budgeted non-sense and few of them are good (Mad Max and Pacific Rim immediately come to my mind). These movies can't produce great directors or actors - they consume them. And it is so ridiculous when these movies pose as serious. I had too much hard time restraining myself from laughting at The Dark Knight Rises.

Hollywood is walking on thin ice with all those comic book movies and crappy remakes and reboots. They alienated the audience. Few flops and everything will go under.


I don't know about that. Comic book movies trend is hard to predict. We already got more than few flops like The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Fantastic Four, Batman v Superman, Suicide Squad, X-Men: Apocalypse and a lukewarm one which was Doctor Strange. Yet they came back shooting straight up with Deadpool, Logan and now Wonder Woman.

I want to see more action movies other than comicbook movies, but to be honest... If I have to choose between comicbook movies vs say, Die Hard 6 or another Daniel Craig James Bond, or even a new Star Trek, I still pick the comicbook movies.


All the movies that people rave about or seem appealing in the previews have been either a fucking bore or just plain awful.

I walked out of Inherent Vice
Gravity was annoying
Interstellar was a fucking mess
Birdman was okay but kinda flat
The Revenant was meh

and I leave the theater shaking my head thinking people actually think these movies are great? Do they not have standards or any taste? Are they newborn babies and these are the first movies they've ever seen? Do they just want to complete shut their brain off and stare at pretty images?

Then I see Horrible Bosses 2 and people are bashing the hell out of it, and it's nothing but original jokes and plot with great pacing and no bad lulls. I dunno. I give up trying to figure it out.


More like the past decade at the very least


I hadn't rewatched a movie close after the first viewing since... forever, until Mad Max: Fury Road came along. Yes, it's a sequel, but you can see the craft and care that went into it. But that one is the exception.

I've never really been a huge fan of the big spectacle movies, but in recent years I don't even expect something to be dumb fun like Independence Day, or Armageddon even. I watch one of those Superhero movies and it's just Bland Blandness, with a side serving of Blah... And if it's not bland, it's a confusing mess of... stuff. Or a Dark Retelling (Damn you Nolan!).

But still, there's a blip sometimes. Nightcrawler was great. Denis Villeneuve makes interesting stuff. Birdman and The Revenant were if nothing else, ambitious. I'll even put Guardians of the Galaxy and Logan here, because they at least had some character. (There are probably others, that I can't think of right now).

I hope we're approaching a tipping point with these rebootquels. The audience must get tired of them at some point. And maybe we'll see a new wave of directors that want to flip the order, hopefully.


The last fairly recent movie I saw in a theater was Lion. Very good. Otherwise I just get dvds from the library and watch them ..... a lot of classics like Snows of Kilimonjaro, or anything with Brando or Di Nero.


I agree, sam. There have been some good movies, but no great ones imho.

