MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Absurd censoring of comments on Movie Ch...

Absurd censoring of comments on Movie Chat

Someone made a joke referring to themselves as "The Jerk"(1979) and I tried to respond with a sarcastic quip, "I knew you were a jerk. ;)", but that comment is not allowed("Uh oh! Your post appears to violate the MovieChat Community Standards. Please consider rephrasing your post and try again").
Censoring does more harm than good and this is excessive to the point of absurdity.
Am I going to have to find a different forum that actually allows normal conversation?
Even if it was a serious remark and I really was calling him a jerk, that is hardly something that should be censored.
Do jerks get a free pass now?
Sarcasm and humor are now vastly limited to ensure no one gets their feelers hurt?
Is this site a safe space?



Thanks, I might end up migrating over there.



Stay here, guy. A well-known troll with about 1000 socks just gave you that info


Yeah, I think it was recently implemented because another member had made a comment like "Not trying to sound like a d!ck" and it went through. Of course, when she had written it, it was without the exclamation point taking the place of an "i". When I had written my response to it, using that word; I had the same error you did.

I guess we just have to play by the rules. Words can definitely hurt someone and on this forum, conversations were actually escalating to that point.



They can mentally. People can get psyched out just by the time, place, and words used.



You have never seen people enraged online. Some people have mental instability and come on these forums and this is why they need to be protected. I have had so many people go off on me all ready and the discussion started out civil. LOL



Hi, bennie



Bye, little bennie. Reported, troll.


Sticks and stones...
I guess the average person is too immature and emotionally unstable to understand and abide by a kindergarten adage.

Censoring will not stop people being rude or mean. The collective lexicon will just make new words with the same demeaning definition to avoid the censoring, or just type things differently, e.g. D!ck, J3rk, Fvker, etc...
Before "r3tarded"(the "R" word, lol) was labeled taboo(not PC) it was a medical term(and still is though not common), same with "m0r0n", "id!ot", and "imbec!le"(all levels or stages of mental r3tardation). Now "mentally challenged" is the new "R" word(yet hasn't made it to the black list yet) so they are once again trying to change it to "minimally exceptional"(lol), but eventually that will be used in the common vernacular to mean the same exact thing, and they will have to find yet another euphemism.
It is a pointless endeavor that only limits our ability to practice free speech, which is extremely threatening to a free society. That is the reason any censorship is inherently a slippery slope: it will always be abused whenever possible and/or convenient and is not aligned with the ideology of most western cultures.

I have been called the worst names and followed by people posting hateful remarks. I am yet to report a single one. I simply move along or add them to ignore(rarely even ignore: I do not throw the baby out with that bath water or avoid things that make me uncomfortable, quite the contrary. Also, even the most uncivilized people can make good comments).

"Someone had their feelings hurt" is not a logical reason to censor and it sure isn't effective.

Offense is taken, not given.


Free speech and the first amendment only applies to the government over the people, not people to people. This is a private forum and so it has rules we have to abide by. This forum is not run by the government.


When did I mention the 1st amendment? You think censorship should be accepted on public forums? That is a slippery slope...
"any censorship is inherently a slippery slope: it will always be abused whenever possible and/or convenient and is not aligned with the ideology of most western cultures."


I understand сunt or fъck, but jеrk? Is it that offensive?

I agree with you, that people are going to find a work-around the word filters. People were doing that on IMDb, as well. So, it is a bit pointless, in that sense. I doubt people would self-correct, and use better language, because of a filter. It'll also impede on quoting things, that might be relevant to discussions.

But, you're still able to express an opinion, even if you have to add the !@#$'s to words.

And, as arvin said, I don't think free speech laws really apply here. Not to mention that those come with responsibilities as well. People also have the right NOT to be insulted and called names. That door swings both ways.

EDIT: I also found how to trick the filter!


When did I mention free speech laws? You think censorship should be accepted on public forums? That is a slippery slope...
"any censorship is inherently a slippery slope: it will always be abused whenever possible and/or convenient and is not aligned with the ideology of most western cultures."

"People also have the right NOT to be insulted and called names."
NO. No one has that right. Not in a free society. You seem to hate freedom unless it makes everyone happy all the time. Reality check: That is not how it works.


This place is ruined now. Once word gets out that it is overzealously moderated it will have no chance of growing.


When members of a simple, fun, movie-oriented thread such as ' Emoji movie game ' start receiving completely inexplicable warnings, yeah.......that's the handwriting on the wall.



It's a bot doing that. More a glitch then mods in this case. Additionally, rondain is no other then our not-beloved bennie


Is this a moderator who sent you that message after you posted it, or an automated thing that popped up when you tried to post it?
If that word jerk is somehow blocked, it allowed you to use it many times in this post, so I'm a bit confused.


"Uh oh! It looks like you're doing that too often. Please wait a minute and try again."

that is a bad wording for a flood control warning.


I knew you were a jerk

tested posting that sentence all by itself and got the automated warning.
This is not a moderator doing this, it's a bot.
it does seem to allow it when it's got other sentences in te post though.


Definitely a bot


and everyone's dogpiling on Mod 2 when jim wrote the bot code.
I don't like a dogpile when people don't even take the time to see what the real issue is before blaming someone.


This case is a bot. But Mod2 has indeed, or at least was indeed, unfairly nagging many people.



But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo
what the hell am I doing here

just testin



It's spelled with a "c."

This site is starting to suck heiney.


I just got a block from the censor too. I was commenting on how I thought most shows were not worth watching and I was told my original post violated community standards......uh without us there would not be these posting boards in the first place. We are your standards so let us define what we think is appropriate.


That is a negative. You must enjoy all shows you watch because this is If you are negative about any shows, then you must be negative on joining movie chat.

The site just wants you to like all movies/shows that you watch...


I am sick of reading your obscene, obsequious words indicating a total abject and slavish devotion to authority--in this case, the powers that be on Moviechat who are allowing for the enormously controversial moderating, now apparently being performed by bots (although this situation may have resolved itself the past few days since I was last on). Excessive moderation/censorship is killing the future of this site. People like yourself who enthuasiastically applaud every effrontery to free speech and justify it in a thousand ways, will invariably spell doom for Moviechat. The site will begin to get a terrible reputation on other boards and will continue to dwindle in traffic.


Profanity filter was just an experiment that was abandoned. Things are back to normal.


Amen. We make the content that draws others, and we cost nothing.


Cunt... just checking.




It worked! Must have been approved by the cunt mod2!




ITS A BOT that is blocking swear words and other words.
jim wrote the bot.
mod2 had nothing to do with this specific issue.


This is a bad omen for this site, if true. If Jim wants to curb usage of some words, maybe he could do what other sites do, turn those words into little stars ****, similar to what IMDb used to do. Not censor the whole text, that's silly.

BTW, since when is the word "jerk" unacceptable word? That's a censorship gone mad.


EVEN WORSE, the word "shut" is censored!! 😂😂😂😂


This is madness!


Yep, it is. But, the system is mad glitchy. So it's extremely easy to get around it. If a word doesn't go through the first time, just try adding other words to it or other lines and it'll go right through. Just don't tell Jim, shhhh... lol 😉😉😉😉


I think he just doesn't want very short replies that have insulting words in them, like if it's only one sentence "you're a #$%&" then that is not useful or relevant discussion, that's just childish insult flinging,
but it is allowed as part of a longer reply because then it's more likely to be a legitimate discussion. I don't think it's a loophole, I think it's intentional.


Well on another thread, we couldn't post the movie title "Eyes Wide Shut" because of the word "shut". Intentional or not, it's useless.


Well, seems that Jim screwed something up. We'll have to wait for him to fix it.

When he does, I hope he'll ask as our opinion on what are unacceptable words. We are part of it after all.

P.S. tragic thing is that Ben and his troll buddies probably made Jim write the filter script by deliberately reporting everything they could think of, and Jim bought it.


I wish he'd put more time and effort into a block button so I could block all you pests!! 😜😜😜😜


Exactly. Agreed.


Actually it's very easy to circumvent:

Oops, shit!
etc. (basically you can write anything you want.)


LOL, yup, exactly. I replied to you before I saw this. 😂


Oh, it's just a bot? This is good news since bots don't discriminate against political sides, unlike humans.


Bots can also discriminate, it depends on the programmer.



We all forget that part. Bots are only as good as their owners programmed them to be.

But then, who programmed Skynet O_o?


Miles Dyson
