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What Bothers You Most About the Movie Industry?

Emphasis on stupid movies, lack of attention to great movies, certain cliches, anything you want... Curious to read your responses.


They all kiss each others a$$es! Panderers all of them. Can't stand any of them.


Announcing cinematic universes before even one movie in the universe has been released. If you want people to get on board with what you're doing, make the best film(s) that you can and let the ticket buyers decide if the franchise continues.

The whole concept of a cinematic universe has been kind of lame ever since The Avengers broke that cherry. The MCU was a cool surprise when it all came together. I don't think anyone can top that.

Any chance you have at making a good first movie is instantly derailed when it's only function is to set up 50 years worth of sequels.


Who needs stakes, when you have 20 more of the same movie to look forward to?


So true... I wish people with money are reading this.


Hopefully people will get tired of it soon, and things would restructure themselves again. This current model is not that sustainable in terms of oversaturation.





That is what always gets me, how in the world do they still make so many mistakes? Then you think many of us in mainstream jobs, they end up cutting back positions and more people take on more responsibility. If any of those workers screws up, they are fired immediately. I would say that working with a production is one where THEY CHOOSE to hire a ton of people than necessary. There is actually a person that moves cables, from the guy who turns on the video camera, to the individual, who is actually the cameraman!

Then again, you have to hand it to the editors. I mean they cannot be the ones looking out for mistakes. Did you know that scenes are shot out of order and they have to somehow reorganize everything? HOLY CRAP! To this day, I would think that should be the highest paying job on a movie crew!


The mistakes get me as well. It appears not that many people really pay attention to the details. For a good portion, a movie is something you can escape reality from for 90 minutes and blank out. How many people who saw a film like "End of Tour" noticed the parking lot had cars that weren't out in in a scene set for 2012. Or a show like "Narcos", set in the early 90s, showing a model not released until a decade later.

Cars are the one of the easiest things that can be spotted, yet most people don't notice or just don't care, just like they don't care that the guy didn't have a jacket on three seconds ago. Nobody cares about the jacket, because the details are unimportant it seems.


Long list for me!

Nepotism/People getting stuff by connections etc... I miss when a really deserving talented person got great acting roles. Now it's like whoever's famous daughter/son just get's HANDED the role/fame/fortune/fans/etc.... Just being worshiped for being....BORN. Lol Like Bruce Willis'/Demi Moore's kids, Clint Eastwood's son, Phil Collins daughter, that news reporters daughter.....most often they can't act at all. They are just there for the reason of they look like their famous parent, or they were put there for reasons of having a connection. I'm better with it when they are talented. But I just generally dislike when people don't earn things.

Trailers that give everything away/trailers that confuse/misleading trailers. You know when you are excited for a movie, you watch the trailer and it GIVES THE WHOLE PLOT AWAY!? Hate it. Then there are the trailers where you don't know what the movie is even about. Then you have trailers that make the movie look some way but then it's all a lie.

When shots are out of focus. Yes this has happened even in the biggest budget movies. Actors are clearly out of focus. And they don't bother to re shoot it.

Cheap production values. For example sometimes the actors are wearing clothing that does not fit them. And it's not part of the plot or anything. It just seems like they did not bother to get clothing that was the right size.

A big peeve of mine is bad lighting. I did not come to stare at a black screen. I sometimes feel I have to give the movie industry a science lesson. Light bounces off things so we can see them!!!!! So tired of these 'dark' movies. I can't see anything. I even change the contrast/brightness when I am watching the movie at home and still nothing! They really don't get that you have to light things up.

Also I hate unbelievable movies, where they ask you to suspended your disbelief for too many things.


I can't stand when the movie plays juvenile games.. They talk down, low-brow, condescending and patronizing.


For example?


they're so awful, I don't want to publicize them.. Most movies made in the last 30 yrs.


Yes agree re nepotism/connections.I find it hard to believe that the likes of Kirsten Stewart or Emma Watson are employed because of talent!

Also agree about trailers that give it all away.

I'd also add,Americans doing British accents and vice versa.Why??? There must be enough home grown talent surely?


Oh yeah that accent thing bothers me too. In most movies if they have a British/American/whatever accent, can't they just explain it away somehow? They are studying a year abroad, their family moved since their dad/mom got a better job offer there, they just decided to move (traveling, they needed a change). And just keep their natural accent?

I find most often people who do fake accents/covering up an accent, sounds horrible.


All those fucking remakes, reboots and comic book superhero movies. And then you've got those big budget movies that pretend to be arthouse.


Here's a question.. What was the latest movie that was original, great screenplay, great acting, and great in general (doesn't matter how far you gotta go back).

"Buffalo '66" is a very original movie. Everyone I recommended it to loved it (movie fanatics and young adults)


This is the first movie that popped into my head when I read this question.

The Cabin in the Woods (2012)

I'm sure if I think hard enough I could think of a more recent one but I don't feel like it right now LOL.

You go into that movie thinking it's gonna be the same old same old but boy is that the furthest thing from the truth!! In my opinion, it fits into your above description. VERY original and an all around great movie compared to what you'd expect it to be.


The most recent one for me is Inception (2010). I think it's original enough, beautifully shot, has a great screenplay, solid acting, high production value, balanced humor and exequisite attention to details. Overall, great direction all around.


I had my own bit of Inception, while watching that movie. I guess if it happens to you, it was really that great of a movie.


You had your own bit of Inception?


Through the movie experience.


Through the movie experience?


I think he means he fell asleep lol....


Ah, I see. Why so cryptic? Lol.


I could be wrong though lol. But if that's it, I guess he was being clever. 😉


Maybe Birdman... also Her.


Haven't seen Birdman, but I did think Her was original.


The Lobster. I know a lot of people hate it, but you have to give it points for being its own thing. And it actually gets better on repeated viewings.

And I don't know if this fits the definition, but Tangerine (2015). They shot it on iphones, and if you look pass (past?) the gimmick, it's actually a pretty good film. The acting's a bit uneven though, because there were amature actors in the leads, but it kind of works.

There are still original movies being made, you just have to look for them somewhere else, than the Multiplex usually.


I like The Lobster.


"Emphasis on stupid movies, lack of attention to great movies, […] cliches"

These are my main objections, along with the endless reboots. Not that I have a specific objection to reboots per se, if they're thoughtful and well done, but too many aren't. Some even with excellent casts, which is even more disappointing.

It's one of the reasons why I've grown to prefer non-network TV over films in the past few years, much to my surprise, as I always used to prefer film.


So many R-rated comedies. Can't people enjoy a good laugh with the family without all the added crudeness?


It seems like the industries shape the narrow spectrum... And crudeness is usually a substitute for talent.

Glorified violence has taken the place of justice.
Softcore pornography has taken the place of romance.

Titillation is the perfect word.


Agreed. It's a shame.


Yes a good explanation for all the explosions and vulgar stuff in movies these days. I just don't get it, the internet if filled with this stuff. Why put it in a movie?

Also just about every movie thumbnail for the trailer is some soft core stuff. Gotta get views I guess, sex sells.

I barely laugh at most comedies it's just like 'oh another sex joke'. What happened to actual jokes? Writing, comedic timing, acting talent, build up/payoff, set ups, running jokes, etc.? I find myself watching comedy movies from the past, over and over. Then watching any of the soft core garbage that is pumped out these days.

All about the $$$ I guess if it sells then they do it....sad.


Agreed. So often I watch a movie, since I am a big comedy fan, and I think this is so funny why not watch it with someone for a movie night or something. But then since it has all that crudeness it really narrows who you can watch it with. Awkward....


Yeah, I watch more movies by myself to "preview" them before watching with the family. Most are a no-go. I can hardly watch movie review videos without the crude language being scattered throughout. Common decency is gone.
