MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is World War 3 going to happen soon?

Is World War 3 going to happen soon?

Some people are saying it may happen.


Why,are you eagger to fight?


"Eagger" to fight??







Who would be fighting?

If the USA were to go war with either China or Russia that could be a disaster but it is very unlikely.

No other country is even worth a mention outside of ones with nuclear bombs & them bombs prevent anyone going to war with them.

N. Korea is aggressive but it is kind of a joke... N. Korea is the laughing stock of the world & getting very close to being smashed... If it wasn't for allies to S. Korea we would have already put N. Korea in its place.

S. Korea need to man the fuck up and take N. Korea on... fuck sake they have the rest of the entire world on their side... in recent weeks the news has been saying China isn't doing shit & now Trump is saying he will step in with the USA... Fuck China & the USA.... S. Korea needs to grow a spine. N. Korea do they even have any allies?


"If it was not for allies to South Korea, we would have already put N. Korea in its place."

Why would that matter? If we were allies with South Korea or not, it would not change our perception of a country that could harm others. The most powerful countries are not willing to fight because it would not benefit us. In certain countries, people are disposable and so they would not care to fight.


We don't attack N. Korea despite the fact we should because S. Korea would get attacked... so our hands are fucking tied.

If that issue was not there we would have fucked N. Korea up already.


So what is stopping North Korea from attacking South Korea?


They are brothers.


China won't let N Korea do anything stupid.


Not for now. We can relax.

Trump is not going to Syria (if in the meantime he doesn't see another dead baby picture, let's hope he doesn't), and China bought his warmongering and decided to discipline N Korea.


With the disastrous treaty with Iran, expect WWIII to start when either Iran manages to nuke Israel or Israel is forced to do a preemptive strike in about 10 years. If it's surgical enough and with the support of the EU, WWIII might be avoided (depends what Putin's up to).


At the end of the day USA & UK can absolutely fucking destroy any other country... including Russia.

Get rid of all the fucking Muslims... Muslims are killing people in the fucking street.... them fuckers are killing each other as quick as they can.


Yes, the U.S. and the UK can destroy any country. Unfortunately, the rest of the world will go with them.. Mutually Assured Destruction has kept the the West and China and Russia from destroying each other, but now we're dealing with a group of "people" who would gladly sacrifice the entire civilized world as long as they can take Israel out. We've also got baby Kim who's a textbook psychotic and would have no compunction about lobbing nukes just to show he's a bully. The solution to that must either come from within or from China proper. Dangerous times indeed.


Would you say that if you knew they kind of overpopulate the world? People keep thinking they are the cause of the world's problems; however, if they were really as bad as they were, all other non-believers would not be here. There are like 1.7 billion of them since I last read.



Or maybe just quarantine them? Why murder people unnecessarily? There are ways to solve problems without harming people.


Okay. Quarantine is the way forward.


Oh joy, it'll be like Nazi Germany, but expanded to the whole world!


Well murder was my first option.


Well thank you for letting me know that you're a psycho and I'll be more wary about you in the future.



I remember the Serbs tried to do what you're proposing. I believe the World was against them, and charged many with war crimes. So good luck with your endeavor.



Yeah, it's unfortunate how little many Americans know about the Islamic religion. They think of it as a cult. A small group of radical assholes. But it's the second largest religion in the world. Even Christians don't make up half the world population and Islam is a VERY close rival.


We would have quite a problem if all of them were as bad as the radicals or maybe they are just waiting until the "right time?". OMG!!!



Eh, Americans, Brits, it's the same.


Wrong. Americans & Brits are nothing alike.


Well, Brits do have bad teeth, in general...



Go f#ck a crumpet

Just kidding : )


Agreed about the Muslim terrorists


Muslims are pedophiles and rapists !


No matter how much of an ass clown Trump is, the good thing about war is that it can only be declared by Congress.


The US hasn't declared a war since 1942... They are all "authorizations" now, and even under the Wars Power Act - you can still do almost anything you want... Vietnam, Iraq, etc., wasn't enough?


I believe Iraq was approved by Congress, since that was an actual invasion. I didn't look it up, so don't quote me on that.


Congress didn't approve war, though, never declared war, just a simple authorization. It's semantics to alleviate guilt and responsibility (sorta) but gives the President the power regardless.


Declaring War and Approving an Invasion is just semantics. Without the Congress approval, the President couldn't use the U.S. Army, Navy or Air Force. However, he does have the Marines at will. But that's about as much force the President can use without Congress to approve more.


The US can't win wars so that I suspect is why they are not starting any these days.


There are already plenty of wars happening, and there will be more soon, but I wouldn't call them 'world' wars.
For example if the US sends more attacks on Syria, even if some of our allies join in, it still wouldn't be called a world war.

Even the other two world wars, it seems to be that Europe= 'the world', in the minds of the people who name wars. I think if Japan had acted alone (attacking China and the US), and there was no Hitler, it would not have been called world war 2.



When the internet went down on Wednesday the first thing I did was turn on CNN to see who fired what at who and who cut communication lines. No Korean War II or World War III yet but I am hourly expecting them.
