MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Best movie franchise of all time?

Best movie franchise of all time?

What's the best movie franchise of all time in your opinion? To qualify as a franchise, it must have at least 3 or more movies.

For me it's a toss up between Star Wars and James Bond. Both have withstood the test of time and are still going strong. Likewise, both have had their ups and downs with a few missteps, but all in all they have done extremely well at the box office and in the eyes of critics, and I expect them to have continued success well into the future.


Definitely James Bond, he's had his ups and downs but still so many classics, Casino Royale, Skyfall, For Your Eyes Only, The Living Daylights, The Spy Who Loved Me. Even the early ones have aged well and are still good today. Only a few duds like The Man With the Golden Gun, A View to A Kill, Diamonds are Forever.


Harry Potter. I think I read somewhere it was the highest grossing movie franchise of all time. It's one of those things that I grew up with as a kid and still love as an adult. Too bad they're not making new ones anymore (does Fantastic Beasts count?)


I cast my vote for Star Wars.


Bond is the most successful movie series of all time, to date.


The question was not the most successful franchise, but the best.


I'd have to go with Star Wars, even though Return of the Jedi was the only one I really liked. ButI'm not a particular fan of franchise types of films.

Similarly, I enjoyed Aliens, but not so much Alien or the others.


Aliens is absolute shit.


I loved Raiders of the Lost Ark, and would have mentioned it because it was So Much Fun, but I wasn't too crazy about the others in the franchise.


I agree. After Raiders that series went downhill.


It's too bad because Raiders was one of the most enjoyable films I've ever seen, for sheer entertainment and plain old fun.


True. That movie had more action and excitement in the opening five minutes than most films have in their entirety.


It sure did. I went to see it with a friend and within the first few minutes he leaned over and whispered in my ear, "This is like an hour and a half Disneyland ride!" :D




I'm gonna go with 2: Star Wars and Harry Potter.


I think the only franchise series I've seen is the ALIEN one. Most of the other just seem too low brow to they need to appeal to such a broad audience to have legs.

HARRY POTTER seems very imaginative, and beautifully designed....but I only saw parts of the first one. Children's movies (and I'd include the LOR cycle in that category) just aren't my thing : (

(Yeah....lah di dah. Sorry.)


The Lord of the Rings is NOT for children.


Probably Star Wars. The original trilogy, Rogue One, most of episode 3 and some aspects of the prequels were amazing imo. Plus it is a cash cow. I would throw in the original LOTR films as well as a contestant. I think other great franchises suffer from having at least one film that is somewhat far below the others (in some viewer's opinion) e.g. The Dark Knight Rises, Crystal Skull, Back to the Future III, Godfather III, Matrix Revolutions, Spiderman 3, JP III (wow kind of got a 3rd film theme going on there).

Maybe the Marvel Universe? I probably like about half of what they come out with, but everyone else seems to really enjoy all of their films and they do do a great job of bringing different characters from other films together. They probably have the largest box office success also adding everything together. People love their movies so maybe that is the greatest.
