MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I Like This Place Better Than The IMDB B...

I Like This Place Better Than The IMDB Boards!

I've used the imdb as a research resource for years. I didn't realize there were message boards on the site until a couple years ago, because I'd never scrolled that far down on a movie's home page. I lurked, but was never moved to want to join; and I am clearly not shy! There was too much that I didn't like: trolls, nutjobs, shills, dimwits and posters who assumed that everyone on the boards was in high school because THEY were in high school. There was a lot of activity, but also a lot of bad energy. This place is nothing like that. I want you to know that I like being here and that I like all of you. I've been wanting to post this for some time, but today I've seen a number of despairing posts expressing concern about the site's future. I think the future looks GREAT😁! Good energy attracts good energy. It is rare to find a group of strangers who are literate, thoughtful and courteous. Enjoy what you have now, and be confident about the future. Remember, studies have found that the happiest people are those who are happy with what they have right now. They may aspire to having more, but they are HAPPY with the here and now. The person who thinks he will be happy when "someday" comes will never be happy because he doesn't know how to be. I wish you happiness, friends!


nice post


Well, aren't you a sweetheart. :)


Wow, what a wonderful post! Thanks for all the good energy you sent all of us just within this message :)
I have to say I'm starting to like it here more than IMDb too, because the sense of community seems to be closer, more considerate, and mindful. It's been a joy immersing myself in this place and getting to know so many great people.

IMDb may have had the numbers, but we have the heart, dammit!


I just found this site when I discoved IMBD deleted its message boards. My question is... is the content of the message boards on IMBD saved on this site? Thats what I read, but dont know if this is true or not. I need a place to discuss and read about obscure movies I see... Thanks in advance for any replies.


Jim the creator of this site was able to archive a lot of IMDb posts so if you go to a particular board you most likely will find threads made when IMDb was still active. Not every single one was able to be saved, I don't think, but quite a lot. Hope ya find what you're looking for!


Thank u! I was really upset about the whole deletion thing..Now I will spread the word about this site. Maybe it will grow and be just as good. Its great that Jim the creator of this site was able to salvage alot of the IMBD posts.


No problem, I'm glad ya found us and will spread the word. That's awesome!
The deletion was a really crappy thing and you'll find nothing, but agreement from most people here I'd wager, hah, you're with like minds!


The horrible thing is how those accounts are now empty shells. I found someone replying to account names on Office Space and felt the need to tell them that they were not going to be responded to. I was the other person there, active. Well, we at least have two people active on that message board.


I was bothered I couldn't register with my underscore when I joined...until I found an old imdb thread with me all over it. Awwww.. That's why. My old name is still here.

So I replied to myself. As you do.


That's weird. I was able to use my exact same name that I had on IMDb. Maybe underscores just can't be used here. Just like some sites won't accept an apostrophe.


I could have sworn I saw an underscored mc user, but it could be my imagination, having seen an imported imdb thread or something like that. This is my old name without the underscore separating the two words.


The only way to get an underscore is to copy your account name, exactly like it is, on here. Before this site only allowed one account name per email; I found that if I used this account name, it would underscore my account name used on IMDb. Of course, it is not like my account name changed on IMDb. For the old threads on this site, my actual IMDb account name started having underscores between the first, middle initial, and last name.


Copy as it is here? As in, copy the account name from imdb onto here (not typing it out, copy/paste?)


Setting your username, exactly as written, on your IMDb account.

So for example, is "catsidhe" your IMDb account name? If it was, let's just say, put exactly like it is, it would have underscores before the "c" and after the "e".


It was cat_sidhe (underscored). I tried registering like that, but it wouldn't allow it.


Oh. Then it could just be the website. I know when I tried putting my account name with all caps, like my old IMDb username; it would put underscores after the n, after the g, and after the r.

So it guess it goes both ways. You cannot create with underscores, nor can you create your username exactly.


I'm really enjoying this new site too, it's true that traffic is still pretty light but it will pick up over time. There doesn't seem to be nearly as many trolls as there were on IMDB so that's a really good thing. Just be patient, spread the word and things will improve. I think it's getting better than themoviedb site, the forums there are a ghost town.


Long live!!!!!!!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌👏👏👏👏


I wish you happiness too. Thank you life!


Than you R_Kane! (Duh! I just understood your name, arcane). I'm not normally a poster but I've been posting away because I want this site to do well and become a new resource for movie lovers. I don't have many friends who love the arcane details of movies as much as I do so I'm very grateful for this community and their contributions to this forum.


Thank you very much. Blessed be!


Thank you very mich. Blessed be!



Well that's a sensitive, upbeat post! I agree with you on everything, and I too was at imdb for YEARS before I realized there were message boards : o

I really do like your reminder about basically living for today. One of the best sayings I ever heard was this old lady telling me, "Yesterday's a cancelled check, tomorrow's an IOU. Today is CASH MONEY....spend it while you can."


I also didn't know about the message boards for a while, and just lurked there anyway, but I do love this community. Everyone is so loyal and welcoming, and for the most part intelligent.

Your quote reminded me of the one from Oogway in Kung Fu Panda, which probably has roots in some ancient sage: "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift. That is why it is called the present."
