MovieChat Forums > Politics > "WWIII" is trending on Twitter

"WWIII" is trending on Twitter

Random tweets from various people:

WWIII is here. It’s time for every day people to wake up and demand change.. before it’s too late
Waking up to see USA and UK bombed Yemen, and WWIII is trending.
“UK and US go to hell” protesters chanting to the airstrikes against Yemen gathering at Times Square in New York City. #WWIII #TimesSquare #ProPalestine
US & UK should know that they are entering into a world war and they will be first ones to face death in it. Attacking a poor country like Yemen is strongly condemned from every Pakistani.
I hope this is true WWIII
We need a nuclear war to end this hypocritical humanity!
And it's 1, 2, 3
What are we fighting for?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,
Next stop is Yemen.
And it's 5, 6, 7
Open up the pearly gates
Ah, ain't no time to wonder why
We're all going to die.
#WWIII #Yemen #ΗΠΑ #Βρετανία #Χούθι
Sunak now starting World War 3, there is nothing this dumbo won’t do to postpone a General Election to keep his position as Prime Minister.
Stop feeding into the WWIII social media paranoia. they all just want to farm interactions. Ain't nobody going to fight World War 3 over a little Iranian proxy in Yemen who was messing with cargo.

The US and UK have launched airstrikes on more than a dozen sites used by the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen, according to US officials.

The strikes are the most significant military response against the Houthis’ persistent campaign of drone and missile attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea, which began after Israel’s war in Gaza broke out.

The Houthis are a Yemeni militia group named after their founder, Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi, and representing the Zaidi branch of Shia Islam. They emerged in the 1990s in opposition to Saudi Arabia’s religious influence in Yemen. The group, which has an estimated 20,000 fighters, runs most of the west of the country and is in charge of its Red Sea coastline.
The US and UK militaries launched strikes against multiple Houthi targets in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen on Thursday, marking a significant response after the Biden administration and its allies warned that the Iran-backed militant group would bear the consequences of repeated drone and missile attacks on commercial shipping in the Red Sea.

President Joe Biden said he ordered the strikes “in direct response to unprecedented Houthi attacks against international maritime vessels in the Red Sea.”

“Today, at my direction, U.S. military forces—together with the United Kingdom and with support from Australia, Bahrain, Canada, and the Netherlands—successfully conducted strikes against a number of targets in Yemen used by Houthi rebels to endanger freedom of navigation in one of the world’s most vital waterways,” the president said in a statement released by the White House.

At least Dictator Joe is good at war.


Japan is being armed in preparation for WWIII.

Japan’s Ministry of Defense (MOD) announced on Thursday that it had signed a letter of offer and acceptance for the acquisition of Tomahawk cruise missiles and related equipment with the U.S. government under a foreign military sales (FMS) agreement. On the same day, the MOD also disclosed it had signed a contract in October last year for additional Joint Strike Missiles (JSM).

I am still saying the elections will be canceled in November. Dictator Joe will remain Dictator during WWIII.


Japan alliance with Taiwan.

Republicans are so desperate to claim Dictator Joe is failing they won't sign their own agreement on immigration though that is their number on issue because they don't want Dictator Joe to get any credit. Same with the economy ... record set in S&P 500 today.

All lies, all the time from Republicans. You're all insurgents.


DJ is failing and pooping his diapers. Trump needs to be President again or we are screwed.


And the war won't end at all. It'll keep going and let him stay on for 20 more years.


I really wish this forum had a functioning search so I could collect all of the absurd claims and predictions made by specific users that haven't happened on here over the last few years.


I remember when the dems said that Trump would start WWIII.

just one of many absurd claims made by the dems...


Did anyone here, specifically, make those claims?


yes, it was dems who said it.


Who here said it?


Hillary Clinton.


Trump is starting WW3 by telling his sycophant Repugnicans in charge of Congress to defund Ukraine military aide in order for them to lose to Dictator Putin, Trump's BFF. Putin is already discussing the next three European countries that he plans to invade. Thank Trump for starting WW3!!!!


sorry Keeliar, but your posts arent as good as they used to be.


Funny how when you Google "Trump would start WWIII," the only person who seems to have said that was a Republican...

...and if you include "Hilary" you get this:

"Donald Trump warned in an interview Tuesday that Hillary Clinton’s policies as president to address the Syrian conflict would lead to World War III"

Sorry, JoWilli, looks like your claim is a load of horseshit as usual!


[–] SamNoyoun (4213) 2 minutes ago
Funny how when you Google "Trump would start WWIII," the only person who seems to have said that was a Republican...

hahaha, and the nucklehead above you just said it. You and internet scriptures of water is dry and sky is orange.
You must be a geriatric that recently discovered the internet.

[–] Keelai (30098) 3 minutes ago
Trump is starting WW3 by telling his sycophant Repugnicans in charge of Congress to defund Ukraine military aide in order for them to lose to Dictator Putin, Trump's BFF. Putin is already discussing the next three European countries that he plans to invade. Thank Trump for starting WW3!!!!


JoWilli specifically claimed that Hilary Clinton made those claims, and not Keelai.

Although both Clinton **and** Trump claimed each other would start World War 3.


[–] Skavau (5762) 6 hours ago
Did anyone here, specifically, make those claims?


I mean Keelais prediction could still come true (although I think if WW3 does happen (unlikely) it won't have much to do with who is in office as it would be rooted in things outside of the USAs control.

Got any evidence yet for your wacky claims about Lady Gaga being Jewish?


The point is that others besides Keelai made those claims before Trump became president and while he was president, and yet, we are closer to WW3 now than we have been in decades.


And people also claimed Clinton would start WW3. And bombing a militant group trying to disrupt international shipping doesn't do shit to the needle.

Got any evidence yet for your wacky claims about Lady Gaga being Jewish?


Clinton, Biden, Obama, Bush, etc are all members of the same cabal/swamp/DS/SG responsible for getting us this close to WW3.


No evidence presented for this, as usual.


They control the evidence.


This is a presupposition. You're assuming there's some "evidence" that exists that confirms your allegations and then are using it as evidence.


They are called:

- Common Sense
- Deductive Reasoning
- Intuition
- Circumstantial Evidence
- Connecting the Dots
- Independent Thinking
- Critical Thinking


What is this "evidence" that you think is missing exactly? What dots are you connecting? The world is in a more tempestous situation since 2020, but there's no good reason to attribute that to Biden. Russia chose to invade Ukraine.


- Common Sense
- Deductive Reasoning
- Intuition
- Circumstantial Evidence
- Connecting the Dots
- Independent Thinking
- Critical Thinking

You have demonstrated time and again that you have none of those things and that you just cut and paste that list as some kind of "proof" of whatever batshit conspiracy theory you are claiming , or fact you are disputing.


Former President Donald Trump said on Saturday at a rally in Texas that he had "peace through strength" under his presidency by starting no new wars after critics predicted he would start a war if elected.

"I was proud to be the first president in decades who did not get the United States into any new wars," Trump said.


Did Donald Trump Just Start World War III?

Yesterday, Donald Trump pretty much announced the start of World War III, and put us on the side of the Saudis.


Pelosi asks military leaders to prevent Trump from starting a nuclear war in his final days


A Top Republican Says President Trump Could Lead the U.S. Into World War III



Donald Trump has not started any new wars — yet. But his administration is pouring gasoline on several initiated by his predecessors.


A MYSTIC who says he foresaw Donald Trump's presidency has now predicted the EXACT date World War 3 will start.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced today that she spoke with the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to stop President Trump launching a nuclear attack.




Democrats fear Trump's 'instability' could trigger nuclear war no-one wants


Trump Says Biden Will Start World War III
September 24, 2022 at 8:04 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 279 Comments

Donald Trump said he hopes is “wrong” about the possibility of World War III because the U.S. is being run by “stupid people” at a rally in North Carolina, the Daily Mail reports.

Said Trump: “I was right about Ukraine. I was right about what, Taiwan and I’m hoping I’m not going to be right about World War Three, because we have stupid people dealing.”

He added: “You could end up in World War III and this will be a war like we’ve never had before – won’t even be close, because we’re being run by stupid people.’”

as usual, Trump is right 99% of the time.

I sure hope stupid people dont vote and rig the election again this november.


Your "internet scripture" proves nothing...


in the www business. this is what we call total prawnage....




I love pwning noobs with facts.



You Trumptwats wouldn't know a "fact" if it jumped up and bit you on the ass!



Former President Donald Trump said on Saturday at a rally in Texas that he had "peace through strength" under his presidency by starting no new wars after critics predicted he would start a war if elected.

"I was proud to be the first president in decades who did not get the United States into any new wars," Trump said.


Oh gee, what a surprise, yet another untruth from Emperor Dumbass!

False. Just four of the 13 presidents in office between 1945 and 2020 -- Harry S. Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush – officially brought the country into new full-scale wars (Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, Iraq). If we also consider other military interventions, Carter and Ford join Trump in not starting or escalating existing foreign conflicts with U.S. military involvement.


If we also consider other military interventions, Carter and Ford join Trump in not starting or escalating existing foreign conflicts with U.S. military involvement.

thanks for posting the facts....


Excellent post and research. I see the liberal talking heads have nothing to say now.


So the lemming protestors are in NY this weekend. Wonder where they’ll be sent next weekend.


You think protesting against US strikes makes you "lemmings"?


I wonder if those protesting the striked in Yeman are as stupid and clueless as the Hamas supporters who don't know what river, or what sea. 99% of them could not locate Yemen on a map or even tell what continent it's in.


Where ever their masters (Dictator Joe) tell them to protest.


So Joe starts bombing Yemen and then apparently tells people to protest against that?



The Loony Left are in serious denial about the current state of affairs facing the world. It can all be traced back to our White House Resident and his lousy Administration. Getting rid of the Dems and RINO's would be a pivotal first step..


Is that what you read in your Donald Trump coloring book.


Its easy, just color everything orange.


How can this be traced back to Biden, exactly?


more self pwnage! lol

[–] SamNoyoun (4230) 20 hours ago
Oh gee, what a surprise, yet another untruth from Emperor Dumbass!

False. Just four of the 13 presidents in office between 1945 and 2020 -- Harry S. Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush – officially brought the country into new full-scale wars (Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, Iraq). If we also consider other military interventions, Carter and Ford join Trump in not starting or escalating existing foreign conflicts with U.S. military involvement.

[–] JoWilli (13628) 20 hours ago
If we also consider other military interventions, Carter and Ford join Trump in not starting or escalating existing foreign conflicts with U.S. military involvement.

thanks for posting the facts....


That's not what I asked. How is Biden responsible for the Houthis attacking international shipping?


Stomping time is nigh for the Iranian regime.

They blowing the hell out of each other in the middle east, as always. Killing scads of Muslims, but since it's not Jews killing Muslims ... it's OK.


Whatever happened to all those wars they said were going to be started under Trump?
Whatever happened to “Trump is going to destroy the World?”


Don't worry... when Trump wins in November and then WW3 really pops off... they will just blame him retroactively.


I was thinking the same thing.


Ukraine-Russia war: Nato sends 90,000 troops to deter Russia in largest exercise since Cold War

Thu, January 18, 2024

Nato members will send 90,000 troops to the alliance’s largest military exercise since the Cold War.

Britain is deploying 20,000 soldiers to Operation Steadfast Defender 2024, which starts next week and will continue until the end of May.

Gen Christopher Cavoli, Nato’s most senior commander, said the exercises would demonstrate the alliance’s ability to quickly “reinforce” its territory in the event of an attack.

Exercises will take place in Germany, Poland and the Baltic States in what is widely expected to be a simulation of war with Russia.

Troops from all 31 Nato members and Sweden, a candidate for membership, are taking part.


These are military exercises on NATO soil.


There is no NATO soil.


Yes there is. There are countries in NATO. That's NATO soil.


Never heard of the Country called NATO. Where is that at?


That's not what is meant. It's a transnational organisations. Countries request to join NATO and thus the territory of that country becomes "NATO soil" in that strict sense.


Nice save. I give you an A+.


How is that a save? If a country becomes a part of NATO, by choice, then its territory becomes a place within NATOs borders, and a perfectly legitimate place to do NATO-led military drills.


You never served in the military because you're too fat and stupid and you have no idea about what you are babbling about here. Why do you have a problem with militaries training on their own territory? It happens all the time. If you are not fighting then you're training. That's how it works. The sky is not falling Chicken Little.


Maybe NATO should send those 90,000 soldiers to Ukraine so we can end this war.


And where are the war protesting “give leave a chance” lemmings? No where to be found.

See it’s never been about protesting wars. It’s always been about protesting wars that benefit the US, and take on communism.

The rectum has sent the instructions, it took all of 30 seconds for the braindead left to forget 50 years of “beliefs”.


>See it’s never been about protesting wars. It’s always been about protesting wars that benefit the US, and take on communism.

What are you on about? People heavily protested the Iraq War and that had nothing to do with Communism.

In addition, the opening post of this thread LITERALLY REFERENCES PROTESTS AGAINST THE YEMENI BOMBING.
