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Dictator Joe goes full Fascist and says no incentives for Tesla buyers.

Biden Gives Americans a Financial Incentive to Not Buy a Tesla

Subsequent tweets have ignited a debate, with accusations of the Biden administration's bias against Tesla and Elon Musk. "So what you're saying is... when the legacy auto manufacturers for whom these credits were meant to benefit all scale back their EV ambitions, the administration changed the rules to make sure Tesla loses the benefit," one X user said. "Seems like a vendetta against Elon," another replied.

so much for solving climate change, thanks Dictator Joe.


More unconstitutional actions from the Democrat rectum.


I dont know why they are allowed to get away with it though.


Because the Republicans let them. Who’s gonna stop them? Dan Crenshaw? He’s too busy going after Vivek.


Republicans have gone stupid lately. I guess they all got TDS too and cant think straight.


How is this unconstitutional?


"Seems like a vendetta against Elon,"

Because it is.

They will be attacking/persecuting Elon from all directions since he is allowing speech that the Biden regime disagrees with.
They are coercing and pressuring him to comply.


yeah, he is on the radar now and the dems will attack him or probably put him in jail until he complies with the Biden Stasi.


How on earth is this remotely fascism?

And does that mean you otherwise support efforts by governments to support reducing carbon emissions, or do you only care specifically here because it impacts your hero, Elon Musk?


Don't ask for rational, logic or comprehension from JW.
That's one of the more low-brow posts.
All that money went into raising the prices of Teslas.
You can see how the price of a Tesla has dropped in proportion to the lowering of subsidies. Instead of lowering the price of a Tesla to make them affordable to more people, Elon raised the price to make himself more profitable. He f-ed the government that was trying to help him.
Biden is doing the right thing.


No, the point herer is that Biden's administration is more concerned with punishing Musk for his support of FREE SPEECH, than they are with their supposed concern with reducing carbon emissions.


What evidence do you have that this has anything to do with Musk and what he thinks about free speech?


Evidence? Give me a warrent and let me at their internal communications, then ask me about evidence. Dumb ass.

Meanwhile in the real world, the hate that hte left has for musk is well known and the STATED reason for this action, is not credible. Not from these people.


So you have no evidence.


LOL. We are discussing the motives of public figures that are physically removed from us. Only a fucktard would ask for evidence.

Go fuck yourself.


So it's just aimless speculation. What you assert without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


Jeeze, discussing possible motives of politicans for their actions? Completetly normal behavior on this site.

Go fuck yourself for pretending it is not.


But this thread presents it as fact. As do almost all of the conspiracy-laden claims on here.


He is firm in his conclusion. THe stated justification for the action is clearly bullshit.

That is more the point, would you like to address it, or are you just here to show what a fucktard you can be?


>He is firm in his conclusion. THe stated justification for the action is clearly bullshit.

No reason to believe this.

>That is more the point, would you like to address it, or are you just here to show what a fucktard you can be?

Address what? Unevidenced claims preusming a hidden motive from the Biden Administration?


You find a statement from the BIDEN administration that they are concerned about the use of CHINESE imports to be a credible motive?


That has to be one of the most retarded positions I have ever seen a leftard take.


>You find a statement from the BIDEN administration that they are concerned about the use of CHINESE imports to be a credible motive?

Yes. Most US administrations are pretty wary of China generally.


No, they aren't. Indeed, tthe left attaccked Trump for even making an issue of it.


I await sources for the context of this please.


Probably would be hard to find... not sure how to weed out all the other Trump China stories...

And you would just dismiss it.... so, I'm not going to bother.

Believe me or not, don't care.


So again, what you assert without evidence I can dismiss without evidence.


Don't care. IN the real world though, Biden's stated motive is not credible.


So since Biden is not credible who is?


Irrelevant. The fact remains. Biden's stated reason, ie, because they don't want to depend on CHINA, is clearly not his real reason.

It is much more likely this is punishing Musk for allowing Free Speech instead of joining in the left wing march towards controlling and suppressing speech they fear.


I see. So what should be the actions going forward from people? So free speech should be allowed correct? Then why is it lots of right wing people do not want certain films being made? Isn't that a free speech violation also? Musk has the right to do what he wants with twitter so why do film makers not have the right to do what they want in making films?


1. Yes, Free Speech should be "allowed". Do you not agree? (it amazes me that this is an issue in today's America)

2. Give me your favorite example.


I agree it should be. Which is why film makers should be able to make whatever film they want to. No one is forcing anyone to read comments or watch a film. I noticed though you guys want certain films not to be made. If you support free speech then why are you trying to make it to where someone can't make something? Aren't you the same people who say to just ignore a comment on twitter if you do not like it?

Should film makers be allowed to make what they want?


1. So, you support Free Speech? Yet, are you not a lefty? The side is the waging a hold war against Free Speech?

2. Give me an example for discussion purposes, not vague general statements.


I answered that already. I support free speech.

Lets talk films. Is a film maker allowed to insert their politics into a Hollywood film? Or are politics not allowed in any film?


1. I got that. I am just surprised because you are clearly a lefty. What is someone who believes in free speech doing marching with such an ANTI-FREE SPEECH group?

2. Of course they are allowed to do it. I've seen no significant person on the Right claiming that they don't have a right to do that. AND a specific example would be great.


You are surprised a left leaning person supports free speech? Nice do you constantly make negative generalizations about anyone who disagrees with you? How am I marching with them when I support free speech? Get your story straight please. Seems to me you place me where it is convenient for you to attack.

Oh please plenty of people on here do not think film makers have the right to put politics in films. Why is there a call for boycotting Taylor Swift or tons of Netflix programs if that was not the case?


1. Yes, of course I am. The left as a whole is generally moving against Free Speech very aggressively today.

2. Most of the calls for boycottss of netflix I've seen have been for sexualizing children.

Do you consider it censorship to not want children sexualized in entertainment?


Whenever you say as a whole you are bound to be wrong. You were better off as leaving at generally. However unlike you I can look past a label on a person, it seems you are not capable of doing that. There are are right wing people who are not for free speech just so you know.

Nope we are not going off what you have seen. That allows you to play dumb and be biased. Same way you said Charlie Kirk from when you have seen him always owns liberals. A convenient way for you to dismiss anytime he has been proven wrong. If someone points it out you play dumb and say you have not seen it.

Of course I do not but that weas not what I was referring to. Nice deflection. Why does the right want to boycott Taylor Swift? Back to my original question.


1. I am not interested in your lefty word games. The fact remains, generally speaking the left as a whole are moving agressively against Free Speech. I guess even if FREE SPEECH is important to you, something else is MORE important.

2. If you have better, more precise evidence than our personal observations, present it.

3. Thanks for admitting that being against sexualizing children is not censorship. This accepts the concept that being against BAD CONTENT, is not teh same as supporting CENSORSHIP. Let's keep that in mind moving forward.

4. Swift? At a guess she spouted off some anti-American and patriotic conservativds want to punish her. Would you consider that censorship?


It is not a word game. My fact also remains there are right wingers who are also against free speech. Since you are free to throw out falsehoods I can do it as well. As a whole conservatives are against women's rights and hate women. You accept that?

I did with talking about Taylor Swift.

What the right considers bad content is anything that does not align with their political views. It is not just sexualizing children. Nice try though.

So you are guessing? Funny you are not educated and anytime something challenges your view or disproves it you claim ignorance. You did the same thing with Charlie Kirk. Also I question what you morons consider anti-American. It usually translates into someone not agreeing with you or daring to point out the flaws in America.


1. But as a group, the right has generally been supportive of Free Speech. Your pretense of not understanding how generatlizeations work, is you pretending to be retarded.

2. Your false claims are dismissed. You are an asshole.

3. Citing taylor swift is another personal observation and a fairly vague and weak one.

4. Your claim about what the right does re bad content is yoru claim. Support it if you can.

5. Forgive me for not being up on Taylor Swift. If you have more information I am open to hearing it. I want you to try to support your claims.


Which is why I said you say generally. I took issue when you said as a whole.

Lol my false claims? No the point stands the right does not like when someone makes something that does not align with their politics. You are an idiot.

I chose Swift because she is a well known figure. Anything I will point out I bet you will claim ignorance on.

Tucker Carlson is against child grooming right? Explain why he gave an interview to Kevin Spacey?

So far you have claimed ignorance on Swift and Kirk. I am sensing a pattern here. Ok lets go with Alex Jones. Do you think what he did with the Sandy Hook victims was wrong?


1. Go read up on the concept of generalizations. It is a part of normal development, that healthy people get though as toddlers. Autistic people have some issues with it.

2. Yes, people do not like stuff they do not like. Wow. Good call. I was clearly referring to other claims you made. False adn stupid claims.

3. So, give me more information on the swift issue and how it supports your claim of RIGHT SIDE censorship.

4. Carlson? You want me to guess as to his reasonss? The important part is that said interview was NOT a validation of Spacey's child grooming.

5. Yes. He was wrong. Does that mean he should never have a platform again? IMO, no. In yours?


A generalization is different from saying people as a whole. If you said all conservatives are sexist that would be incorrect. Anytime you go beyond generalization and speak about all people you are bound to be incorrect. Which is why I do not do it. You make yourself look foolish.

It is not just disliking things. Many conservatives think you should not be able to have politics that are opposite to their ideology in films.

So you say you do not know his reasons as to having Spacey then in the next breath say he clearly did not have Spacey on to validate his actions against children. I would not touch a person like that with a 1000 foot pole. This shows Carlson cares more about money than integrity simply by having him on his program. I guarantee if a left wing person had him on their program they would get torn to shreds just by the mere action of having him on there.

Nope he should have a platform. However talk to any right wing people about Kaepernick. They would be more than happy if he got cancelled and had no platform to be on. Funny thing is Alex Jones's Sandy Hook debacle was far worse than anything Kaepernick did.


1. A generalization is not an universial statement. When you pretend to not understand that, you are pretending to be retarded. My point stands. Generally speaking, the left as a whole, are very anti-free speech.

2. That is not what conseravatives are saying. YOu are lying.

3. Mmm, people saying what something they hate said? Not credible.

4. Your opinion is noted but irrelevant. It seems mostly motivated by your hate.

5. Kaerpernick is an anti-American piece of shit. He can go fuck himself. That is not a call for him to be deplatformed.


Which is why when you said as a whole you were incorrect. You can say generally but not as a whole. That was your mistake not mine.

Yeah it is actually.

Kirk said she is encouraging people to get registered and that it is a bad thing. Why is that bad? Oh yeah because she does not agree with them politically.

Lol you said you had no idea about it then said his intent was not to validate Spacey. So which is it do you know about it or not?

Alex Jones is a bigot moron who caused damage to the victims families of Sandy Hook he can go fuck himself. And yeah plenty of you idiots are more than happy to deplatform Kapernick. See how stupid you are? You are more upset with Kaepernick than you are Jones. That destroys your credibility by the way. You are not upset with Jones because he leans right.


What the fuck are you even on about? You seem to just be shit talking.

Are you really too stupid to see the difference between speaking BACK to someone and trying to silence them?


You referred to liberals as a whole. Not just generally.

Yes I do. Many conservatives are fine with Kaepernick being censored. Yet will moan and groan about Alex Jones getting censored.


Ok. Kaepernick insisted on doing his anti-American protest DURING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM , SO FUCK HIM AND EVERONE THAT SUPPORTED HIM.


The leftoids are too brainwashed to realize that they have been lied to and deceived with falsified and obfuscated evidence.


I think they know that they are being lied to. But they are fine with that.

They have clearly given up on the idea of advancing their ideas by defending them on their MERITS, because clearly that doesn't work.

So, they know that they all have to LIE, to trick the people into supporting their increadibly bad programs and ideas.


I think this will help you with being triggered.


What's more important to you, reducing carbon emissions or stopping free speech?


I did not ask for your opinion on Kapernick I could not care less what you think of his actions or him. Funny though see the animosity you have towards him? Since you stated your opinion on him I am free to share my sentiments on Alex Jones. Alex Jones spread a conspiracy theory that led to victims families of a shooting to be harassed by his crazed followers. Fuck him for throwing that out there and fuck his followers who harassed the victim's families.

I find it funny you have more animosity towards Kaepernick than Alex Jones. Tell me does it bother you at all about the Sandy Hook situation?

Kaepernick broke no law and the NFL decided he had the right to do it. You have no power and can not stop his actions. You can call him out but in the end you will just be a loser screaming online while he makes millions. Deal with it while we all laugh at you.


1. Alex Jones strikes me as a man that a. has a real mental illness and b. already faced justice in a courtroom, and seems to have somewhat learned a lesson.

2. Kapernick is just an anti-American asshole who likes to express his hate of this country. YES, the NFL decied to supoprt his anti-Americanism during his work time. Which makes them anti-American pieces of shit, too.

3. These points you raise, don't change anything. Biden is still putting his oppositiono to free speech ABOVE his committment to renewable energy, and the left is still ANTI-FREE SPEECH and the right is still supporting Freedom of Speech. You seem to think that your points are making a supporting argument. They are not.


That is your opinion. I personally think the man is a grifting piece of trash. I do not think he learned his lesson, I think he is only sorry for the repercussions of his actions. I do not think he feels bad at all about the damage his actions caused innocent people. I find it funny how Kaepernick's actions pisses you off worse than Alex Jones's. This showcases the type of person you are.

Cry all you want. The NFL made a decision which you have no control of. Deal with it.

And the right if they had power would censor people they do not like also. You skated around that point and I saw through it.


1. You asked me if his actions "bothered" me. So, yes, my answer is my opinion. That you stated that as though it is a bad answer is just an aspect of you being full of shit.

2. Correct. I am an American patriot who does not like anti-American assholes who like to express their hate of US during national unity rituals. I feel, really good about that.

3. As per the NFL decision, YOU brought it up and asked my opinon about it. So, acting like I...what? Am wrong for sharing my opinion of it? Go fuck yourself.

4. And you reassert your claim that you have utterly failed to support despitee trying. What a typical leftard asshole.


No you said you he was wrong. You did not say his actions bothered you. Kaepernick's actions bother you Alex Jones's actions do not. You made that quite clear.

As I said cry all you want. The NFL has spoken. Deal with it.

Nope I brought up how the right weas fine with Kaepernick being censored. I asked what your opinion was on the right being fine with censoring him. I did not ask you what you thought of him kneeling or the NFL's actions. Go fuck yourself!

Nope I actually saw through your twisting of words. Get off this site you are a vile piece of trash.


Wanting an anti-Amercian asshole fired for making an anti-American statement during the NATIONAL ANTHEM, is not "censorship".


Censorship definition.

the action of preventing part or the whole of a book, film, work of art, document, or other kind of communication from being seen or made available to the public, because it is considered to be offensive or harmful, or because it contains information that someone wishes to keep secret, often for political reasons:

Seems like censorship to me. If you do not like what he is doing no one is forcing you to watch the NFL games. Therefore do not watch football games if it bothers you that much. Funny thing is you want to complain that the NFL did not silence Kaepernick but complain that youtube silenced Alex Jones. I am willing to say Alex Jones should be allowed to say what he wants but that means Kaepernick should be allowed to do what he does during the national anthem. I am consistent here and you are not.


1. He has the legal right to express his hate of America all the time he is NOT in a national unity ritual. Wanting him to not insult our nation, during a nationally televised National Anthem, would not prevent him from getting his message out.

2. I have admitted that the NFL, as his boss, was the one to make the call. Any and all further points of you mentioning that, is pointless. I disagree with their call. Clearly. But I agree that they have a right to do so. What part of this are you not getting?

3. Thank you for admitting that alex jones has the right to freedom of speech too. So we agree on that too.


Your opinion. Alex Jones can get his message out not on youtube. Him not being on youtube does not prevent him from going to another platform or creating his own to get his message out. I actually disagree with youtube but Google does own that platform and the NFL has a say on what they will allow and will not.

I disagree with youtube's call but I believe if the NFL stopped Kaepernick that would be no different from youtube stopping Alex Jones.

Freedom of speech applies to Kaepernick as well not just Alex Jones. The difference is I support both of their right to it. You want the nfl to step in and silence him. I did not want youtube to step in and silence Jones even though I think he is human garbage.


I did not want youtube to step in and silence Jones even though I think he is human garbage

Because he said something that hurt your sensitive feelings? lol, Cry me a river while you file your lawsuit.


It is not about me. Answer me this why did the families file a lawsuit against him if he did nothing?


Big Tech has created what amounts to a public space. They WANT it to be seen that way to protect themselves from being liable for what is said or done there. Which is fine with me.

BUT that means that they should not arbitrarily suppress speech there.

A NFL game, especially during the NATIONAL FUCKING ANTHEM, is different. It is NOT a public space created so that people can talk to each other. It is a national pastime with many accomadations made for them by society, because of the role they play, and that consideration should be returned by showing some respect to the AMERICAN fans that did that for them.

Kaepernick is an anti-American, racist, fucking asshole. In a healthy society, he would be a pariah for his actions. That is his not, is a sign of how fucked up we are, as a culture.


Nope it is no different. See how you do not care that Alex Jones actions damaged families? It is okay though I see the double standard you have. I granted you the right to disagree with Kaepernick without calling you a racist. You however do no grant that same respect back. You are a prick of the worst kind.


It is completely different. YOu want JOnes silenced completely forever, and I want Kaepernick to NOT spew his racist hate during THE NATIONAL ANTHEM, which is 52 FUCKING SECONDS on game day, less than 17 MINUTES A YEAR, i want him to shut his fucking racist anti-american mouth, in a show of respect to the people of this great nation.

As to not "calling you a racist", I was calling Kaepernick a racist, not you, but indeed, you are correct, I do assume that your support of him is at least partially becasue you agree with his racist views on whites.

Studies show that white libs do generally have racist atitudes towards their own race. Very, very sad and sick people.


Nope it is the same. I do not want to silence Jones. I said that he has the right to be on youtube even though I think he is a piece of trash. You know that I am right which is why you are attempting to put words in my mouth. Let me state it again Alex Jones has the right to be on youtube and say whatever bs he wants. However I am calling out your double standard. If that is the case Kapernick should be allowed to do what he wants during the national anthem. Alex Jones disrespected human beings that lost their loved ones and you could not care less. More harm was done with that than what Kaepernick did.

I could not care less what you assume. I go off facts not assumptions.

Lol says the guy who will not cite credible sources. I am not going to buy that.


If Alex JOnes went to a football game and did anything anti-American during the national anthem, I would want him bounced out of the statium just as fast as I would like to have seen Kapernick bounced out.

Kapernick is a piece of shit and everyyonoe that supports him in being an anti-American piece of shit during the national anthem is an anti-American piece of shit themselves.

Jones is a crazy man. The people that believe in lizard man conspiracies are not having an impact on policy or my life. The anti-American shits like Kapernick and you and Biden, are. Thus I care more about them.

And I still assume that you are an anti-white racist.


If Alex Jones was kicked out of the football game for the same thing I would still oppose it. You can't get mad at YouTube removing Alex Jones. I can because I have no double standard. Don't want to see him kneel don't watch the game problem solved.

Anyone who supports Alex Jones is one of those braindead conspiracy theorists.

So when something doesn't effect you you don't care. Nice attitude. Thanks for confirming you don't care about the victims of Sandy Hook since you know it has no effect on your life.

I operate off of facts not assumptions.


1. Sure I can. Youtube is part of the modern virtual public square. That is what they wanted to be. That is how they want to be treated. Thus they are wrong to ban people.

2. Big difference between supporting free speech and supporting anti-american racist shit talk by a piece of shit person.

3. NIce moving of the goal posts. We were talking about NOT the victims of the shooting but the famiiles of the victims. And we weren't really talking abut them, because they had their day in court. We are talking about Jones other speech, teh rest of what he has to say. I want him to have the right to say it, and you don't.

4. The fact is you are supporting an anti-American racist asshole. That is an action on your part that reflects on you.


So is the NFL the same as YouTube then? You just defeated your own point.

And supporting someone spreading a harmful conspiracy which get victims harassed is ok? Funny see I support both people having free speech you don't.

You said you don't care if something has no effect on your life. That's a bad attitude to have.

I didn't support him. I just supported his right to freedom of speech.


1. The NFL, is not the same as youtube. I don't know why you pretended that I said that it was. My point stands. Big Tech has created a virtual public square adn they should NOT censor people..

2. I am not supporting him. I am supporting his freedom of speech. Libs use to understand teh difference. Now they are all commies.

3.I care more when people are fucking up my life and the lives of my people. That is a GOOD attitude to have. That you pretend it is not, is just you shit talking.

4. He has no right to speak during the national anthem. He has no right to even BE there. Me or you can't just go there and walk out of the field during the national anthem to stand OR kneel. We would be arrested if we tried. You are supporting HIS SPEECH, when you support his action.


Which then means it is the NFL's call to make. You can complain all you want the result will not change. You do not get to dictate what other people do in their own house. I do not get to tell you what to do in your own house.

You support free speech of him but do not allow Kapernick that same thing. You do not have to agree with Kaepernick. However he has the right to do what he did. No law was broken only your feelings were hurt.

Who are your people then? Your family and friends only? Or is it straight white people you claim as your own? So the victims of Sandy Hook are not your people? By this logic then you guys getting effected by things does not bother me. I mean after all it is not effecting me.

Again the NFL disagrees with you. It is their call to make not yours.


1. I never said otherwise. Are you of the opinion that I did?

2. For the reasons I explained. Your failure to address them, and instead simply reassert your position, is a logical fallacy. Your argument is invalid.

3. The bit where you whine that I care more when my people are effected? That is you shit talking. Drop it. Make a real point or stfu.

4. He paid for the sandy hook shit already. YOu don't get to keep using that as an excuse.

5. And you dodge the point again. I have repeatedly agreed that he has a right to say it. My point is about what he said and how he should thus be treated. Especially in the context of the FUCKING NATIONAL ANTHEM. If you are not going to address the actual point, don't waste my time with a filler filled reply.


Then why do you keep insisting on what the NFL should do? How would you take it if I told you what to do in your own house? You would tell me to stfu.

Nope the point stands. No law was broken only your feelings were hurt. Laws do not go by feelings. He did not infringe on your rights. Deal with it.

No it is obvious truth. You just do not want to admit it.

Lol he paid for it? You think Alex Jones really feels sorry for what he did? Or could it be that he has no choice and his actions have consequences?

I did address it you just do not like my answer. The NFL made the call I am sorry it was not to your liking. You did not get your way. Suck it up.


1. Because What they did was so obviously wrong and anti-american and racist and they are fucking assholes.

2. I'm not asking for the law to do anything. Why are you bringing up the law?

3. You are wrong.

4. Irrelevant. He was punished. He paid a price. It is oveer, time to move on.

5. You have the right to be an anti-American, and anti-white racist asshole. I don't have to like it. I judge you as a bad person. YOur request for me to "suck it up" is denied. I prefer to call you on your bullshit and point out what a racist anti-American ass you are being.


No one is forcing you to watch a football game or support the NFL. If you feel that strongly there is a simple solution do not watch or support it.

Then all we have here is your feelings being hurt. Cry a river build a bridge and get over it.

I am right actually. You only care about what effects you. I care about what effects everyone.

Nope totally relevant. He paid the price but we are not glossing over that. You do not do that with democrats or liberals so no.

Yep you do not have to like it but you are not being forced to watch or support the NFL. Shut your mouth and move on.


1. Done. Also, they need to be publicly shamed for their shitty behavior and for being such bad people.

2. No. If someone is an anti-American asshole during the FUCKING NATIONAL ANTHEM, I think I will express my disgust with what a piece of shit human they are. AND the people that defend him? I will point out that their defense is retarded and full of lies.

3. OOooh, big difference between "care more" and "only care". But you knew that. You are a lying whore.

4. Liberals generally DON'T pay a price for their bad behavior. They are normally protected by other liberals who put politics ahead of what is right.

5. You have the right to be an anti-American, and anti-white racist asshole. I don't have to like it. I judge you as a bad person. YOur request for me to "suck it up" is denied. I prefer to call you on your bullshit and point out what a racist anti-American ass you are being.


Lol they are bad people because they disagree with you. Good to know you accept other views besides your own. Notice I did not call you a bad person for disagreeing. Real mature there on your end.

Then do not tell me to move on about Alex Jones. I will gladly continue to say what a piece of shit Alex Jones is for spreading that conspiracy theory about the Sandy Hook shooting and causing victims harm. Hypocrite!

No you only care about what effects you. I stand by that statement.

So no republican has gotten away with a crime? This is a bold faced lie on your end. Generally whoever has more money gets away with more crime, this happens no matter the party.

That is fine I will call you a bigot for saying he is a racist and a bad person. I disagreed in a civilized way you are incapable of doing that. I told you to suck it up you decided to play the race card and call me a racist. Had a black person or someone other than white done that you would have a fit.


1. It is not "Becasue they disagree with me". Their support of an anti-American and racist message during the NATIONAL FUCKING ANTHEM, makes them bad people.

2. The crux of the matter is that there is a difference between defending a man's right to speech and defending what a man says. I defend Jone's right to speech. YOu and the nfl are defending what Kaerpnick said. The reason you refuse to address this, is because you know that the speech you are defending, is as vile as I say it is. You know I am right so your only defense is to play dumb.

3. That is you being a dick.

4. Republican do not have the hive mind set of the left. We do not have your mechanism of group lying. It is chilling and inhuman. YOu people are fucking weird and fucked in the head.

5. You have NOT disagreed in a civil manner. And the difference is that your complaint is false while mine is true.


It's because they disagree with you. Who was harmed during the national anthem because of that? I don't want feelings I want facts of who he harmed by doing that.

Nope I granted you the right to disagree with him. You took it a step further by calling anyone who supports that racist and a bad person.

Nah I can observe trash when I see it.

We aren't talking about mindset. You moved the goalpost. The point stands rich people no matter the party get away with crimes more often generally.

Never called you a racist or a bad person for disagreeing that was you.


1. A message can be bad and hatefull without anyone being directly harmed. That you tried to set the bar to direct harm, is you knowing I am right but not having the balls to admit it.

2. The crux of the matter, which you again dodged, is that I am defending Jones right to sppech, while you are dfending Keapernicks message. That is why you repeatedly and dishonestly try to frame it as me attacking his right to speech.

3. Said the dick.

4. You tried to claim an equiviancy. My answer addressed why that is not true. You really didn't understand that? BULLSHIT.

5. You called me other names and operated in a disrespectful and dishonest manner ie you were not civil. So I responded appropriatedly. You want civil discourse? BE CIVIL.


I do not think he feels bad at all about the damage his actions caused innocent people.

Shit talker, Alex didn’t cause anyone any damage, the damage was caused by a psychotic individual.


So then he got sued and had that lawsuit happen to him for nothing then?


Anyone can sue and be sued for almost anything.


Not and win that much in a lawsuit. Alex Jones was found guilty of crimes and is a piece of trash. Quick go and donate to him I am sure he could use your help.


Do you accept Kaepernick's right to be "anti-american"?


i said nothing that would even justify asking this question.


Correct it can. So okay we got past the fact that no one was harmed. Now explain with facts how it is harmful to kneel during the national anthem. Explain how the message is harmful other than you disagreeing.

Nope you are again playing a game here. If you can call for the NFL to remove Kaepernick for kneeling I can call for youtube to remove Alex Jones for his conspiracy theory about Sandy Hook. Which by the way actually caused harm to the victims. This is the double standard. Lets say Kaepernick's message was harmful. Ok so remove him. Meanwhile Alex Jones message is harmful yet you advocate for him to stay on youtube.

I spoke the truth. It is why you sling insults with no rebuttal. That is you losing the argument.

Yeah because you made a statement with no evidence. Anyone who makes more money gets a more lenient legal punishment regardless of political affiliation. We are not talking about mindset. That was you pathetically attempting to move the goalpost.

Only when you did it to me. You were the first to sling out racist among other things. You are the one who started with the insults.


1. It was a massively anti-American and racist speech. For those that did not understand it, he later clarified his message verbally to verify that indeed, he was attacking AMERICA as a whole, becuase of the supposed behavior of white people. It is also worth noting that such speech is by it's nature, very divisive.

2. A football game is not the same as a virtual communcation space. Treating similar behavior (controversial speech) in different places and different situations, differently, makes sense. Your pretense that time and place are irrelevant does not make sense. Football's purpose is to be a national pastime. Youtube is to be a virtual public square. Different responses make complete sense.

3. No. You found an excuse to be a dick. Because you were looking for one. That is you being a dick. I repeat, caring more about shit that impacts me and mine, is normal. It does NOT imply, as you assumed, that I thus care about no one else. You made tha leap because you like to think of yourself one way, but you wanted to act in a completely different way. So you needed an excuse for yourself. Standard lefty behavior.

4. Leftards protect their own, and go after their enemies with a fiery and retarded passion. Your denial of this is standard lefty behavior.

5. Common lefty troll boi behavior. YOu act in a very rude and disrespectful manner, and when I respond apropriately, you tell yourself that it came out of nowhere, and now you are justified in being a dick in response. Oh, and you cite the "anger" of the conservative as though that means there is something wrong with them. Since you didn't use any explict insults. I am not playing such retarded games. YOu act like an asshole, I will treat you accordingly. YOu act civil, I will be civil. Consider it a CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE GAME.


Lol again you just gave your opinion and nothing more. In my book his actions were wonderful and were not disrespectful. I find you disrespectful for viewing it that way.

Nope it is the same. Youtube is technically their platform therefore they can silence who they want to. If you own the platform it is your call to make.

Oh I can tell that is your MO. You care only about you and your own. Which is standard right wing behavior. Since you want to demonize the left I will demonize the right. Turn about is fair play.

Again that was not part of the discussion. Your attempt to move the goal post is denied. We were talking about if a person gets away with something because of their political affiliation. I proved that when you have tons of money the legal system is more lenient on you regardless of political affiliation.

You insulted me first. So you have no moral high ground here. Since you want to be an asshole that is the way you will get treated like one. You are a scumbag.


1. That was retarded when he first did it. Afterwards when he verbally clarifed that his message was against AMERICA as a whole because of white people, your denial is simiply you stonewalling like a good little troll boi. That yo are lying for him is just another form of you supporting his message, not his right to speech. That you support anti-americanism and don't have the balls to own it, is you being a pussy.

2. Note that you expressed your disagreement, but you did not explain it. Becuase your position that a football game and youtube are LITERALLY THE SAME, is clearlly wrong. You are just shit talking now, becaseue you will say anything to support his anti-American message.

3. Except that my generalizations are true, or at least made in good faith, and yours are shit talk. This btw, is a fine example of you being a rude asshole. Go fuck yourself.

4. We were disccussing about if a person gets away with something because of their poliitcal affilitaion. You bringing up that there are other ways that people can get away with shit, does not contradict my poitn about the left giving their own a pass. Please stop acting like you are retarded. It is disrespectful to retarded people.

5. And again, you ignore my truthful and clear explanation, to just stonewall and be an asshole. Thus you choose to have an uncivil disccussion instead of a civil one. Which is fine. Well, not really, but at least stone whining about it like a fag.


Lol when he first did it people like yourself were not interested in the reasoning. So spare me that nonsense. Your side constantly talks about peacefully protesting. Whenever there is a riot and buildings are destroyed or looted you say they should do it by peaceful methods. Then when that is done that is not good enough either. Lets cut through the crap, you do not want the other side to say a word or protest by any means. You are pretending like you are mad at where it is done when in reality you are mad at is an opposing voice stating their belief.

I do not have to. You made generalizations which you did not support. Therefore I will do the same to you.

You said nothing to support them. What you can say without evidence I can dismiss without evidence. I can make claims as well without backing them up.

Which has nothing to do with mindset. That was you moving the goalpost and I denied it. You have not proven that a specific party gets away more with crimes than the other you again made a baseless claim. Either provide facts or shut your mouth. It is known that on average democrats are smarter than republicans.

You had no explanation. Also it is a well known fact that anyone who throws out the word fag as freely as you do is covering up something themselves. Are you gay? You projecting something?


1. We were responding to his message. We understood immediately his point. He was expressing his hatred and disloyalty to America. YOU people tried to gaslight that it was just about police wacism. But you were clearly wrong and then he verfied that you were wrong. YOur use of the word "Reasoning" made ZERO sense there. I was not explaining his reasoning or attacking it. I was discussing the end result, ie his message.

2. I actually often do support my generalizations, and if not, would he happy to if you ask or challenge it. The vast majorit of my generalizations are not only true, but common knowledge.

3. LOL. Whatever. YOur constant stonewalling is getting boring. Do you have any other tricks today?

4. lol. I LOVE it when leftards try to use homophobic slurs against. me. Imo, it is one of the purest forms of the lack of their self awareness and their complete corruption and soullessness.


No I do not believe you. I think you did not like him protesting peacefully. You do not have to agree with the message or the reasoning. No one was harmed by him doing that. Only your feelings were hurt. If no one was hurt then you have no grounds to stand on.

Lol which is you admitting you did not support them here. A generalization is not a fact. That is something morons like yourself fail to understand. So since you did not support them here do not expect me to challenge them. Want me to challenge them you need to support them. Otherwise it is just nonsense.

So is yours. Anytime you punch down and boast about how conservatives are better than liberals I will return the favor.

What slur was used against you? I asked if you were gay. That is not a slur. You were the one who said the word fag. Are you honestly this stupid? Or are you just trolling now?


1. YOu don't believe that Americans were offended by a blatant display of anti-Americanism during a nationally televised National Anthem? LOL. Do you realize how fucking retarded you sound right now?

2. In a healthy society where people discussion issues were people and not bad faith lefty troll bois like yourself, such generalizations would help the discussion move forward nicely. You are just being a troll boi. Your post was nonsense.

3. LOL. i'M punching down? LOL!!!! OMG. Yeah, you guys just control the Government and big tech and big media and the cia and the fbi and have mayors who are willing to order cops to arrest people who defend themselves from violent mobs, but I'M the one with the power. Do you like the taste of the shit coming out of your mouth?

4. Your intent was clear. Fag.


I feel as though they were more offended someone did a protest.

Lol in other words you want no on to challenge your generalizations even though you do not prove them. I do not operate off of generalizations I also operate off of facts.

You are speaking on them as a group and attempting to include me in that. Would you like it ands said you harassed the Sandy Hook victims because conservatives tend to listen to Alex Jones? Your attempt to paint me in the light of people who do that is denied. I can point out conservatives who are bigots and do tons of horrible stuff. I am judging you off of your behavior not another group.

Intent was not what you said. You said you love it when leftards try to use homophobic slurs against you. I did no such thing. You just used a slur again lol. You realize how stupid you looked on this right? Also my intent was not to use a slur which is why I did not use one.


1. That is circular reasoning. You hate people, and assume the worst about them, and you see them do something, like complain about the Kneeling, and you FEEL that it was because of a bad, or even worst reason you can think of.

2. Not really. My generallizations are almost always right. If you truly think I made a mistake, and especially if you were correct, i would be fine with you challenging it. Hell, i might learn something. But simpy challenging it, because you don't want to admit it, because it is a problem for your position, not because you think it is wrong? That is you being a dishonest asshole.

3. A generalization is a generalization, not an universial statement. That you want to pretend to not know that, is a mechanism where as you manage to slow or stop discussions because you want to hide the truth. Becuase you know that what you believe or want, is false or bad. I want serious and honest discussions, because I belive that what I believe or want is true and good.

4 Yes. You did. YOu pretended to ask me a question, when in reality what you were doing was using the implied implication of homosexuality as a slur. That is hilarious. YOu are such a stupid fag.

And why would it look retarded for me to call you a fag? You are clearly acting in such a way as to justify it.


No I feel it is quite accurate. It would not matter where he did the protest or when you guys would still complain about it.

No not true. If it were you would have provided facts to prove them. You did no such thing. I challenge a generalization of any kind because it is not iron clad. You only want to look at a generalization and nothing else. I get why people like you do it. It does the leg work for you and you don't have to think, you can operate off of laziness.

Then if it is not a universal statement you would not use a generalization as if it were. You like to cite any generalization that favors you. Funny thing is you will not cite one that goes against you even if it is true. You cherry pick and it is painfully obvious.

Nope I asked you a question because I feel you are projecting. Anybody who does that is usually trying to hide something which what I think is happening here.

Again you keep using the words and have no idea what they mean. You used a slur I did no such thing. I caught you in a lie.


1. Well, I am not in control, nor responsible for your feelings. So, you are operating based solely on what you want to believe so... YOu know we are bad because you just feel it. Got it. I won't be making a similar argument against you. Or anyone, lol.

2. It is silly to "provide facts" to "prove" something that people generally know to be true. All that does is bog down discussions into meaningless back and forth bullshit. Especially when one side is composed almost exclusively of bad faith trolls.

3. Give me a generalization you think does not favor me.

4. No you didn't. You sentence was structured that way, but your actual intent was to snidely imply that I was gay. As an insult. That is you being homophobic. And that is funny. That you are stonewalling on it, is you being a fag.


No I operate off of observations of your guys's behavior. You do not like when someone spouts a political opinion you disagree with. Lebron James got told to shut up and dribble by Laura Ingraham. Meanwhile Drew Breeze voiced his disapproval of kneeling. Which is fine but... Laura Ingraham did not tell him to shut up and play football now did she? See the double standard?

Lol coming from the guy that says the msm lies. That is common knowledge by now but you constantly bring that up the discussion. A generalization can only tell some of a story not the entire thing. It can be wrong in many scenarios. Many factors play into them.

The drug war generally causes more harm than good.

Nope you are going off what you feel my intent was. You have no idea what my intent was. You want that to be my intent to cover up the fact that you said the slur. You are projecting.


1. I'm not getting your point. People that say shit we disagree with, we express our disagrement with them.

2. What do you mean "wrong in many scenarios"?

3. Is that even a generalization? You are talking about a policy, not a group .

4. Your intent was clear. And my pointing out that you used a slur in no way hides my use of the term fag, to call you a fag. That was stupid of you to claim. YOu fag.


You do not stop at disagreement. If Kaepernick did that not in the NFL people would still say he is a bad person. It is that mentality of if you dare say one negative thing about America that you hate it.

Exactly what I mean. Stereotypes exist right? Generalization exist. There are exceptions to those things correct? People do not bother to ask why something is the way it is or the factors that lead to it. They look at the generalization and it stops there.

Conservatives generally are the people who support the drug war. So no incorrect.

Nope that was what you drew up. I never said a slur where as you did. Your attempt to conceal that did not work.


1. You seem to be losing the thread. You were claiming that we do not respect his right to speech. Pointing out, correctly, that we think he is a bad person, is irrelevant to whether or not we support his right to speech. Thanks to hte NFL supporting his speech, thus giving him permission to "speak" during the national anthem, he has the right to do what he did. He said his message. I support the right of his employers to allow him to speak. And thus his right to speak. That does not mean that I cannot strongly disagree with him and say so, to the point of explaining why and how he is a vile piece of shit person.

2. Nonsense. Everyone knows that generalizations have exceptions and asking WHY something might be a certain way, is a completely reasonable step. I challenge you to give me an example of a policy or public action where the process you describe led to an issue.

3. I would be fine with that generalization. If you made it during a discussion, and...used that to build a point, I would almost certainly just address teh point you made, instead of demanding proof that conseervatives are generally the people that support the drug war.

4. And this is how trolls operate. You never "Said" an explict slur. YOu just snidely and cowardly implied that I was a fag, in order to insult me. Your intent and meaning where clear. You called me a fag to insult me, but you are too much of a coward to just do that.

What a fag you are.

I am not interested in such fag games, fag. You act that rude and disrepectful and I will treat you accordingly. YOu whine like a fag because I do so, and you then play this game in "defense" and all that does is make you look like even more of a fag.


No the point I am making is you think he is a bad person because he disagrees with you. This is how typical right wing nutjobs are. No one is capable of disagreeing with them without being considered bad or evil. Second you guys say do not do it during the national anthem. When in reality if he did it anywhere public you wouldn't want him doing it anywhere regardless of where it was done.

If everyone knows they have exceptions why do they list the generalization as if it is a fact? Generalizations which led to issues? Did you seriously just ask me that? Black people are uneducated. Black people are thugs. All you have to do is comb through history to see how generalizations caused issues. Asking why is reasonable but often that is not what is done. Often times a generalization is used as a means of spreading hatred or justifying it.

Which you are not doing now. I can easily cite proof for you conservatives are generally for the drug war. If you asked I can easily provide it. I unlike you answer a question directly. I did not give my side opinion like how you did on Michelle Obama's looks. So we both excel in certain areas. You wanted a negative policy conservatives generally support and believe in and I provided it. Now address it.

I was implying you were gay. Since often times bigots who use that word are gay themselves and use that slur against other people as a means to make themselves feel better. They do that because they can't accept themselves. They think being gay is horrid so they use that slur. I was saying you were gay not a fag. So nope I still did not use the slur. Only bigots use that word.

Right back at you. You get rude with me and I will tell you to fuck right off. You are not scaring anybody on here.


1. The world is full of leftards with similar anti-American and anti-white racist beliefs. I met one at a party a few years ago. She whined that hte party was too white. I pointed out that she was judging the people at the party based on their skin color and judging against them based on her skin color. She looked at me, like she did not have a brain in her head.

I disagreed with her. She expressed racist speech. She did not interupt a national televised unity ritual to make her divisive and racist speech. I do not hate her. I am fine with her saying waht she said. I consider her a racist and anti-America leftard bimbo. She very well might be a bad person.

You seem to be having trouble distinguishing between disagreeing with someone and considering them bad people. you can done one or the other. You can also to BOTH.

2. "Often times generalizattions are used as a means of spreading hate"?

Ironically, that is a generalization.

But I know what you meant. I am not going to nitpick. I am not going to demand a link or some such bullshit.

"Black people are uneducated".

Name the last time you can think of that that caused an issue in this country.

3. But I would not challenge a generalization like "conservativdes are generally the people that support the Drug War". Not unless I had a real reason to doubt the claim or a point to be made that challenged it.

I also would not bog the discussion down, in whinging about the use of a generalization.

4. But why did you do that? You did it to insult me. Your implied insult is based on the idea that being gay is bad. Thus you are a homophobe. That you did not use the word, "fag" is... that you focus on the word, instead of your homophobic intent, is just, classic leftard. Completetly missing the point.

Leftards. All the self awareness of a potted plant. If that potted plant was high. And dead.

5. Doesn't work. YOu are the leftard troll boit, being a troll boi. I'm not.


Nice dancing around the subject. You do not think anyone can disagree with you without being a bad person as I originally said. You can do both but that is not what you do. Anytime you disagree with someone you think they are a bad person. You think all liberal people are bad.

I stated in history so that should have given you a time period I was discussing. Back in the MLK days those generalizations about black people caused harm.

Well that is you. I personally like to challenge it and for them to prove it to me. I have seen many claims people spew out that are utter nonsense and when I ask them to back it up they end up just spewing out insults.

I told you why I did it. You kept calling me a fag. You directly used a slur, I did not. One of my relatives is gay I have no issue with others so long as they do not harm other people. Often those who use that word are gay themselves and are ashamed of it. Nowhere did I say anything negative about gay people.

Conservatives do not like being called out on stupid claims it is their kryptonite.

Does not work you are the right wing troll boi and I am not.


1. No, I don't. What happens is that your leaders set up situations where your side is defending bad people and tells you to lie and pretend to think shit that is simply not true. Such as, "Kneeling during a time when standing is do to show loyalty to America and your fellow Americans, is NOT anti-Americanism".

Your position is clearly nonsense. And you side collectively lies like the good totalitarian serfs that you are. Such behavior is very infuriating to normal people who are operating in good faith. Thus your behavior is extremely divisivie.

2. Fine, we can use it.

Sure, back then such a generalization was often claimed. It was often challenged too. As there were plenty of good counter examples. Thus a good faith discussion of the issues of racism. That led to the ending of legal systems of discrimination and oppression against ethnic minorities.

What part of thath bothers you?

3. My experiences is that when lefties challenge you for a link, they almost always don't really care. YOu provide it, and they drop the point and just launch their next attack. The problem is not generalizations. The problem is lefties not operating in good faith.

4. You didn't SAY it directly. But your intent was clear. Your meaning was clear. Your slur was far more homopobic than mine. YOur lack of self awareness would be funny, if it were not so widespread and dangerous.

Also, your understanding of "projection" Projection sometimes happens. It is not the norm. I have never heard someone actually claim it is the norm, as you are doing.

5. No, I am the one operating in good faith, and you are the leftard troll boi.



No what I said was true. You say to peacefully protest and when that is done you guys do not like it still. What matters to you is someone disagreeing not what is being said. You pretend that it is what is being said as a means to cover up what you are truly doing.

Because when you operate off of generalizations it can lead to bad things as it did in the past. You just admitted certain generalizations were challenged back then. Yes that is how racism towards black people got better. You now want people to accept a generalizations and not challenge it. I do not operate off of generalizations. I go by facts and I look intro why a generalization exists. You do not do that.

I could not care less what your experience is. You do not get to cast your past experiences onto me. I could use that same childish logic as a means to be rude to you. In my experience republicans do not care about facts they only care about what suits their agenda. This is where you will claim to not believe me. Bottom line I could not care less about your anecdotal experience.

No my intent was not what you want it to be. You are doing that as a means to cover up what you were calling me. I did not use the slur where as you did.

Oh in the case of conservatives it is the norm.

Nope I am operating in good faith you are a troll and a scumbag.


1. I am completely happy to discuss how i disagree with his message. At great lenght. Your... weird take away that this is some kind of dodge is just senseless. As are nearly all conservatives.

2. THere is a difference between a challenge because one seriously believes that a generalization is incorrect, and one where the challenge is just a debating tactic. That you do not get this, is you being willfully stupid, as a form of stonewalling.

3. Correct. I do not believe you. My point standsd. Lefies make demands but don't really care about the shit they demand.

4. Bullshit. Your intent was to accuse me of being homosexual as an implied slur. You did not use the actual WORD, so you think that means your behavior was within some bounds. And I am happy to talk about the way I used the slur against you. You are after all, acting like a complete fag, as I explained multiple times. YOu are suppoirting homophobia.

5. Go fuck yourself re: conservatives norm bullshit.

6. LOL. You are clearly a leftard troll and everyone can see that. Even yourself, despite ydour leftard lack of self awareness.


I do not believe you for a second. Yeah and I agree conservatives have no sense. You got one thing right for once.

There are generalizations you have made I think are incorrect. So no horse shit!

You get angry when I say I do not believe you then you turn around say you do not believe me. Turn about is fair play. My point stands conservatives tend to be closed minded idiots generally.

Nothing is wrong with being a homosexual. I was again pointing out those that use that word often hate that part of themselves and then proceed to project it onto others because they view it as negative. You do not even know the meaning of the word as you used it incorrectly.

The point stands conservatives do not like to be challenged. Deal with it.

Lol you are clearly a conservative troll and everyone can see that. Even despite your right wing lack of awareness.


1. How can we test your conclusion?

2. Name the most important example.

3. No, turnabout is not fair play. You have been a dishonest troll boi, and I have not. You don't like that? Change your behavior.

4. You SAY that nothing is wrong with it, but your actions of using it as a slur, shows that you true feelings are otherwise.

Your belief that projection is that common is a new one. IMO, you are just shit talking to justify your slurs.

5. Your unsupported assertion is noted and dismissed.

6. I am the opposite of a troll. I am prepared to discuss issues seriously and honestly. YOu are shit talking.


Tell me liberals/democrats that are good people.

You made the claim that liberals all ask for proof bas a way to stall the argument. That is a generalization you can not prove.

Nope turnabout is a fair play. You did it to me therefore I returned the favor. You casted plenty of your negative feelings about liberals onto me. So why can't I tie you in with every negative experience I have had with other conservatives.

I did not use it as a slur. I called out your projection learn the difference.

No it is actually not new. It is well known actually.

As are yours about liberals. If you can make a baseless assertion others are free to as well.

Nope you are a scumbag and I have heard from others on here you are trash as well.


1. Bill Maher, Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson.

2. The most common response to me providing a link or evidence requested is to drop the point and move on to the next attack. Once or twice, the lib in question as seriously accepted the impact of the evidence in the discussion.

3. Because you are lying about youre experiences. And becasueu we are different people and different types of people.

4. To what end, if not to smear me as a fag?

5. Projection as being "often" is well known? I've never heard of it.

6. My assertions about you specifically and lefties in generaly are not baseless.

7. LOL. Other leftard trolls that don't like that I kicked their asses. Try being civil with me, if that is possible for one such as you. You might learn something.


Liberals in name only. They are catering to supporting your candidate. Tell me ones who do not agree with you that are good people. You just furthered my point. They agree with you so you give it a pass.

Irrelevant I do not give a shit what your past experience was with other people. Remember when you asked me if Trump said White supremacists were good people? I said no. You then said most people say he said that. So you are casting past experiences onto me which is bullshit.

Lol nope. I have had bad experiences with conservatives on here. You saw them claiming Michelle Obama was a man right? I actually have links to prove that one. So no I am not lying.

To show you it is okay we will not judge.

Well you should have heard of it.

They are baseless wrong.

No I have seen you get owned several times on here. You would be a terrible debater in real life. Thank God you have no power and will only ever go as far as being on a message board.


1. I agree with bill maher on almost nothing. Musk made his name with electric cars, a subject I think is dumb. Peterson? He said he probably would have voted for HILLARY, if he was American.

I disagree with these people, yet respect them and do not consider them Bad People. Three good examples to challenge your assertion.

2. The only evidence I have seen so far of individual variation on your part. I am sorry you have failed to give me more. But other than that, you seem to be a standard issue lefty.

4. You did it as a smear, and you are too balless to own it.

MEanwhile, my use of it FIGURATIVELY, was ironically far less homophobic.

5. I didn't. I think you are wrong. I have always heard of it, as a weird thing that some people sometimes do, not a common thing. YOur usage is... very new.

6. LOL Sure you did.


Yes but he now supports Trump. Therefore that is all you need. Musk gave a voice to your camp by buying twittter. Peterson also backs Trump. Notice the pattern here? You only like those guys because you get something out of them. Also why is an electric car dumb?

My assertion still stands. All of which you listed I just cited benefits your camp is some way shape or form. I unlike you can respect a conservative even if nothing they do benefits me.

Does not matter it still challenges your assertion and generalization. We have not gone over other stuff that I disagree with liberals on. You agree with everything conservatives do, they can do no wrong in your book.

Nope I just know those that use that insult are typically gay themselves.

Nah it was homophobic and you are now projecting again.

Bullshit I do not believe you never heard of it.

Oh no I have plenty to comb through you getting checked on here. Going through your history is funny. You are even more ignorant than I originally thought.


1. Did you forget your position? You said that I see all people that disagree with me as bad. Maher disagrees with me on nearly everything. ect.

2. Nonsense. Drop teh shit.

3. You used it, and are still using it as a slur but don't have the balls to admit it. You are pathetic.

4. You don't believe me? Except you are such a shit talker you are probably just lying more.

5. But, you would lie to claim that. Becuase you lie for no reason.


However he agrees with you on Trump. So he does not totally disagree with you.

No nonsense here. That is from your end.

Nope you used the slur. I did not.

No I do not believe you.

Nope like I said go through my history.


"Liberals in name only."

Nonsense, they are classical-liberals that still have some common sense.


1. The world is full of leftards with similar anti-American and anti-white racist beliefs. I met one at a party a few years ago. She whined that hte party was too white. I pointed out that she was judging the people at the party based on their skin color and judging against them based on her skin color. She looked at me, like she did not have a brain in her head.

I disagreed with her. She expressed racist speech. She did not interupt a national televised unity ritual to make her divisive and racist speech. I do not hate her. I am fine with her saying waht she said. I consider her a racist and anti-America leftard bimbo. She very well might be a bad person.

You seem to be having trouble distinguishing between disagreeing with someone and considering them bad people. you can done one or the other. You can also to BOTH.

2. "Often times generalizattions are used as a means of spreading hate"?

Ironically, that is a generalization.

But I know what you meant. I am not going to nitpick. I am not going to demand a link or some such bullshit.

"Black people are uneducated".

Name the last time you can think of that that caused an issue in this country.

3. But I would not challenge a generalization like "conservativdes are generally the people that support the Drug War". Not unless I had a real reason to doubt the claim or a point to be made that challenged it.

I also would not bog the discussion down, in whinging about the use of a generalization.

4. But why did you do that? You did it to insult me. Your implied insult is based on the idea that being gay is bad. Thus you are a homophobe. That you did not use the word, "fag" is... that you focus on the word, instead of your homophobic intent, is just, classic leftard. Completetly missing the point.

Leftards. All the self awareness of a potted plant. If that potted plant was high. And dead.

5. Doesn't work. YOu are the leftard troll boit, being a troll boi. I'm not.


I can easily cite proof for you conservatives are generally for the drug war. If you asked I can easily provide it.

Promises, Promises. More of your tricks, games and bullshitting.




The majority of people do not want EVs.


no one wants an EV that can only go 300 miles and takes at least 45 minutes to 8 hours to charge.

if they create one that goes a 1,000 miles and has wireless charging everywhere, then I might get one.


They don’t want communist Democrats or a pantshitting president either.


Then don't vote for Trump.


You got it backwards.


Wait, all of a sudden you guys care about Climate Change? Or is there another factor at play... Must be overthinking it.




JOWILLI is asking for a handout. You're supposed to hate welfare and socialism, 'member?


The OP has nothing to do with "socialism."


Buy your own car without government help, commie!


HAHA, I thought you wanted to save the Earth?


HAHA, I thought you hated welfare and socialism?


That doesn't make any sense.


Keeliar conflates everything with socialism.


Glad to finally have you on board on fighting climate change! Welcome to the team! On the other hand sad to see that you prefer to continue subsidise the Chinese state and Chinese industry. Is that a republican stance?


I am pro climate change and millions of EV's being charged by coal and natural gas will likely reverse climate change in 5 years. republican? who said I was a republican? why do democrats own chinese made phones?


I mean, some of your posts suggest you're a pro-PRC and pro-Iran simp. So I guess you indeed are not a Republican.


yup, all that is true.


So you are pro-Iran and pro-PRC?


just on tuesdays...


Yeah pretty sure


she's a democrat
posted 13 days ago by JoWilli (13162)
5 replies | jump to latest
I just found out this bimbo is officially a democrap. just as I was finding her to be interesting and this crushing news I found.

I will no longer look at her the same way and i won't be seeing her movies anymore.

just say no...

just so everyone knows, I am not a republican....


Your satire and sarcasm aside; the Chinese industry have demonstrated that they have no concerns for the same bogus “climate change” that is been preached by the globalists and western leaders.


Not entirely true, but they definitely should be doing more, so one more reason why it's good that Biden stops subsidising Chinese industry, no?


The Chinese owns his ass and the asses of many other politicians.
