MovieChat Forums > Grifterhunter

Grifterhunter (721)


Can we all agree the education system in America could be better? Is his grift really that profitable? View all posts >


Wrong I can point to it actually. So nope wrong. Reason to be pissed doesn't give the right to tell someone to kill themselves. Nice avoiding what I said. So anytime someone gets mad or has the right to be mad that gives them the right to tell someone to kill themselves. I had the right to be pissed over you being an asshole wrong. Keep funding racism which you hate snowflake. You getting angry is justified, you stepped over the line by telling someone to kill themselves. Is that in Christian teachings that it's okay to tell someone that if they are rude or make you angry? Nope it's assholish to talk me like I'm your kid. If I did that to you, you would tell me to eat shit. Also snowflake? Lol I'm not the one who bitches about racist people in Hollywood and then proceeds to give my money to them. That's you being a simp. Grow up and take responsibility snowflake. You are responsible for funding evil. Oh I can point to how right wing people think it's funny to see Black people get killed or liberals to be assaulted. I can easily do the same thing you did. Nick Fuentes, Stephen Crowder etc. If it's nothing to be ashamed of why did he say it in a negative way? He did it because he knew the bigots would latch into that as a way to smear him. It was a lie and he knew it. Also Obama has better grades than Trump did. He is far smarter than him. He did that as a means of hatred the point stands. Coming from the guy who told someone to kill themselves? Yeah you don't get to pull that card. I have more control than you since I've never pulled that. That's a child who resorts to antics like that. It can actually and in Trump's case I believe it does. If Biden did this or a liberal you would say it does. So no you don't get to have double standards for your guy. Wanting to win does not excuse lying. A lie is a lie. Since we have him on record lying why should we believe anything he says? No it shows hate that's bullshit from you. It shows hate and it destroys his credibility. I wonder why Obama was the only person he questioned about their birth certificate? Coincidence? Not a hissy fit. It's me not taking your shit. No you just confirmed he did. Trump spreads lies about his opponents even when he knows they are untrue. That shows he hates his opponents. Like when he tried to raise suspicion about Obama's birth certificate. That was done out of hatred. I think it's funny you claim whichever side you are on to be the superior side. So I will be like you. Any side I'm on is superior morally to you since you are in immoral person who tells people to kill themselves. I like how I exposed you there, it shows that you don't truly believe in biblical teachings. So thanks for exposing yourself by the way. And you won't be telling people to do that again on here trust me. You told me who to vote for like you were my parent. You wouldn't take someone doing that to you. Studies have shown conservatives are less intelligent historically. Obama divided far higher in school than your guy Trump did lookup the facts and get your eyes opened. So it's fine if he hates others so long as it isn't you. Nice logic. View all replies >