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Do you think Bill Clinton murdered those Waco kids?



He is complicit.




I don’t put the blame on Bill Clinton personally, but yes the government was wrong.


WanderFromYs=doesn’t believe in the Buck stops here.


There's a difference between the buck stops here, and saying the President is directly responsible for every government action that occurs during his four years in office. Unless his administration sanctioned some sort of FBI kid killing policy during his time in office, it's a stretch to say he murdered them.


No. They could have had a radio controlled tank knock down a wall on day one. Instead, they tortured them for many weeks by blaring music of animals being tortured and what not. To say Bill Clinton didn’t know is hogwash as this was on the news everyday.


Does that include Trump?

Leftoids blamed him for everything that happened while he was POTUS and they still blame him for things that happen under Biden.


Only the things that can legitimately be layed at the feet of the president. An FBI/AFT operation turning into a clusterfuck isn't exactly one of those things.

Now when a President directly calls on his followers to show up in the capital and stop a procedural vote, you can definitely hold him accountable for everything that follows.


An FBI/AFT operation turning into a clusterfuck isn't exactly one of those things.
you can definitely hold him accountable for everything that follows.

lol, In that case, since there were 200+ feds embedded in the capitol crowd, than he can't be held accountable for it.


Gotta love conservatives and their conspiracy theory bullshit! Whah, the undercover FBI agents that we can't identify tricked me into committing those crimes, whah!

Was Ray Epps one of those 200?


Did you watch any of the oversight committees where they admitted to having feds embedded in the crowds? Apparently, you didn't or you are in denial.


That has been debunked many times and is only being kept alive by hardcore MAGA cultist. Unless you want to back any of that up with a non-biased source, just stop. It's pathetic.


hahaha, debunked by who, fake news? The oversight committees is the source.


You do know that the oversight committee's findings are freely available online and that there's nothing in there about any, let alone 200+ FBI agents being involved in those events that day?


You do know that the oversight committee's findings are freely available online

No shit Sherlock. Are you telling yourself that?

So you didn't watch them or you are still in denial.


Your the one making a fucking claim that isn't backed up anywhere and has been thoroughly debunked. Either provide a credible link or STFU!


Once again, the OC is the source that you obviously haven't watched or are in denial about it.
FN-MSM can't debunk the facts.


I like how dems act like they are incapable of searching the internet for links but have no trouble finding links that disparage Trump. lol

I am surprised that Robo hasn't posted his tin foil conspiracy cat yet. lol




"That has been debunked many times "

Wow, you and Hillary use the same exact debate tactics.


Hillary's well trained NPC.


Please provide a link.
Oh, never-mind, we know that didn't happen.
There were a couple of Trump- supporting agents there on their own. That's all that came out in the oversight committee, which was a total bust for Jordan.


Evidence please


Do you have any of trump's words to back up your claim trump told his followers to stop a procedural vote?

People without tds heard go peacefully protest.

What did you think you heard?


Sufferers of TDS only hear what they want to hear.


You're right. TDS = Trump's Delusional Supporters.


If you want to say he was the president, and responsible for the government, then ok. But as far as I know he wasn’t the one issuing orders and making decisions. That would be the atf and fbi. As well as the Attorney General.


the atf and fbi. As well as the Attorney General.

All three are part of the DS including Bill.

He had plenty of opportunities to make a different call, but he didn't, thereby making him complicit.


That’s a fair perspective. But the topic is “Do you think Bill Clinton murdered those Waco kids?”. I don’t think he was that closely involved with the decision making. I don’t think it was his call to breach the compound that day. I think it was the ATF, and FBIs HRT pushing things.


Blame likely goes to Janet Reno the Attorney General. IT'S RENO TIME!!!


Gotta love liberals and their refusal to take responsibility.


"I don't take responsibility at all." - Donald J. Trump when asked about Covid testing.

Man, that guy really was a cunt!


The question wasn’t about Trump.


Covid was a scam for the death shot. Cope with it.



No, that would be David Koresh...


Clinton and Reno were calling the shots. There was no reason to handle the situation the way they did.

As usual with the government, no one was heard accountable
