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Illegal immigrant murdered Texas High School Cheerleader

This is on Biden.


What about legal citizens in the US who have murdered someone? Is all that Biden's fault too?


Thatโ€™s like saying in defense of a DUI what about the people on the road who were sober who killed people in a car accident?


I don't care about that.What about legal citizens in the US who have murdered someone? Is all that Biden's fault too?


What the hell is murded?


I have no clue to what your babbling about. What about legal citizens in the US who have murdered someone? Is all that Biden's fault too? So quit jumping around the subject and and answer the questions. It's not rocket science! ๐Ÿš€


So you double down on murded?


You're having a very difficult answering the questions I posted the above. So let's try again. I have no clue as to what your babbling about. What about legal citizens in the US who have murdered someone? Is all that Biden's fault too? So quit jumping around the subject and and answer the questions. It's not rocket science! ๐Ÿš€ Apparently you have triple down on your stupid.


Listen, I am not going to argue with someone who canโ€™t spell a basic word twice, once even after I drew attention to it.


You're having a very difficult answering the questions I posted above. So let's try again. I have no clue as to what you're babbling about. What about legal citizens in the US who have murdered someone? Is all that Biden's fault too? So quit jumping around the subject and answer the questions. It's not rocket science! ๐Ÿš€ Apparently you have triple down on stupid.


It is Biden's responsibility to enforce the border. Thus a murderer coming across the border and committing a murder in this country is to some extent his failure.

It is NOT Biden's responsibility to remove native born American murderers from America before they committ their murder. Thus an AMERICAN native born murderer committing a murder is NOT his responsibility.

It is impossible that you are too stupid to know that. To be as stupid as you are pretending to be, your brain would be too small to make yourself BREATH. You would be on a respirator and non-verbal, certainly unable to type to engage in your trolling.

So, clearly you know that this IS Bidens' responsibility but you just don't care. You support him and accept this murder of this young girl as a trade off for....something that you seem to think you are getting with Biden in charge.

You are a vile little troll boi.


man you had him there with the DUI analogy !
now its descended into squabbling about spelling


Increased Illegal Immigration Brings Increased Crime.

Those crimes had declined prior to 2021 and surged to almost 2000% as of 2021, so yeah, it is on Biden.



Yup, and the loony lefties, yet again, side with and protect the murderer.

They are basically accomplices.


OP and the rest of the ignorant xenophobes are clueless once, again!

"Edna police said Romero is 23 years old and added that he is undocumented with an expired visa."

That means Romero LEGALLY ENTERED the country and OVERSTAYED. Dumb Republicans don't understand that is one of the main ways people stay in the country illegally and their obsession with a wall (which Trump failed to build) would do nothing to prevent expired visas.

BTW, Mrs Trump was in the U.S. illegally working as a model. Which Republicans want her citizenship voided and her deported for fraud?


He is an ILLEGAL ALIEN. Even the OP doesn't understand this.


>BTW, Mrs Trump was in the U.S. illegally working as a model.
Can't remember her murdering anybody.


Errr, sure, we understand that. It is irrelevant to the issue. Biden is utimately responsible for enforcing federal law and immigration policy and he refusing to do that.


Obviously, you have no idea how government works. Congress, which is majority Republican, creates legislation re: immigration. They're too busy doing nothing.

Federal agencies like ICE enforces immigration law along with Immigration judges.

I hope you're not American considering your ignorance about the U.S..


Yes, congress passes teh laws. The President signs them into law.

Then, future presidents have the responsibility to ENFORCE the law.

They are responsible for appointing the people that directy lead organizations such as ICE. THEY are the one ultimately in charge of ICE.

You are clearly just talking shit.


Congress WRITES the laws! Instead of trolling online, phone your Republican congressmen telling him to write immigration legislation. Biden can't sign anything since your inept congressmen do nothing but whine and complain like you.

Your whining is boring.


LOL. Your lying makes you look like a retard.


We are more concerned with the millions of illegals that have invaded the USA because your master Joe allowed it, than a handful that have expired visas.


Trump and Republicans FAILED to build wall in which Mexico would pay.

Once again, you want Biden to fix yet another problem that Trump caused like the covid mess and economy meltdown.


Are you admitting that buidlling a wall would help secure the border, or are you just talking shit, becuase you like the taste as the shit leaves your mouth?


Trump and Republicans did NOTHING for the TWO YEARS they had TOTAL CONTROL of the WH, Congress and Senate.

Your Republican Congress is doing NOTHING now!


I certainly wish that they had done more.

BUt that was not the question. Your previous post blamed them for this, becuase they did not build the wall.

That strongly implies that you think that such a Wall would be effective.

So, I'm asking you, to clarify, do you believe such a Wall would be a good thing, or were you just talking shit, because you like to taste shit in your mouth? Becuase you are such a disgusting and depraved sub human?


Republicans literally do nothing but complain.

Trump and Republicans did NOTHING for the TWO YEARS they had TOTAL CONTROL of the WH, Congress and Senate. You're still doing NOTHING!

Where is the legislation that Republican Congress should be writing if they want immigration reform? You and your party are losers! The president only signs legislation, not creates it. YOU are a BIG DUMMY!!!!


Who said we want immigration reform? That's lefty code for amnesty so shove it up your ass.

I want enforcement and a wall. You are talking shit as though you support a wall, but when called on it, you just talk more shit.

You are a sad, shit loving troll.


Republican Congress controls that part of government, you moron.

You're too stupid to understand how the U.S. government functions.


You think that if the republican congress passed money for a Wall that Bidne would build it?

LOL. Maybe you really are as retarded as you seem.


The guy who killed the girl didn't cross the border, dumdum.


He was a migrant that was born in Mexico. He crossed the border prior to getting a temp visa.


It doesn't work that way, dumdum2. He overstayed.


He still had to cross "the border."


Keeping track of overstaying illegals is as much of Biden's responsibility as securing the border. And he does NEITHER.

Thus, this is his responsibility.

This is pretty simple stuff. When you pretend to be too stupid to get it, you are pretending to be completely retarded.


More whine and complaining from a DO NOTHING Republican.

Trump and Republicans did NOTHING for the TWO YEARS they had TOTAL CONTROL of the WH, Congress and Senate. You're still doing NOTHING! Except complaining.

Why don't you write your congressman and tell him to write immigration legislation instead of whining on a blog site? Do something useful!


I have explicitly stated that I don't want immigration reform, so why would I write my congressman asking for it?

Just how retarded are you?


Here's a link about how government works so you don't remain a Dummy all of your sad life:

Don't worry! It's for 6 year olds, therefore it should be on your level. If you're still confused, maybe your mommy can further help you.


LOL. So, you're dropping your shit talk about Immigration Reform?

Good. That was really retarded of you. I mean, you are doing NOTHING but playing retard, pretending to not understand all kinds of simple shit.

BUT, forgetting that it is your side that wants amnesty, that is even MORE retarded of you.


More complaining from you and your DO NOTHING PARTY instead of work! Typical loser behavior.


More lies and propaganda from you, typical leftoid behavior.


She's attacking them for not doing a policy that she both opposes and claims won't work.

What a shit talker.


Having Nancy Pelosi and her court jester Chuck Schumer crawling up his ass on a daily basis over it also didn't help and it's true. Either way you want to slice it, Day 1 for Donald Trump in Jan 2025 will be signing one Executive Order after another to correct the shit show Biden and his corrupt Administration created including closing the border and drill drill drill.. This 4 year experiment with the Progressive Democrat Party and their asinine policies has FAILED


Trump and Republicans did NOTHING loser. immigration for the TWO YEARS they had TOTAL CONTROL of the WH, Congress and Senate.

Women will not vote for Republican ghouls who deny them healthcare.

Be prepared for your cult leader Trump to have the majority vote against him for the third time. Once a loser, always a loser.


Polls say otherwise and the black community is a very powerful vote who are now siding with him over Joe "Let's Go Brandon" Biden and his Corrupt Administration.. They see Trump as a normal man taking on the corrupt justice system and is on their level and they respect this




RINOs, Dems, and libs prevented him from finishing it.
The Dems/DS caused the covid mess and economy meltdown.

Any more of your lies?


Trump and Republicans did NOTHING loser. immigration for the TWO YEARS they had TOTAL CONTROL of the WH, Congress and Senate.

Republicans MO is to complain and do nothing else.

Trump fired the doctors in China in charge of warning Americans about pandemics and epidemics.

Meanwhile, Republican Congress has written NO LEGISLATION about immigration. All whine. No action.


Since most of them are RINOs/LID, eg. the uniparty; you are actually spouting bullshit about the Dems.


Democrats blocked the funds for the wall


Democrats had no power for two years.

Trump and Republicans did NOTHING loser. immigration for the TWO YEARS they had TOTAL CONTROL of the WH, Congress and Senate.

Republicans MO is to complain and do nothing else.


Republicans MO is to complain and do nothing else.

Leftist-RINOs MO is to complain and do nothing else.


Despite losing seats in the House of Representatives, Democrats retained control of the House and gained control of the Senate. As a result, the Democrats obtained a government trifecta, the first time since the elections in 2008 that the party gained unified control of Congress and the presidency

Democrats had more power than the Republicans did. Didn't build the wall.


Every day American citizens are harmed by people never supposed to be there.
From dwi's to car accidents it's very bad.

And Democrats will never contact ice for deportation. Mexican prisons are much worse so they try and keep migrant criminals in u.s. prisons.

I dont think people understand how pro criminal Democrats have become.

No cash bail is a perfect example
And this new mentality of no longer charging for theft and allowing it to occur.

Prosecuting the people who try and stop them
More then the criminal.


This cheerleader was murdered by an illegal immigrant.


This cheerleader was murdered by someone who was born an American citizen.

"Yeah, and? So fucking what? How am I supposed to use that to pwn teh libs?"
