MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden Wants A Vaccine "That Works"

Biden Wants A Vaccine "That Works"

President Joe Biden on Friday said he plans to ask for more funding from Congress for the development of a new coronavirus vaccine.

“I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to the Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works,” Biden, who is vacationing in the Lake Tahoe area, told reporters.

“It will likely be recommended that everybody get it no matter whether they’ve gotten it before or not,” he added.


They eventually had to admit to it. The numbers don't lie.

Of course, he can fuck off with his injection obsession. That will never change with me.

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


Deleted context: that works against the new variant XBB.1.5
As with the annual flu shot, this virus mutates constantly and last year's immunization won't necessarily work against the newest mutants.


So a conservative left out key contextual information in order to push an agenda? Never seen that on this message board before.


No, there's no deleted Context... The president is acknowledging the original vaccines were trash and did nothing to stop or slow the spread.

Why is it that nothing Biden says can ever stand on it's own...?? Why does someone always have to fill in a blank? Is the man qualified to be president or not?

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


it has nothing to do with " the original vaccines were trash and did nothing to stop or slow the spread."

its how virus families work, mutate and change and hence why the vaccine works differently.

its why you need an update yearly for the seasonal flu, a virus family that mutates rapidly, but not measles,

please stop pushing your stupidity and ignorance of basic virology on others. we just laugh at you.


An annual flu update using a tried-and-true vaccine platform is one thing but c’mon, these multi-billion dollar COVID boosters are not the same scenario and we’re now at the point where the approval process amounts to nothing more than our geriatric president assuring us “this one will definitely work!” Last fall, he likewise said everyone needed the prior novel Covid bivalent booster and that one too had absolutely no human data to prove it. Barely 20% of adult Americans took it and a hundred million doses went to waste because the booster program makes a mockery of the scientific method and the regulatory approval process. People aren’t listening anymore because the government has lost all credibility.



so convincing.

"this one will definitely work!"

are you illiterate or stupid? i already explained how different virus families mutate differently, and hence there will never be "this one will be the final vaccine that will work 100% and you only need 1 and itll last for 20 years". thats not how it works. just like with the seasnal flu.

you dont know wtf you are talking about and you have the nerve to talk about science. you are stupid.


There was no need for you to be insulting. Our president repeatedly rushes to oversell the efficacy of vaccines and it’s causing people not to listen anymore. Declaring this is the one that “works” follows his long line of “You’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations” embellishments. If you have a cite to human-outcomes data on this new shot that proves it, post it and I’m happy to read it. In the meantime, you need to handle someone disagreeing with you on the internet without turning into Veruca Salt in a Willy Wonka movie.


cool story. that doesnt change the objctive reality of how the vaccine works just not how youd like. well sorry not sorry thats not how science and vaccines work.

it did work. if you look at countries with vaccines vs non during the same period the death rate was far higher.

again your ignorance of vaccines doesn't change anything.

If you have a cite to human-outcomes data on this new shot that proves it, post it and I’m happy to read it.

the often quoted. while people are still dying who got the vaccine!! yes the old and sick still died. just like the older, sick and more fragile are more likely to die in a car crash even when wearing a seatbelt. Does this mean seatbelts are ineffective? no it means it helps mitigate the damage.

what it means is this in terms of the vaccine. Those who would have 100% died of covid were more likely to just get very sick but may live. Those that were going to get extremely sick now got mildly sick. and those that would have gotten mildly sick didn't. the trials showed this hence the rush to get them out. they were so effective it was criminal to hold back a proven vaccine.

again yes the vaccine didnt work like the measels one. thats not a fault of the vaccinologists. its the nature of virus families, how they mutate and ow they infect. its why we can have a seemingly 100% effective measles vaccine, yet do not have a AIDS one.


I was thinking that I could agree with some of the points you make and we might find some common ground as adults talking on a subject. But your insulting internet personality is so disagreeable, I have no interest in learning anything from you. It’s surprising because I recall a prior exchange where you were cordial and persuasive




So a vaccine meant for the original, more virulent strain...cant do shit against the least virulent version yet? This is not the own you think it is lol.

LMAO, this one is gonna be useless just the all the others. Stop trying to vaccinate the common will not work, ever.

Covidians are stupidest people alive. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


They should be more worried about punishing the people who created the virus to give us a phony pandemic over nothing just to steal an election. But that's like asking the police to punish police brutality.


Like the original that worked so well??? The annual flu shot ain't worth a shit either. Nor is it a "vaccine". You "trust the science" retards can't even spell it but you'll swallow whatever bullshit they feed you and line up for your shots like the good little bitches you are.


hahah it appears the only bitch here is you. you seem like the weakest little tag along contard on here spreading nonsense.


Typical out of Left field troll post. Put your mask on pizza face.


LOL and im the troll? cause you idiots cant be bothered to lookup virus families and how vaccines work?

stay dumb.


Dumbass, if you knew what vaccines were, you wouldn't call the COVID shot one. Because it ain't. What fucking "vaccine" requires booster after booster??? The CDC literally changed the definition of the word vaccine to remove the word "immunity".


YOU dont know what vaccines are. they all dont work the same idiot. no vaccinologist agrees with your made up alternative definition.

what do you think the yearly flu shot has been and always been called? oh right a vaccine.


Uh yeah, I kinda do. Funny thing, this is the only "vaccine" that doesn't keep you from contracting the virus, getting sick or spreading it.

The flu shot is a friggin' scam too. But you keep drinking that Kool Aid while big pharma rakes in billions.


you clearly dont.

"this is the only "vaccine" that doesn't keep you from contracting the virus, getting sick or spreading it."

WRONG. you do know you still contract other viruses of the commonly given vaccines right???? just that due to the nature of the vaccine you dont get sick, and actually can still spread it.

you dont know wtf you are talking about. big suprise.

but again. all the virologists and vaccinologists who have been doing this decades and decades and decades and decades and actually study viruses and work on vaccines, all wrong. Craig on movie chat knows better.


Remember when Bourla said the "vaccine" could be adjusted to deal with Omicron?

Early 2022, expected to be out in September of 2022 - I assume to allow for old stock to be moved.

A new "vaccine" sounds like more that just adjusting the old "vaccines" to me.

But hey, I still remember this bit of science from March of 2021:


What’s funny is when you start diving in you’ll learn that none of them ever worked. Unless your goal was to make big pharmaceutical companies trillions in profits, then they’re highly affective.

The placebo effect works 50% of the time. The Covid vaccine worked 0%.

It worked so well they had to change the definition of the word “vaccine” from provides to immunization to, it makes ya feel nice.


You do realize that the vaccines were tested against a placebo control, right?


Actually, it did work by injuring, crippling and killing; however, they were hoping for larger results.


Yep it provided big Pharma with a ton more life patients.


Almost twice as many Republicans than Democrats died of Covid, study says


It wasn’t from the Covid, it was from the vaccine.

You and Sam are regurgitating the same fake news:

"CDC Admits Red States Got “Rapid Kill” COVID Vaccine Batches."


" it was from the vaccine."

Are you inferring that from the text "Post-Vaccine-Death-Rate-Higher" ?

cos thats just when the measurements are taken from . Theres no point comparing before the vaccine was avaliable as it is a study on what effect the vaccine had on the death rate between people who took it and people who didnt.

A quick skim of that thread you linked shows some completely batshit insane republican comnspiracy theory horseshit that only a total fucking moron would believe.
which is quickly debunked by SamNoyoun

but i guess
"They sent poison to kill us" is all you guys could come up with to explain your higher deathrate after totally refusing to heed any medical advice like masks / gatherings / vax


Over 1000+ peer reviewed papers and articles of injuries, side effects and deaths from the vax, yet you go straight for the republican CT.

You imbeciles can’t debunk anything without fake news telling you what to believe and how to think.

Don’t forget to take your next booster.💉💉💉💉💉💉


People wearing crash helmets sometimes die too.

At the end of the day more rebublicans died of covid after the vac was available than democrats , if that study is to be believed.

Given that republicans were the demographic to staunchly avoid the vax , we can infer from that that the vax saved more than it killed.


You are still parroting and regurgitating Democratic talking points.

You didn't read or watch anything; by your own admittance, all you did was 'a quick skim'.

They sent “Rapid Kill” COVID Vaccine Batches to red states. The database, batch numbers, and all other info proves that. There is also a video of a top CDC Official (Dr. Carol Baker) admitting it.


Yeah thats the bit I read , that is clearly bullshit , hence sams reply to it:

CLAIM: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has admitted it purposely distributed lethal batches of COVID-19 vaccinations to states with conservative-leaning populations.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The CDC has made no such admission and no reports of deadly batches of COVID-19 vaccines have been reported. Social media posts spreading the erroneous information are relying on a flawed analysis published by a website known to spread false information.

THE FACTS: Social media users are falsely claiming some batches of COVID-19 vaccines are lethal and that federal authorities are knowingly handing them out in Republican-leaning areas.


It's called 'fake news', which is what he cited:

Ask yourself one simple question: Who stands to gain Billions of dollars by lying?

Batch Codes of Coronavirus 2019 Vaccines:

Showing 9,199 entries with the following columns/categories:

• Batch
• Adverse Reaction Reports
• Deaths
• Disabilities
• Life Threatening Illnesses
• Company
• Severe Reports
• Lethality


The Independant has slight left bias . big wup . the needle is not in the red .

"Who stands to gain Billions of dollars by lying?"
dunno cant keep track of this whack job train of thought.

Are you suggesting the CDC, ie the Government deliberately poisoned its own citizens ... for money?


If that's even true, it's because it killed more old people than anything, who tend to have a brain and conservative views.


Penicillin was hailed as a wonder drug and began saving lives as soon as it was first tested. But it wasn't effective against all types of bacteria. And susceptible bacteria developed resistant strains. Also, it wasn't effective if given orally and had to be injected. So, pharmaceutical companies spent a lot of money and a lot of time developing new antibiotics that could be tive orally, were effective against a wider spectrum of bacteria. New classes of antibiotics were discovered and developed that worked against resistant strains. Then new resistant strains arose and in response, new antibiotics were developed. After 80 years, we are still developing new antibiotics to work where existing ones are not effective.

Does this mean that penicillin was garbage?


Are you saying the polio vaccine development, testing and rollout was the same as the Covid "vaccine" development, testing and rollout?

If there were differences, please enlighten us morons.


Different viruses. Polio virus is more stable than coronoviruses. Nevertheless, the polio vaccine used today is not the same used back when it first came out.


You didn't go into deal about it's development, testing and side effects.

Standard "What about polio!" response - you got the playbook down pat. Good for you - your social credit score goes up by 1.


They are just trying to experiment on us. This new vaccine will be made to give us Autism, BPD, ADHD.... You name it. It's a good cover excuse.


I’m still waiting for one of these COVIDians to tell me: where did the flu go in 2020 and 2021?


Dude, it had a rough 2019 and decided to take a couple years to chill.

Put the tin foil hat down and stop asking questions that make some people uneasy - it's so not cool.

Also, don't ever ask about the number of autopsies being performed or not being performed - don't be that guy, just don't.
