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Another mass murder in California

Another Mass Shooting in L.A. Leaves At Least 3 Dead, 4 Critically Wounded

Doesn't seem the strict California laws on guns, magazine capacity and ammunition are having much of an impact.

Welcome to Dementia Joes new America. I guess this is what 81 billion people voted for?


I always found it [darkly] amusing that the places with the strictest gun laws usually are the places where the most gun-related murders take place. In fact, there's an alternate name you can give to gun-free zones: a target-rich environment.

See, (I know you already understand, bubbathegut, but many left-wing idiots out there refuse to do so), criminals all over the world do not care about the law. Can't buy a gun? Just go to the nearest back alley dealer or black market. They'll get you a gun and ammo, albeit at at higher price than a legit gun shop owner will procure, but hey, at least you'll be able to kill more efficiently. Whereas, the law-abiding citizens will not have any guns, and be totally at the mercy of the criminals wielding guns until the [overworked, inefficient, "diverse"] cops arrive to rescue them.


Are you sure the left wing idiots refuse to understand?
I dont think even the most left wingiest of idiots here are suggesting that " law-abiding citizens will not have any guns"


That is just not true, at all. Democrats will push for the most stringent regulations and call for outright bans one minute and then say, "we're not coming for your guns" in the next breath. It's been happening for decades.


The fact that you find anything amusing about mass murders makes you scum.


tell that to KeKe...


“I always found it [darkly] amusing that the places with the strictest gun laws usually are the places where the most gun-related murders take place.”

I suppose that’s why Australia has had one mass shooting since 1996 when the firearm reforms were introduced and America had 647 in 2022 alone.. because strict gun laws increase these events.

You’re a genius 🙌


I know, right? There wasn't a single mass shooting event when Trump was president.


Mass murders have doubled since 2021.


It would be a good idea to read the information in the link before you post it. Show us where mass murder is doubled since 2021? I know your not very bright so take your time. All I see is mass shootings were down in 2022 and mass murders increased by 8.

Remember the Las Vegas shooting? It is the largest mass shooting in US history and that happened while Trump was president.


It would be a good idea to read the information in the link before you post. Show us where mass murders didn't double since 2021? I know your not very bright so take your time.

Remember Sandy Hook and Uvalde. Both of those happened under a democrat.


You really are a dumbass.


Remember Sandy Hook and Uvalde. Both of those happened under a democrat.

How is that in any way relevant?
you might as well say "They happened on a Thursday"


Why aren't any images put out yet after 17 hours? I know it was dark, but hopefully images from video cameras will show something. Something should have been released already since whoever did this is still at large. Unless they figured it out already and they're looking for the person and they don't want to let on that they know who it/they are.


Newsom country


I guarantee you that 81 billion people did not for for Biden.


No one knows really as the election was not investigated.


The world population is 8 billion. The USA does not have a population that exceeds that.


While that might be true, the election was never investigated and mass murders have doubled since 2021.


even though both of those things are bullshit ,

What are you suggesting?
That mass murders have doubled because JB is in the white house instead of DT?


Typical, +20,000 gun laws aren't working but they always want one more.



The whoie point of Democrats' push for gun control has NOTHING to do with stopping gun crime and EVERYTHING to do with disarming White, Conservative gun owners.

Note that they never mention anything about going into ghettos and slums to disarm the gangs. It's only ever about new laws to deprive law-abiding citizens of their right to own firearms.


thats because "going into ghettos and slums to disarm the gangs" is a given.
Its already the law
The police already do that.


Not really. They only disarm the ones they catch in the act. When have they ever done a real sweep for illegal firearms in any ghetto? When do we read about busts of arms dealers who distribute illegal guns to the gang bangers? All they do is offer ridiculous buyback programs where people sell old broken .22s and bb guns for taxpayers' money.
