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Trump announces run for President in 2024

WOOHOO GO TRUMP!!! You have never once lied in your life and you will win very easily. America deserves you.


He will have to run as an independent. Desantis will get the nomination.



yup .
then repub vote split between the two, result: lefty win .

The sane people on the right will have to talk Trump out of running , or just go with it and not put DeSantis in .


DeSantis will not run against would be political suicide.


I disagree. Trump has lost his base except for the die hards and most Republicans are trying to distance themselves from him. Desantis on the other hand is very popular right now and has a great chance at the White House.

Its still early though, so it will be interesting to see who jumps into the ring for 2024.


I'm like Biden. It'll be fun to watch.


He’s a delusional madman



Its going to be a long 2 year wait and TDS will grow and fester everyday.


If you mean increased ridicule and horror at the expanding torrent of filth spewing forth from the ego monsters out of control
mouth , then yes , I'd expect that.

cant you get a proper candidate?
like this Desantis fellow?


Likewise, cant the dems find someone younger than 80 to run in 2024?

Welcome to Biden Tyranny and endless wars.


I agree (how rare! :] ), the Dems would be much better off with a candidate 20 or 30 years younger.


Did we just become best friends? lol

We would all benefit. I just find it amazing that out of 330 million people my 2 choices is someone 79 or 80. We definitely need age and term limits in place. Sen Grassley is 89. WTF!?


Lately you've been saying some sensible things. If Trump gets the general, I'll vote for him because of the undeniable fact that he did a lot of good for the country and life was WAY better with him at the helm, but he had his time. A lot of conservatives can't get past his "mean tweets" and his personality. I don't care about any of that. I care about the issues. He's too decisive, plus he's getting too old.

Desantis is a good pick.


He just doesent know when to stop

How would his planet sized ego and narcissm let him withdraw?
I guess he was always going to run unless someome stopped him.
Maybe the republican party will stop him in leiu of a non sociopathic candidate.


Biden asks for over $37 billion in emergency Ukraine aid

We could have built seven next generation nuclear power plants for what we are spending on Ukraine.

When is enough enough? No more money laundering, I mean "emergency aid", in Ukraine. We have plenty of issues that need to be addressed here, our own border for starters.


For once, I agree.


Did we just become best friends too? lol

Drinks are on Bubba.

But seriously, the only thing Dems and Repubs do is fight with each and try to make the other party look bad. I wish we actually had a viable 3rd Party.


I wouldn't go that far, but I'll take that drink.


He said over the past years, corporates had a sixty percent increase in their salaries.


Did anyone really think he'd sit this one out?


Considering how he loves to complain about the election "stolen" when he apparently can't produce any evidence to prove his stance, it's not surprising he would try to run again. I doubt he cared whether it was actually fraudulent or not, he just couldn't stand losing his position of power, regardless if it was Biden or someone else.


What is the point of you? Just cultural division? You aren't supposed to argue for two different sides in the same thread.


Trump really doesn't care which side he is on. There's only one side he's on and that's HIS side. Nothing or nobody would have changed his opinions, no matter the cost.


Let the shit show commence !


Pretty dull speech he gave. Even Fox news cut away early. Low energy Jeb is now low energy Don. Ha ha ha


I just heard about that! LOL! Wonder if Bubbathegut is pissed at fake news for cutting off his boy! LMAO!
