MovieChat Forums > Politics > Kiils his wife and votes for Trump with ...

Kiils his wife and votes for Trump with her ballot

"Just because I wanted Trump to win': Barry Morphew accused of submitting ballot for wife Suzanne who's been missing since May"


He's a typical Trump supporter.

Another is Mark Meadows, Trump's former chief of staff, registered in three states to vote.

GOPers commit voter fraud while accusing others. What hypocrites!


I agree that in your head he is a 'typical' Trump supporter - 1 person is just the confirmation bias you need!


Your lack of basic mathematical knowledge shows that you're also a typical Trump supporter. How unfortunate that you're not able to count to two!


You are so out of your mind that if you weren't such a piece of shit racist liar, it'd be sad.



The only one who cheats is the Democrats who imports voters instead of appealing to citizens. You can just imagine the leftist outrage if Republicans were importing millions of right wing families from say Poland or Russia.


The murderer and Meadows are Republicans and Trumpites. Stick to the topic instead of your delusions.


It's not delusion it's a valid point. Democrats cheat and are traitors to the citizens of their country.


The murderer and Meadows are Republicans and Trumpites! You're delusional.

BTW, if Russia attacks your shrimpy country, Trump has vowed not to help you. If you're smart, you should pray that a Democrat is elected in 2024 or you'll join the Ukrainians in refugee status.


I was never talking about one bad individual who happens to be a Trump supporter. It's irrelevant and beside the point. I can name you dozens of Democrat paedophiles and pederasts. I was talking about how the democrats cheat by importing voters. They not only import voters, they incentivize illegal immigration with sanctuary cities and free stuff for illegal aliens (who should be called country thieves as they are affecting the country in all sorts of ways). Democrats are traitors to their country.

Russia will never attack any other country let alone mine which is hundreds of miles away from it's border and a part of NATO. It already shot itself in the foot with this Ukraine disaster.


"I can name you dozens of Democrat paedophiles and pederasts"

I eagerly await your list...


Maybe you shouldn't encourage this because from what I've seen these people have no decency and no restraint. If Jesus came down and joined us, they'd be calling him "groomer" and the like. Absolutely horrible people.


She is hot looking so she would be a Trump voter over that old fart blossom guy.


lol thats all you had...


Yeah it looks pretty bad for you if your wife is missing and you cast a ballot on her behalf.

That's what the kids refer to as sus af.


I thought there was no cheating in the 2020 election?


no there was no systematic large scale cheating. learn what words mean retard.

It does seem the majority of small individual cheating was largely done by replicans. including dead people voting.


Packs of 'lone wolves' if you will.


no prove that. show evidence. still waiting for Rudi and mike pillow. they've been saying "next month ill prove the election was stolen!" since the election happened

totally individual cases. and guess what? most have been republicans!


All I'm saying is let's not order a president by mail order next time.


lets end a long accepted perfectly legal voting type.. that was encouraged because we had a pandemic. 800k Americans dead, but lets encourage people to group up in small rooms and voting booths. that will help!


But ending electoral college is fine right?



You are ALL OVER THE PLACE> Holy fuck man get meds.


I'll wait for you to address the issue, if you can.


there is not addressing. you are a crazy unfocused mess.


Like usual I point out hypocrisy on your part and like usual you are unable to deal with it 🤣


yes you point out my hypocrisy... by changing the topic from a guy voting for his wife to the electoral college. you jump between subjects when convenient because you are a rat and cant actually address anything.


You still never addressed it :).

Btw I support mail voting with verification. In-fact I think it should be a legal requirement that ALL legal, voting age citizens should vote (mandatory voting).


yes I dont address your scatter brained subject changes lol. leave you fucking clown retard

haha no back to mail in voting! the subject changing just won't stop lol


so there was cheating even though you said and all the democrats said there was NO cheating. maybe this election should be investigated just in case to find out if there was other cheating. Bidney said he would lose by chicanery, but now there is no chicanery. Was there chicanery or not? also Hillary said not to concede the election under any circumstances.

Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.




is that it, no logical response or meme? liberals hate facts.



literally not a single person ever said there was zero cheating. they said there was no massive voter fraud. statistics from every single election bears this out.

we know parrot you keep repeating it! there is so little question. you lost every single court case. and cant provide evidence


why was 2016 investigated and not 2020? libs got butt hurt that Trump won so Nancy created the fake steele dossier and then had the liberal mainstream news repeat a lie that Trump cheated. 2 years later, a big ole nothing burger was found. bidney, Joe bidney is getting us deeper into WWIII with Russia and liberals are eerily silent. when does BBB start? whats joes plan to stop climate change?


you need help. seriously seek medical attention

youve now changed it back to "whatabout the DEMS!!!"

see a pyschiatrist


that was in 2016, when the dems threw a hissy fit when Trump won.


yes and conceded the election in a day. and didnt push for and support an armed insurrection. try again though wacko!


yeah, but then the back up plan was to remove Trump illegally with the FAKE steele dossier, they used that fake report to start the Mueller Report, then that failed, then they tried to impeach, then that failed, then they tried to impeach again. that also failed, the dems finally succeeded with the plandemic and a fraudulent election. Hillary said not to concede the election under any circumstances and Joey said he would lose the election by chicanery.

Hillary Clinton says Trump should not concede the election 'under any circumstances'

'If it's close – watch out': Biden says he has 600 lawyers ready to fight election 'chicanery' by Trump

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden told supporters Wednesday night his campaign assembled a team of 600 lawyers to fight against efforts he expects from President Donald Trump to limit voter participation in the upcoming election.

The former vice president made the remark when asked at a fundraiser what he planned to do to address the "very real concern" that the president would try to suppress the vote.

"Well, first of all, to continue to shout from the rooftops: 'Be careful — he’s coming,'" Biden replied.

Biden, who has previously said he fears Trump will try to "steal" the election, said Trump and Republicans are pursuing a "systematic program on vote suppression" that could pose a serious obstacle amid the coronavirus outbreak


oh look on to more new topics! "squirrel!! squirrel!!"


Hillary conceded because she is a loser and is 0-2 in presidential elections.

and that was a mostly peaceful protest against a unjust/unverified election. dems did the same thing in 2016.


Yes, but unlike the woman (registered Democrat) who didn't know she couldn't vote while on probation who was sentenced to 4 YEARS for voting in TX, I don't think this Trump supporter is ever going to do time for any of this, definitely not for voter fraud.


Normal people: "Terrible he killed his wife, he needs to go to jail!"

Leftists: "He fake voted for Trump! He needs to go to jail!"



Normal people: "Sad accident on that Alec Baldwin movie"
Trumptards: He humiliated Trump on SNL He needs to go to jail!"


LOL you literally just proved my point - you dont care that he KILLED someone because he made fun of Trump ... Which has nothing to do with anything.

Any Trump supporter I know (I'm not one) just wants a proper investigation and justice 🤷🏿‍♂️


Ouch. Guess doggie lemming gonna need a new handle. This one just got ruined.


And now ... guess what?


you missed the point spazo


Leftists couldn't form an opinion on the victim until they discover her political preference LOL!


its not about a political opinion retard. try again. as I said, you missed the point, and keep missing it!


Admittedly this one is over the top crazy but I could give you a monotonous string of Trumpers who committed voter fraud in 2020 (REAL people with names and links, not vague references and rumors)


You should. There should be a long running post of them.
How about this Trump rally organizer in Nevada who voted second time using his dead wife's name?
• Donald Kirk Hartle
Age 55
Las Vegas, NV
Party: Republican (also sponsored Trump supporter events)
Cast second ballot using dead wife's name (his wife Rosemarie Hartle died in 2017)


You leftists are so lost.


Damn leftists! They care more about voter fraud (except when they do it which is always) than they do about a missing woman! They care more about this pođź’© voting twice than they do about him murdering his wife!

Damn leftists! Here ya go, you damn hypocrites! A holier than thou bitch believed she was better than the ones who vote legally! She was honored by Ohio Democrats! You damn cheating Democrat hypocrites! This is who you honored:

”The judge said Richardson deserved a prison sentence, which was one year less than the maximum possible, because she has a lengthy criminal record, schemed repeatedly over five years to cast several illegal votes and used her training and expertise as a poll worker to try to evade detection.”

”Ohioan gets 5-year prison term for illegal voting”


LOL you had to go all the way back to 2013 to try to find a Democrat accused of voter fraud.
Doesn't that tell you SOMETHING?


No, I didn’t have to go ALL the way back! I recalled and located the one of the MANY egregious cheaters!


At least we know now that his wife will only vote democrat in all future elections.


Book it.
