MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why aren't Dick Cheney and George W. Bus...

Why aren't Dick Cheney and George W. Bush both rotting in a prison cell now?

Oh and don't forget about that Condi Rice as well...


Why would they be?


That is loaded question. Cliff's notes version: For the illegal invasion of Iraq and their flat-out lies to American public that the terrorists attacked them because they "hate our freedoms".


WASPy rich, politically-connected and powerful people rarely go to prison.


Well then the system needs to change.


Let's see what happens to Trump and his pals now. He previously pardoned a few of them.


Cliffs Notes version: “Ignorance is bliss” in your case.


Congress approved it. Both parties. Iraq had WMDs. Saddam locked out UN inspectors for 5 years. Now he’s gone.

"Earlier today, I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors." Bill Clinton - 1998


they approved it on a lie, cant fully blame them. With plenty of documentation to show bush and Cheney were flat out manufacturing lies. iraq didnt have WMD's not a single one was found.

try again?


There's no proof they lied. Prove it was a lie and not bad intelligence.

Also, Afghanistan was directly connected to The Taliban.

I never voted for Bush, but that guy went through something NO living President can comprehend.


Yes, intel failure on the highest scale. It's a gamble on trusting certain sources or having to rely on certain sources for info. Powell even put his rank and status on the line as well even though he had doubts about the voracity of the intel itself. In the end, it put a stain on his legacy sadly.

I do think there was a more sinister plan going on with the CIA or the Bush administration via Cheney to push for the war to regime change though.

The only connection to Afghanistan was Osama Bin Laden himself being there. Most of those recruited were from Saudi Arabia and their violent wahhabism. Osama is a Saudi as well.


Yet American government doesn't want to piss off the Saudis because they do key business with them.


it wasn't an intel failure at all. many in the intelligence community were shocked as bush or Cheney would proudly announce the opposite of what their intel showed just so they could claim Saddam had WMDs and push war


Because they won the election. They get to do whatever they want while in office.


But just because you hold political office doesn't give you sweeping powers to do whatever you want. There are consequences to your actions.


“Elections have consequences.”

Barack Obama


And then it happened right back at him eventually with Trump.


You are mistaking "doesn't" for "shouldn't."

It shouldn't give you sweeping powers, but knowing what Bush and Cheney got away with, we know it does.


Invading a country that resulted in hundreds of thousands of civilians dying...yes, they should be in jail.


Does that go for Obama who had his war and “invaded” with drone strikes?


If he unnecessarily killed people for no reason at all, sure, put him in there too.

If I go on a killing spree I end up in jail. I don't believe war is a good enough reason to avoid consequences of your actions.

Iraq was a contained threat, and could easily have been an ally for the US against the Iran threat.


cuz Cheney decided to support the right party which will have the oval for another 8 years


The voters already rebuked Trump and his vile ilk in 2020. Chances are decent that it happens again in 2024.


American politicians who do what muslim oil sheiks tell them to do in the middle east are not punished.


Because they support your precious President Alzheimer?

God you're stupid aren't ya? jesus wept.
