MovieChat Forums > Politics > To Those Criticizing The Uyghur Genocide

To Those Criticizing The Uyghur Genocide

to any Americans criticizing China, during China isn't perfect neither are we in the US dude I need to bring we had Japanese internment camps during the WWII stop acting like The US is Blameless we did atrocities to Asians as well as Blacks


Japanese interment camps are totally different. The US was under attack from Japan. China isn't under attack from Uygurs. And you argument is nothing more than whataboutism. Just because some governments have done bad things in the past and even today does not mean we shouldn't criticise bad things other governments are doing now.


Translation: UnItEd StAtEs Is pErFeCt mUrIcA its called accountability not whataboutism WE'RE NO BETTER


I never said USA is perfect. I'm not even American. You said people shouldn't criticise China over freaking putting people in concentration camps because some other countries shave done bad things. It's a stupid argument.


if your not American stay out of this conversation


Who made the thread "Those who criticize Uygur genocide". This is not about USA. This is about you covering up for China's crimes.


I'm totally with pendulum , for once !

What the hell is your point?
Chinas current genocide is fine because the same thing has happened in the past?


"You're". Idiot.


There were fears that the Japanese-American citizens would help the Japanese during the war effort. The Niihau incident confirmed these suspicions when Japanese-Americans on the Hawaiian Island of Niihau assisted a Japanese pilot who crash landed after the Pearl Harbor attack. The Japanese Emperor was also the holy leader of the Shinto religion so he was supposed to be a descendant of a God in their religion. * Japanese-American citizen helped WW2 Japanese crashed pilot *

China isn't at war with another country so I don't think the Uyghur internment camps can be compared to the US camps. The Chinese are also sterilizing the women and they are trying to stamp out Uyghur culture.


They use the Uygher women as sex slaves for their military. There's a shortage of women in China thanks to the one child policy.

I suppose the OP is fine with that too.


-I suppose the OP is fine with that too.

we can talk Xi Jing ping down with Diplomacy & Tact But going to War with China wouldn't be worth it and Nuking them shouldn't be an Option ever Let 1945 remain that way



How can you justify what China is currently doing in any way? Why do you feel the need to do that?


cuz last i checked We are ALL Part of Humanity


Your nonsense responses make me question your sanity.


I'm sure she is a lunatic.


That's kinda true. China does things in their own territory and never started wars (until recently with the 9-dash line) unlike the US with all these so-called humanitarian intervention wars and never ending fight against 'Terror' that they created due to US bound dark interests be it oil, empire hegemony, or 'allies'.


China has a government institute in genomics and is funding eugenics. They want to genetically increase the quality of their population. If some Western country did that, It would be an outrage and called racist/Nazi immediately. Meanwhile the West is importing millions of poor people form the third world and closing high IQ sperm banks due to associations with Nazism (even though Nazis dismissed IQ tests ironically enough). In 100 years China will own us.


Yup, they have basically outlawed wokeness and feminism.


They're smart is all. They want superhuman soldiers and their own peeps. They don't bide by 'ethics' and push the boundary like the Japanese once did with human experimentation which the US happily paid for recruited their scientists and notes. Remember CIA LSD, MKULTRA, etc.?

Not even 100 years, in the next 50 or less from what I can see. Capitalist greed is always the downfall of any Crony Capitalist society.


In 100 years China will own us.

Nah dude Humanities fate won't likely or be Wiped out By Covid-19 The Last Battle With Take Place at Tel Megiddo in In Israel


"Please forgive/ignore Chinese enslavement and genocide of other groups, it really gets in the way of our feigned outrage of American Slavery that was ended in a bloody war 200 years ago..."


American isn't much better, but we can criticize both.


A better analogy would be the U.S. reaction to 9/11. The United States did not round up American Muslims, put them in camps, gave them track suits to wear, put "Real Americans" in their Muslim homes to keep an eye on them, and make them work slave labor.

China did that to it's citizens. Tens of thousands of them, soon after a terrorist attack.

China has had some experience with anarchy. It's ugly, raider gangs kill those who were in power, and then vie for power amongst themselves .. killing, raping, burning and looting... sometimes for decades before a new dynasty emerges. It has happened time and again in China's two thousand year history. That is why the country has a preference for strong central government over liberty. The Chinese are well aware of the horrors that lie when central authority crumbles.

America's Civil War wasn't nearly as savage as China's dynasty changes.


Yep the USA is the worst country on earth.

I think you libtards need to pack your bags and find a better place to live.


or you could be more open-minded and Tolerant you are part of cult-like Jonestown cults & The Branch Davidians shame this PANdemic has made you keep US vs Them mentality you cannot see beyond our own borders


why bring "libtards" into this?
that load of crazy in the OP does not represent us libtards.


i am one of you
