MovieChat Forums > Politics > Basic story of why people are Republican

Basic story of why people are Republican

What Republicans are led away from understanding ...

1) The super rich do not pay their taxes.

2) The super rich have cut all investment into the public commons.

3) The taxes that the super rich do not pay end up having to be paid back by the working class - with interest.

4) The working class resents it because they are lied to that it is poor people taking all this money in social programs, but not only is the working class on the hook for rich people's taxes, but they have to pay the interest as well.

5) Since social programs are defunded and cut over time, the extra costs of all those rip-off economic sectors like education and health care, drag the working class down - and they do not have the time or education to understand the reality of what is happening to them.

6) The Republican working class does not believe they benefit from the government programs because they are propagandized to think it is all minorities, so they become racist haters as well. This helps to divide the population and ensure they cannot unify to make things more fair and better.

7) Republicans are told that if they hate and insult and whine really hard that they money they will save by not giving to other people will make them rich - so they vote Republican, but never realize that they are being lied to and duped.

There is a reason the rest of the world does not follow the American model of capitalism and taxation - because America is being sucked dry by some billionaire oligarchs, who have bought the government and media.


”1) The super rich do not pay their taxes.

2) The super rich have cut all investment into the public commons.

3) The taxes that the super rich do not pay end up having to be paid back by the working class - with interest.”

Sometimes it’s best to keep your mouth shut instead of showing your gross ignorance.

So, as I do, I’m positive (cough, cough) you appreciate being corrected. You are in error as usual.

Who Pays The Most Taxes In America?

According to the latest data, the top 1 percent of earners in America pay 40.1 percent of federal taxes; the bottom 90 percent pay 28.6 percent.Sep 16, 2021


Bingo! This whole idea that the rich are getting out of paying taxes and that the middle class is carrying all the burden is a flat out lie!


You or I will never convince the left about the true facts. They are so far down that rabbit hole they are unable think rationally.


Funny that you use the term "true facts".

The only ones who think there are two kinds of facts are you Republicans who have to try so hard to keep track of your lies.


> According to the latest data, the top 1 percent of earners in America pay 40.1 percent of federal taxes;

That's merely an argument of willful ignorance, which is why you need your pathetic bottom feeders to chime in about "the Left". This has nothing to do with Left or Right actually, it has to do with justice and fairness. Unless you are saying the Right is for injustice and unfairness? Is that what you mean to express.

The numbers you post, even if they are true hardly matters when the top earners do not pay taxes on their true income or wealth, because they earn 99% and increasingly growing of the money made in the country - not including equity in stocks.

Your defense of the super-rich is completely misinformed ... basically a lie.

Also, the bottom 90% pay taxes they cannot afford because they are struggling just to feed, house and sustain themselves and their families.

Look at it this way ... when the super-rich control 100% of the economy they will pay 100% of the taxes, and everyone else will have nothing.

But the fact that they make these accusations every time there is a comment about taxes simply means you are mathematically dead in the head. You don't understand math, business or taxes - but boy, you sure have loud opinions and can enlist the fools here to back you up.


"According to the latest data, the top 1 percent of earners in America pay 40.1 percent of federal taxes; the bottom 90 percent pay 28.6 percent. Sep16, 2021"

I am not seeing that statement in the links you provided.


The tax *rate* for the wealthy may be lower, but due to their wealth they end up paying the most. BTW, I’m referring to Federal Income Taxes. People also forget most millionaires & billionaires donate a tremendous amount which gives them a write off.


I don't think you want to be relying on "Erinbethea":

"A recent study finds that the Forbes 400 paid an effective tax rate of 8.2 percent over recent years—lower than many middle-class Americans."

That's a pretty damning statistic. I don't buy it...

1. No one has to make their tax returns public. I seriously doubt anyone on the Forbes 400 is releasing their tax returns, maybe a handful.
2. We know Mitt Romney's numbers because he released his tax returns 2015-2017. He paid a little less than 22% Federal Income Tax. He's not in the Fortune 400 but he's likely got the same type of income as the rest of them, Long Term Investment dividends and capital gains. Plus I think Romney gives a big chunk of money to the Mormon Church and other charities (more likely than most of the other people on the list), without which his tax rate would have been higher.


Republican voters don't like
No cash bail
Sanctuary cities
Open borders
Critical race theory
Defund the police
Letting boys complete with girls
Closing Guantanamo bay, letting terrorist go.
Killing oil pipeline's the blood of the country
High gas prices
Green new worthless deals


You got it! 👏🏻👏🏻 Also, bringing in thousands from Afghanistan after the Biden gang screwed up! Not only open borders, but letting illegals go on their merry way without testing for Covid! Our country set on fire with over 20 murders & no arrests! But, the Jan. 6, 2021 storming of the Capitol led to many arrests.


13,000 arrests during the 2020 summer riots
750 arrests for the Capitol riot...., so far


Arrested and prosecuted are a big difference today.

People are arrested, no cash bail and then released in 24hrs and back at it. If they show up to the court date, rioters are rarely prosecuted.

You should see what prosecutors in Chicago wont charge people for


Also, the future VP of the U.S. set up a bail fund for the murdering thugs! Were the BLM thugs who stormed the Oklahoma capitol arrested?

You have an innate incendiary Congressional Blowhard, with the name of Maxine Walters, encouraging people to take to the streets, storm restaurants, do violence, etc. One of the most vacuous moronic human beings ever to hold a Congressional seat!


They don't even let them go on their merry way. That strategically fly them around the country. Given a boat load in gov assistance


You are correct! And those who are drop shipped into various states will be on the government (taxpayer’s) dole sucking on the teat for at least 2 generations! The only thing they will accomplish is turning the U.S. into a 3rd world country. You can lay all of the above at the damn Democrat’s feet. Namely the $46,000.000.00 Nancy Pelosi!


The masses of money flow in this country are not going to people in government assistance, they are flowing up to the Super-Rich 0.1%.

The US has been a third world country for some time now ... but I doubt you get out much being stuck in your mom's basement all day.

That third-world-ization has been completely under Republican rule, and when Democrats try to change it, they are blocked at every turn, and supported by people like you, and your fake clones.


Off topic, and you assume Democrats do?
Why don't you talk more about what Republicans do believe in, instead of making up stuff about Democrats?

Why do Republicans never express their vision except to make false claims about how they want to help the working man, or bring more people of color into the Nazi Republican tent, or why they think it's right to make the people pay all the taxes while giving constant tax breaks to billionaires.

What is it they want for the country, and why is it you support that when they don't tell you?


I can't imagine simping for either of the two American political parties. The posts in this thread are a total joke. I can only assume that the average poster here is like 50 years old and has zero knowledge of basic political philosophy

It kind of reminds me of the stupid "Team Edward vs. Team Jacob" Twilight thing that went on when I was in high school. To any outside observer it was clear that both teams, and the franchise itself, were total garbage, yet these children were completely invested in it as if it actually had any meaning


> I can't imagine simping for either of the two American political parties.

It's true that both parties are problematic, but the Democrats still have people who can think independently and speak truthfully. That makes them a better choice for voting - but only if you stick with it and push them to change the system.

The posts here opposing my OP are off-topic, lies, insults, with sock-puppet phonies backing them up. They take advantage that the average American does not understand math above an arithmetic level, and they lie by fake statistics, handed to them as talking points by Right-wing think tanks.

Anyway, if you do not vote you are letting the super-rich take over even more of the government with no opposition that gets counted. If you vote Democratic you are at least showing the Republicans and their controllers a little bit of resistance.

There is an important difference, and if it your duty to vote, and to find something to vote about. You want to characterize other people as unintelligent, but don't seem to realize we all can always get more intelligent and learn; and that politics is one place where that can make a difference and bring our country back again.


I'm not characterizing anyone as unintelligent. I said ignorant of political philosophy

If they think that the Democratic Party, a neoliberal party full of capitalist stooges and war criminals, are SO far left that they want to kill them, then they don't know anything about the political factions which ACTUALLY stand against Western liberalism

Intelligent people can be, and often are, enthusiastic spewers of propaganda


> I'm not characterizing anyone as unintelligent.
> I said ignorant of political philosophy

Close enough for me.

I've read and re-read your second paragraph and I'm not really feeling the point of it. Can you explain or elaborate?

I think too many people look at politics horizontally ... that is party v. party, when I think the more productive way to look at it is vertically ... the top 0.1% , the top 1% , the top 10% , the middle 30% , and the bottom 20%. [ note, I am not accounting for all 100%, just the basic major demographic and political chunks ]

That is, I think it is all about class, not necessarily race or religion, except as it relates to class.


Sure. To explain my second paragraph let me first quote a couple of replies on here:

"I’m a Republican as Democrats wish I was dead for being a white male. How’s that for an answer for you. Explain the legitimacy of your believes when they are rooted in terrorism, racism, and genocide."


"If you do not like a wealthy republican they will not kill you for not liking them.

Almost all democrats will call a person evil and try to kill you for not liking them."


Do they actually believe this? I hope not. Republican-types tend to conflate neoliberalism, socialism, communism, anarchism, jihadism, and even fascism. It's basically American "freedom" vs. everything else. Establishment Democrats have much more in common with establishment Republicans than they do with most of the above-mentioned political factions

The rest of the second paragraph is me disparaging the Democratic Party. I suppose you may disagree with my characterization of, say, Nancy Pelosi as a capitalist stooge or of Obama as a war criminal, but that's how I feel about them

And yeah, I also think it's much more productive to think in terms of class. Personally, I'd be happy to see people like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos executed


I see more what you were getting at by your choice of quotes.

As usually I see most Republican/Right-wing comments as expressions of trying to reverse the realities, the way Republicans always are blaming Democrats, with a louder voice in the media, for doing all the unacceptable things they do, and failing to back it up with facts, but instead backing it up with fake demonstrations, mobs of troll voices online, lies and violence.

It started back when they wanted to help the big Ag companies so they hired fake farmers to drive fake tractors around Washington - all the way to Trump paying unknowns $50 to attention his declaration to run for President.

Basically whatever opposes this Right-wing authoritarian power grab is always associated with whatever is the worst possible thing they can think of ... usually Marxism, Communism, or Socialism, and if they can stretch it terrorism, and usually defective characters of Democrats from lazy to revolutionary.

It's definitely clear why they do not want real history taught and prefer to support brainwash fantasies of White Europeans, American fantasies, and all kinds of outrageous narratives backing sustaining their domination and theft of resources and labor from around the world and now here at home.

There is no voter fraud at all, but the few cases they did manage to find were people voting for Trump multiple times across states or filling out ballots of their dead parents or relatives.

It is Republicans who have consistently been against voting rights for all. The investigator Greg Palast is kind of nutty in his presentation, but he has done amazing work in uncovering the Right-Wing schemes of all manner.

Are there some Democrats who do bad stuff. Of course, but to my knowledge I have not heard of any Left-Wing Democrats who have been accused of corruption or charged or convicted. The worst to me lately is Pelosi and some of the other Establishment Democrats taking advantage of the same insider trading privileges that our Representatives get, and that reports seem to indicate is done more on the Republican side.

Finally, the point I was going to open with was how Republicans' legislation is leading to the deaths and exploitation of working people, and that the FBI has consistently reports that the greatest terrorist threat to America is from Right-Wing groups. Then there is the fact that Right-Wingers do fake provocations to try to blame incidents on the Left/Democrats.


The super rich also sign your paycheck.

because America is being sucked dry by some billionaire oligarchs, who have bought the government and media.



No they don't, but so what if they did?
Slaveowners fed their slaves.


"Real power comes from not forcing people to do what you want, but from changing the way people think, so that they want to do what you want."

Conservative billionaires have pooled their money spending billions to influence public opinion and buy politicians. For example: the Kochs spent hundreds of millions to create Climate Change denial because their oil company is among the top polluters.

They created and fund "grassroots" movements like The Tea Party and the present anti-CRT movement and make ordinary people believe it's their idea.


Do you people get paid for every single lie?


I doubt you're smart enough to understand the implication, but I'd be pretty poor if I did.
