MovieChat Forums > Politics > Thoughts on marjuana today? Are they cre...

Thoughts on marjuana today? Are they creating addictions if not psychosis?

Prior to the 1990's THC was less than 2%. In the 1990's it grew to 4%, and between 1995 and 2015 there has been a 212% increase in THC content in the marijuana flower. In 2017 the most popular strains found in dispensaries in Colorado had a range of THC content from 17–28% such as found in the popular strain named “Girl Scout Cookie.” Sadly these plants producing high levels of THC are incapable of producing much CBD, the protective component of the plant so these strains have minimal CBD. For example the Girl Scout Cookie strain has only 0.09–0.2% CBD.

The flower or leaves that are generally smoked or vaped are only one formulation. We now have concentrated THC products such as oil, shatter, dab, and edibles that have been able to get the THC concentration upwards of 95%. There is absolutely no research that indicates this level of THC is beneficial for any medical condition. The purpose of these products is to produce a high, and the increased potency makes them potentially more dangerous and more likely to result in addiction.

You think with the more potent increases in THC is having an affect to people that are more damaging?


Just so long as it's not "part Labrador."


Drugs are bad, m'kay.


I want free


Marijuana is getting better and better and the laws more and more states are legalizing. All great things.


Yes, for people who can't stand to live unimpaired.


Also for people who believe in free will. I don't like alcohol but it certainly should be there for people who choose to drink.


I agree. You can't mandate good sense. It's just a shame that people have to impair themselves.


Look at the fucking world around you...why would want to see this ugly shit hole with clear eyes?


That's the inherent problem. SOOO many people think like this. Life is wonderful and I'm grateful for every day! What's so awful? Life is full of problems and challenges, sure but there is SOOO much good!


I am a regular cannabis user and I don't have a negative view of the world. My using pot is my own personal choice and assuming I use it to 'impair' myself would be wrong on your end. I use it to enhance life, not impair it.

It's all how you look at things. Maybe you should be happy for people enjoying their lives as they see fit.


Don't get me wrong. I fully support your right to bong yourself to Jupiter if you want but pretty much everyone I know who gives sobriety an honest chance for a year or so (it takes that time or longer for your mind and body to adjust) would never go back to drugs and/or alcohol.


It's so hard not to wish evil towards people like you.

Medical cannabis is saving people's lives.


Listen here. Nowhere in this particular discussion did I say anything about medical use and in another, similar discussion I stated that I was definitely NOT talking about medical applications so take your assumptions and wish evil towards them. You could have asked what my opinion is about medical use.


Well, thank you for clarifying that!
Especially if you have any synthetics in your medicine cabinet...


I think it's all about Taxes. If they can get Revenue from it, it's good.
I think pot is relatively harmless, but not completely so.
I'[d rather not have Young People getting High because they don't have anything better to do, or they don't understand the long term effects, but at some point, marijuana isn't all that bad for a dysfunctional society that rewards the super rich and leaves the rest of us behind. We gotta have something to enjoy, right?


You do know there are plenty of dysfunctional "super rich" people, right? And plenty of "super rich" drug addicts. Try enjoying a clear, sharp, unimpaired body and mind. It's the best high there is.


Maybe God will be so good to you that you'll never have a need for pain relief.

17-28% THC = "what pain??"


If weed ever becomes legal nationwide I'd figure I might try it at least once in my lifetime but after dealing with anxiety and depression issues the last few years I'll never touch it.


Nope. Just like LSD, Pot isn't for everyone.
I've had many different reactions to different strains over 4 decades and I've abstained for long periods and have enjoyed for some periods. I've seen people who seemed to be over consumptive and craving and I've seen me - who seems to use it when I'm in the Right Space
Which is probably BS but that's what I'm saying.
It's good to use if you know what you are doing, but if it's just an addictive thing - not.


I'm against legalizing weed. I think some people can handle it but I'm more worried about the percentage of users who become violent. There are also a lot of harmful long-term health effects on people.


Do the studies you linked cross-reference people using alcohol?


These are studies that analyze marijuana so there isn't an emphasis on alcohol. I've linked below an article about the benefits of moderate alcohol consumption but most agree that excessive alcohol consumption is a problem. Feel free to dig up some articles from reputable sources that relate to alcohol/marijuana/violence.


Alcohol, like all drugs (no, I'm not talking about medicinal ones) is blight on humanity.




Sure! Thank you! :)


Not much difference between coffee and ye-yo


What is ye-yo?



You could just tell me...


I've literally never come across someone who has become violent because of cannabis. Alcohol on the other hand - many times.

I usually don't consider The Daily Mail a reputable source and this is why. Are they seriously trying to correlate cannabis use as the reason why this man was murdered? Do you have a link to the actual study? I would like to read it.

My view is that if alcohol is legal, there is no reason why weed shouldn't be, as its infinitely safer than booze. There are 88,000 medically documented deaths from alcohol each year, compared to how many how many from weed? Zero. This is because it is physically impossible to take in a lethal amount. At present it is estimated that marijuana's LD-50 (lethal dose) is around 1:20,000 or 1:40,000. In layman terms this means that in order to induce death a marijuana smoker would have to consume 20,000 to 40,000 times as much marijuana as is contained in one marijuana cigarette. NIDA-supplied marijuana cigarettes weigh approximately .9 grams. A smoker would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of marijuana within about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response.

What is the alternative to legalization? Continue to lock people up and and ruin their lives, while at the same time wasting police resources? I'm a big proponent of personal responsibility. We're all adults here, so it should be up to us, not the Government, if we want to consume this product. I pay my taxes, I'm a productive member of society. I also grow and consume cannabis. Saying I should lose my freedom because of that is insane.


This article shows examples of violent criminals who were heavy marijuana users.

The Daily Mail is one of the better news sources since they are independently-owned and they cover EVERYTHING. Most big news providers lose their objectivity when they are owned by big corporations like Comcast, Disney & WarnerMedia.

I'd like to see the source of the 88K annual documented deaths from alcohol. If they are counting cirrhosis of the liver or cancer, those are diseases that usually kill people over decades. The US healthcare system is so fragmented that I don't believe the annual death statistics are accurate. The CDC estimates the annual flu deaths. I'm more concerned about violent homicides caused by substance abuse.

Possession of marijuana is a misdemeanor in most states so not as many are locked up. Lives are not destroyed over marijuana. I like the current system in place. Based on the articles/studies that I have referenced, some users of marijuana will become violent and perpetrate acts of violence against other citizens. In order to lessen the risk of these acts of violence, marijuana should not be legalized.


Correlation does not imply causation. I'm surprised you're even trying to imply that cannabis causes violence. Thats the most far fetched thing I've ever heard. From the link you posted: " This article is a case review and not a research study; therefore, the chief limitations regard inferences that can be made from a case study. However, the findings suggest a further need for research on marijuana and violence. The authors of this paper did not intend to take sides regarding the legalization of marijuana. The focus was public health in regards to marijuana"

The Daily Mail is more of a tabloid that a news source and has a low credibility rating with failed fact checks.

Apparently its more than 88k people die annually and that doesn't even include car accidents. Its not up to 95k.
You also might be surprised to hear 480,000 die from cigarettes, yet weed is still illegal?

Only 27 States have decriminalized marijuana. So thats almost half the country who can still be arrested for possession. The fact that its not legal on the Federal Level means it certainly can ruin lives, such as being fired from a job. It also doesn't allow people to grow. If I can brew beer and wine in my house, I should be able to grow a plant.

There is no definitive proof it causes violence. Using this as a reason to be against legalization is absurd. Maybe try it and see for yourself?

I'm also curious why you aren't advocating for alcohol prohibition, which without a doubt causes violence? Ask any cop which substance is more destructive to society and he will say booze.

Youre entitled to your opinion, but 68% of Americans want it legalized, so its inevitable.


I contend that many people will commit violent acts due to marijuana. The article below shows that fourteen of the big names in mass shootings / terror were heavy marijuana users. That's enough evidence for me. This is a case review and they do point out a link between marijuana and violence.

The article below is the meta analysis of thirty studies with 300K participants and they determined that marijuana caused an uptick of violence in youths.

The Daily Mail is a solid online newspaper and there isn't a paywall. I don't look at fact checks from some dude who probably operates out of his mom's basement. Your media bias website is run by one guy with a communications degree and he has no employees. He's entitled to his opinion but I'm way more qualified than him to evaluate websites.

The 95K deaths from alcohol are an ESTIMATE from the CDC. They don't know and nobody knows. You can't really monitor the daily deaths in the USA with any accuracy. I think they are trying to do that with Covid but I remain skeptical of any numbers/stats/estimates.

They tried to ban alcohol before and that didn't work. I'm confident that there isn't a link between moderate alcohol consumption and violence. It would be great if you could provide support for your laughable assertion that every cop thinks alcohol is worse than weed. The survey below shows that 52% of cops are against decriminalizing weed. I will never try marijuana since I know of its numerous negative health consequences. People need to learn about the negative side effects of weed before they vote to legalize it.


I think it makes a person too relaxed to commit violence. People who try to convince otherwise aren't ideal citizens, and it's unfortunate we have these examples in society of oppressive buttholes.

I don't know what drugs or psychosis play a part in violent behavior, but it wasn't marijuana.


The first study below found that regular users of cannabis were seven times more likely to commit violent acts over a fifty period. The second study shows a link between marijuana and violence. Lastly, a radio talk show host with a couple PHD's did a podcast about the dangers of marijuana. He was a pot smoker who quit and warns people about the dangers of marijuana.


No credible research has shown marijuana use to play a causal factor in violence, aggression or delinquent behavior, dating back to former President Richard Nixon’s “First Report of the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse” in 1972, which concluded, “In short, marihuana is not generally viewed by participants in the criminal justice community as a major contributing influence in the commission of delinquent or criminal acts.

More recently, the Canadian Senate’s 2002 “Discussion Paper on Cannabis” reaffirmed: “Cannabis use does not induce users to commit other forms of crime. Cannabis use does not increase aggressiveness or anti-social behavior." In contrast, research has demonstrated that certain legal drugs, such as alcohol, do induce aggressive behavior.

Cannabis differs from alcohol … in one major respect. It does not seem to increase risk-taking behavior,” the British Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs concluded in its 2002 report recommending the depenalization of marijuana. “This means that cannabis rarely contributes to violence either to others or to oneself, whereas alcohol use is a major factor in deliberate self-harm, domestic accidents and violence.

Most recently, a logistical retrogression analysis of approximately 900 trauma patients by SUNY-Buffalo’s Department of Family Medicine found that use of cannabis is not independently associated with either violent or non-violent injuries requiring hospitalization. Alcohol and cocaine use were associated with violence-related injuries, the study found. Accordingly, fewer than five percent of state and local law enforcement agencies identify marijuana as a drug that significantly contributes to violent crime in their areas.
The Daily Mail has been noted for its unreliability and widely criticised for its printing of sensationalist and inaccurate scare stories of science and medical research. If thats the kind of source you want, be my guest.



The study referenced below found a seven fold increase in violent behavior by cannabis users among 400 people that were studied over FIFTY years. Read it and weep! The other meta-analysis shows an association between marijuana and violence.

You're relying on outdated reports from 1972 and 2002 that aren't even issued by scientists. I wouldn't believe any statements issued by the crooked Nixon administration. The Canadian Senate is bought and paid for by big-money interests. Canada is responsible for the Tar sands ecological disaster and they don't care about its long-term impact on the planet.

I will continue to read the Daily Mail. I've actually been aware of news stories from UK/Australia due to my reliance on the Daily Mail that my friends from those countries didn't even know. One troll from this board slammed the DM a few months ago but I've seen him post a couple DM articles after that. I challenge you to find a sensationalist/inaccurate scare story from the DM.


Why don't you try it and see how violent you become?

You won't, and neither do most pot smokers. They are the most chill and coolest people you'll ever meet.

Quit blaming the effects of other drugs on cannabis.


So you don't believe in statistics you don't like? Here's some numbers for the Lancet. Certainly they are a legitimate source?

You say there isn't a link between moderate alcohol consumption, which I agree with, but you are aware many people don't drink responsibly, right?

You're incorrect. The majority of police think marijauna laws should be relaxed.

And yeah, ask any cop which substance is more destructive to society. Alcohol and domestic abuse go hand and hand. Weed doesn't make someone beat the shit out of their wife when they get pissed off.

According to that Pew Research poll, Fewer than one-in-ten (8%) prefer to keep marijuana illegal in all circumstances, so it looks like you're in the minority. Most people are smart enough not to fall for the reefer madness that you are pushing here.


Your Lancet study relies on ESTIMATES so I don't buy into it. In fact, I don't understand what most of those tables even represent.

I like the cops to keep the streets safe but their opinions on marijuana health effects or legalization do not matter to me. I prefer the opinions of scientists..... Trust the science.

A well-known conservative radio host with multiple PHD's revealed the dangers of marijuana in his recent podcast. He actually smoked marijuana for a while but kicked the habit. He also spent time in Fiji studying the medicinal properties of plants.

George Soros has been funding marijuana legalization for years so that's why public opinion has shifted. Hopefully, the voices of independent scientists and informed citizens will outnumber the shouting of the addlebrained potheads.


Here's a thought: Live life unimpaired! 🤘


Nothing wrong with using recreational substances in a responsible manner.


I don't agree. Literally everyone I know and like, I like less when they're using. Drugs and alcohol are lame.


Never trust a man who won't have at least one beer.

John Wayne


Freedom to choose how you relax. Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. Or as Joe Biden would say "You know the thing"


I think some people can handle it but I'm more worried about the percentage of users who become violent.
those "3 times more likely" people were probly 6 times more likely without the weed


"The purpose of these products is to produce a high"

The purpose of me drinking a 12oz beer or a 4oz cabernet is also to produce a high.
