MovieChat Forums > Politics > Women's sports are now over, due to Bide...

Women's sports are now over, due to Biden executive order on Day 1

Any educational institution that receives federal funding MUST admit biologically-male athletes to women's team, women's scholarships, etc.

Have a son who can't make the male team? Here's your chance for a scholarship.

But WAIT! College (along with everything else) is going to be FREE under Joe Biden. (You will just be required to be assigned to a Communist-government job for-life after you graduate, (where "C'mon man," you won't have to do any work.)

Before the college student loans are wiped free, I want Joe Biden to REFUND the tuition, books and fees that I paid for out of my own pocket!


Maybe someone will finally watch the WNBA.


Haha maybe, might even see someone dunk the ball finally.


I hope he does refund your $$ because you obviously did learn anything.




Of course, what you posted here is grammatically incorrect, since English is not your first language. Maybe you went to Harvard, where being a liberal Democrat-Communist is more important than academic achievements.

You need better Chinese to English translation software. Maybe your Chinese supervisors can steal one from an American business partner, and enrich Hunter Biden.


Hard to try and burn someone regarding intellect, when you can't even put a cohesive sentence together.


It's a rejection of Tulsi Gabbard's new legislation efforts. It's not changing some old law.

It's a right-wing fantasy that women's sports are inundated with genetic males ruining it for biological women.

Tulsi got suckered into it because of her connection to Joe Rogan who hated the idea of Fallon Fox competing in Mixed Martial Arts despite Fallon Fox being unable to make strides in a women's division. Joe Rogan is a conspiracy theorist first, and then years later he puts two and two together and admits he fucked up.


agreed anytime someone suggests Joe rogan and his podcast I groan. its full of pseudo scientific pseudo intellectual nonsense most of the time. its like the left wing (and not always) stoners Alex jones


I listen to bits of his podcast occasionally for entertainment, but he's full of it. This is a guy who thinks mushrooms somehow open your mind to 'reality'. Fuck me.


ya if I want to know things ill listen to actual intellectuals. its like couched in 20% truth so you buy it, then the rest is just nonsense.


ya man all those trans athletes are just pretending because its easier in the women's league.

and all the gay people were just confused and made a choice to be that way too.

we've heard this broken record before. You keep recycling the same nonsense over and over and over again


They are not pretending, but that does not change their genetic body.

According to science and chromosomes and dna, they can easily determine gender.

They are boys whose brains are not functioning right. Their brains are in conflict with their bodies.

You cannot change your dna and chromosomes so you better change your damn mind

These are the freak show decisions the Democrats are famous for.


which no one is saying they are biologically a female now.

"According to science and chromosomes and dna, they can easily determine gender. "

NO GENDER is not sex. they are different things.

"They are boys whose brains are not functioning right. Their brains are in conflict with their bodies. "

Yes we know you said the same thing about gay people. "you cant change your biology. men are supposed to only want women. you are trying to change your preferences"

buddy you dont even know what gender vs sex is. I think you should educate yourself before speaking again.


What ever happened to women's rights? Don't they have a right to compete against women only???


Transgender rights are a step above women.

Most important to Democrats are

Foreign born transgender
Then national transgender
Then gay
Then illegal aliens
Then blacks
Then women

Illegal aliens jumped the line of priority to the Democrats ahead of the blacks.

The back community should be extremely against illegal immigration and the Democrats way of thinking.

Because illegals have pushed the black community out and Democrats seem to cater to illegals more then blacks. Sad.


I do love it when the Woke-sters get bitten by their own monster.


Girls sue to block participation of transgender athletes
By PAT EATON-ROBB February 12, 2020

The families of three female high school runners filed a federal lawsuit [in February 2020] seeking to block transgender athletes [biologically born boys who now identify as female] in Connecticut from participating in girls sports. “Mentally and physically, we know the outcome before the race even starts,” said Smith, who is the daughter of former Major League pitcher Lee Smith. “That biological unfairness doesn’t go away because of what someone believes about gender identity. All girls deserve the chance to compete on a level playing field.” “Our dream is not to come in second or third place, but to win fair and square,” Mitchell said. “All we’re asking for is a fair chance.”

The two seniors [who identify themselves as transgender are still in the process of transitioning, and] have combined to win 15 girls state indoor or outdoor championship races since 2017, according to the lawsuit. “Forcing girls to be spectators in their own sports is completely at odds with Title IX, a federal law designed to create equal opportunities for women in education and athletics,” attorney Christiana Holcomb said. “Connecticut’s policy violates that law and reverses nearly 50 years of advances for women.”

The American Civil Liberties Union said it will represent the transgender teens and defend the Connecticut policy in court... Connecticut is one of 17 states that allowed transgender high school athletes to compete without restrictions in 2019,
