MovieChat Forums > Politics > The establishment cheated and it will be...

The establishment cheated and it will be proven

December 14 day of the liberation from the Dem bullshits


I think you know the truth.
I think your trolling.


I call for a full investigation in voter fraud and china collusion by joe biden to steal the 2020 election.


On a movie message with 10 people?

I don't think so.

Take it to twitter. Or better put get off the internet and write a letter to your state's AG.


Twitter would delete it because they illegally suppress any truth that doesn't align with their personal beliefs. It's why the CEO committed perjury in a Senate hearing, because he knows what they are doing is wrong.


Go for it. Fox News knows Russiagate had infinitely more merit.


Well don't you know? Fox News is now a left wing organization. Tucker's secret documents were stolen by Rupert Murdoch's paid henchman in order to undermine the election for the President.


Yup. Fox News can only go so far. They can drag the conspiratards along with reports of terrorist fist jabs and tan suits, but Fox News can't go along with denying democracy from 306 electors and 80 million voters.


Ohbuma allowed russiagate to happen, unfortunately hilldog lost.

chinagate is trending on twitter now....


Obama allowed a foreign country to hack into the DNC server, and as the FBI investigated it, Trump fired the FBI director who was leading the investigation, and got rid of his attorney general for recusing himself from the investigation.
Is she a porn star?

What happened with Obamagate? What happened with the Laptop? What happened with the Kraken?


Trump lost. Trumptards in tears.


I call for full investigation into Trump killing the Lindbergh baby and stealing the crown jewels from the tower of London, plus he is kaiser soze.

See? It's easy to fantasise.


Yes and while we’re at it... Obamagate, Antifa and the Loch Ness monster 🤪


Thats a coming.



It’s over
Go back to bed


What exactly is going to happen on December 14?


The electoral college meets (December 14)

Of course, the votes for president are actually votes for a slate of electors who cast ballots in the electoral college, a gathering held in the 50 states and the District of Columbia on an appointed day in December after the election.

During the electoral college meetings on December 14, 2020 another possible controversy could involve a faithless elector who decides to cast his or her vote for a different presidential candidate. Some states can disregard a vote cast by a faithless elector. The Supreme Court’s unanimous July 2020 decision in Chiafolo v. Washington affirmed that state laws penalizing or replacing faithless electors are constitutional.

However, not all states have such laws on the books. The website tracks the faithless elector laws across America. It says 33 states and the District of Columbia require electoral college members to cast ballots for a pledged candidate. Among the closely contested states in 2020, FairVote says Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are among the states without faithless elector laws.


It's always that next thing around the corner that will reveal all. Just like w/ Hunter Biden & Russiagate. You're being strung along, maybe you even know this but want to believe anyway.


Prove that it will be proven.

Wishful thinking and willful brainwashing.


Incorrect. December 8th and it's finalized. Even Trump is admitting or realizing he's defeated and can't do much about it. He can try again in 2024 if he wants and the left/right can make sure there is a better way to make the vote count be more transparent before the next election so something like this doesn't happen again. Might not even happen again since everyone would've been vaccinated by that time and people will more or less go back to doing the usual unless BUILD BACK BETTER aka GREAT RESET comes to fruition first.
