MovieChat Forums > Politics > The Tranny Movement is far worse than th...

The Tranny Movement is far worse than the NAZIs

Because almost the entire Western media is suppressing the truth. They defame anyone who speaks the truth. Social media bans their accounts. Most stores have banned the book!

Look what's happening to JK Rowling and John Cleese. You really have to dig to find what Rowling said instead of the lies from leftist media. Rowling talked about the trans epidemic in young teens and preteens.

Here's a book they are trying to ban: Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters
Top seller in various LGBT sections, 4.5* despite the hater reviews.

Until just a few years ago, gender dysphoria—severe discomfort in one’s biological sex—was vanishingly rare. It was typically found in less than .01 percent of the population, emerged in early childhood, and afflicted males almost exclusively.

But today whole groups of female friends in colleges, high schools, and even middle schools across the country are coming out as “transgender.” These are girls who had never experienced any discomfort in their biological sex until they heard a coming-out story from a speaker at a school assembly or discovered the internet community of trans “influencers.”

Abigail Shrier, a writer for the Wall Street Journal, has dug deep into the trans epidemic, talking to the girls, their agonized parents, and the counselors and doctors who enable gender transitions, as well as to “detransitioners”—young women who bitterly regret what they have done to themselves.

There are many articles on Quillette and Libertarian/Conservative sites.
A short interview by Shapiro:
An longer interview by Rogan:


You ain't kidding. These two men, one pretending to be a woman, are attempting a coup upon our democracy right now!

No lies. It's all right here.

These disgusting people need to be stopped at any cost.


People with a mental illness are worse than the nazis? Imagine being this deluded


really, only the top brass of the Nazi regime were horrible people,
everyone below them were just doing their job


Imagine finding out that not only you don't have gender dysphoria, but that you were deluded into thinking so by your parents and your school, now have irreversible damage done to your body, nobody in the tranny movement wants to own up to the abuse, and they shun you.


So you think Nazis were sane people?


Neo-nazis? No. German soldiers/people during the third reich? Yes.

Also not sure how you derived that from my original comment


So you think original German Nazis make rational arguments? You were the one comparing mentally ill people to Nazis.


Why am I arguing with someone with the reading comprehension of a 5 year old? Oh yeah, it's the politics board on Moviechat, mbmb


Outside verdict please: is my reading comprehension bad or is this guy a Nazi sympathizer?


I thought you meant "tyranny" but spelled it wrong.

I personally don't have a problem with transgender people. What I do have a problem with is being called transphobic if I don't believe you are the gender you transition to. I also don't like the idea of being called transphobic for thinking that anyone under 18 shouldn't be allowed to have the surgery.


Personally I accept LGB but TQ+ is beyond my degeneracy range. 0.6% or less of the population yet have almost the loudest voice?


Oh...kay then...


Thanks to Satan for his enlightening contribution. Stay tuned for further updates from the pits of Hell folks!




Worse than the TrannyTyranny of Obama’s 8 years?


I would have fucked the chick in "The Crying Game."


