MovieChat Forums > Politics > I thought you Demonicrats were against v...

I thought you Demonicrats were against voter suppression!

The truth will come out and Trump will continue to be the president for the next four years.

πŸ’₯ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ TRUMP πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ πŸ’₯


If the shoe was on the other foot Trump/Republican psychopants would be justifying the f*ckery going on with this election just the same.


If I thought this was happening with the parties reversed I absolutely would feel the same. I don't want to see our country turn into a third world country!


As someone unaffiliated, I'm quite frankly glad to see the corruption of this two party fraud laid bare & turned on its head. It's able to persist because the masses have been brainwashed to be sycophantic sheep & overlook it as long as their "team" benefits.


That hasn't changed though.


Over our dead bodies.


Oh, you're planning to off yourself? Even cooler!


no, he's planning to vote for a second time as a deceased person


That "press conference" was a disgraceful sham!

He provided ZERO EVIDENCE of voter suppression/fraud etc.

I'm embarrassed for our great country.


Even republicans are criticizing him for his claims.

Bret Bair at Fox News straight up told the RNC chairwoman there's no evidence.


Litigation. Whatever evidence he has, needs to be shown in court. You don't engage in a lawsuit and then show the world your evidence. You show it in court. If he's wrong, they'll laugh him out of court and that's that.


No one will watch your rant on youtube. By the way, it's the democrats demanding every vote to be counted. How's that voter suppression?


Yeah they want every vote counted. Watch the trickery of the lefts words. They don't say "we want every LEGAL vote counted."

There is a mass amount of fraudulent votes in the mix!

I want EVERY LEGAL VOTE counted. Every American should!


He's only calling the votes in Pennsylvania and Georgia illegal because he needs to hold those leads there.

He's not calling the votes in Arizona and Nevada illegal because he needs to catch up there.

But you MAGAs will buy into anything no matter how contradictory it is.


There's plenty more to come. The Democrats have been up to their necks trying to cheat since "ControlUsVirus." Saw it coming a long time ago.

Even in my own state, a blue state, btw, I know several people who went to vote (some early/some on Election Day) who were told they already voted when they DID NOT!


Doesn't matter. In Pennsylvania and Georgia Trump is trying to say Biden's votes don't count.

Voter Fraud is still in the realm of 0.0025%.

Meanwhile covid-19 kills 1.3% of Americans.

Your way of thinking is why people got tired of Trump.


He did NOT say that.

Obviously this election is tainted in fraud.

ControlUsVirus I never said was fake.

Most of the country is not tired of Trump.


Your feelings don't count as fraud. Mail-in ballots being counted after same-day ballots don't count as fraud. You were hyped up by the same-day count thinking Trump would win an impossibly high amount of 60 to 40. You went to bed, then woke up and realized it was evening out. Your problem is you, not fraud.


Shows what you know. Nothing.

I don't go by "feelings." They're ADDING votes, filling in Biden (nothing else because of a lack of time) and they're destroying Trump votes.

When did I say 40-60?
I was looking forward to election night, yes. I was posting the first 20 or so that came in as they came in. Remember when you guys were having a stroke over it because red was going to red states and blue was going to blue states?

I didn't go to bed that night. I stayed up all night watching coverage and continued to watch throughout the following day. I didn't go to bed until the next night after midnight.


They are counting votes that were post-marked before election day, which are legal to count.

Just like they will count military ballots that were cast overseas.

You don't get to ignore them because you "feel" like they are fraudulent. You have to prove fraud.


All legal votes matter!


And all those legal votes have made Trump a one-term president.



Democrats voting multiple times. Extra Biden ballots being added. Trump votes being destroyed.

You guys are cheaters. But that's the only way you can win.


Nah you're just stupid which is why the GOP won't get on board with your stupid crap.

Bye Don. Bye MAGA zombies. You lost.


Bye, stupid fool. πŸ‘‹


This is you:

Bye Don. Bye MAGA zombies. You lost.


That's why you idiot dems lost so many house seats when you expected to gain a bunch, right ultra white guilt? Good job on that one! The infighting has already begun. One tub of kettle korn, please, ultra white guilt. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Look up project veritas on YouTube. They have proof.


No centrist EVER cites Project Veritas. Every centrist knows exactly what Project Veritas does.

James O'Keefe manipulated his ACORN video.
James O'Keefe manipulated his Shirley Sherrod video.
James O'Keefe manipulated the Planned Parenthood video.

I'm telling you right now, with 100% certainty, James O'Keefe is manipulating whatever video you are referencing.

James O'Keefe is another reason why Trump lost. America is tired of the Alex Jones style fake news that we've been inundated with by this president for four years.

You don't care because James O'Keefe serves your cause.


Get fucked, Trumpist.


Please provide proof. I'm not for Trump... I'm not even for the country...bye, fag


You don't ask for proof that something isn't real or didn't happen. You sit and wait for proof that the thing happened. James O'Keefe doesn't have that proof. He has videos that fail to pass the sniff test. The GOP won't fight for him any more. Fox News has been burned by him too many times.

You won't do anything either. You just sit there and play pretend like you don't care. But you do :D



Why should I care? Doesn't affect me. Good for Joe Biden.


I don't want to suck Joe's dick as hard as you do though


- so first it was the vote counters conspiring (no evidence)
-then it was "bags of votes being found!" (no evidence)
-now its onto "illegal voters!" (no evidence)


Illegal votes, not voters. Learn the difference.



Jesus you guys are stupid


You save the evidence for the courts. Lawyers will tell you not to disclose certain things publicly


how convenient


It's true. And if there's nothing there, they'll throw it out of court. Then Trump is really, really out and you can laugh at him all day. But if there is something there, with concrete evidence, it should be looked at. Simple as that, regardless of who you support.


Don't you think it's odd that Democrats somehow lost seats in the House, and failed to "steal" the Senate? Has it not occurred to you that maybe, just maybe, Trump ran a shit campaign? He blew through over 700 million dollars. They spent a million bucks on ads in DC! (For an audience of one.)

He behaved like a coked up seal at the first debate. A deadly disease killed over 200,000 Americans. He barely, barely won in 2016. You can't wrap your little mind around Trump (who was NOT a favorite) losing the election?


I think it's odd that they didn't try to steal the Senate! But we now know why. They were filling in only the top of the ticket because there wasn't time to fill in everything on the fraudulent ballots.


Enough hanky panky from you!


And what evidence do you have? If they're only filling in the tops of fraudulent ballots, as you claim, then we should see those irregularities. In fact, you're just making things up as you go along. This is self-deception.


She learns from the best - Donald Trump


Why does the Trump campaign have to sue PA in order to get poll proctors to view the ballot workers?


They shouldn't have to but there IS a pandemic. I'd prefer cameras.


So what? Check temps at the door if you’re that paranoid. That excuse doesn’t fly.

You believe science, yes? Dr. Fauci said, if you can go to the supermarket, then you can vote in person. So why did the dems push for mail in ballots if they follow the science?


Since the gangrene started in his right leg he had no pain and with the pain the horror had gone and all he felt now was a great tiredness and anger that this was the end of it. For this, that now was coming, he had very little curiosity. For years it had obsessed him; but now it meant nothing in itself.


With thy amputation of thine foul leg, it is per chance thee may gain thine limber access to chortle thy own nut sack. πŸ‘


Why check temperatures? Have cameras. Eyes miss things. Observers interfere.

Geez, you're dumb. We have grocery stores that are open exclusively to the elderly on certain days at certain times. We've had states conduct their elections entirely through the mail. I prefer to mail in my ballot rather than wait in line, and I order some of groceries to be delivered rather than going to the store.

That said, let's get back to your evidence because you haven't presented any. What do you have indicating fraud? Please don't tell me your argument is that Democrats are trying to steal this by getting more people to vote.


So Dr. Fauci, who follows science according to the dems, was wrong, correct?


They're shutting out legal poll watchers.


Is this your only talking point? It was addressed earlier.

I dunno, you need to, like, git gud at math. There are powerful statistical tools that can be used to uncover voting irregularities. If you believe an inordinantly high number of ballots have come in for Biden, then it wouldn't be that difficult to prove.

In 2016, Pennsylvanianianianretards gave about 2.9 million votes to Trump and a similar number to Clinton. So far it's looking like about 3.2 million for Trump and 3.2 million for Biden. Is this prima facie evidence that both candidates are stuffing ballot boxes? No. Voting is up in general across the board.

ETA: Trump's relative strength is more suspicious because it's a bigger departure from the polling. Again, though, we can compare Trump's relative performance in swing states vs. non-swing states for actual evidence before hurling accusations.

Is it surprising that Biden has more people voting by mail? No. He encouraged his supporters to vote by mail. It's time to stop throwing tantrums and dispassionately analyze the evidence.


"I dunno, you need to, like, git gud at math."

English please.

The fact that they're shutting out legal poll watchers doesn't bother you?
What if there were suspicions of messing with Democrat votes? You'd be ok with poll watchers not being allowed to watch them?

When people are trying to hide something, there's a reason.


Don't be daft. Poll watchers had always been allowed, but not as many were permitted and they had to be further away. Why do you think that is? Could it be for the same reason we have so many mail-in ballots this year? Is there, I dunno, a deadly pathogen going around? Oh, I forgot, the disease is also a hoax.


6 feet is social distant, not 30-50 feet.
Why do you think they want them so far if/when they're allowed?


Why did they block the windows? Why did they cheer when a GOP poll watcher was removed? If there is nothing to hide, why don't they allow them? Why is it only happening in deep blue districts?

Who said the disease is a hoax? Covid is not a reasonable excuse. If that's all you got? I'm still waiting if Dr. Fauci was wrong.


I'm not familiar with these blocked windows. I'm sure you imagine the most nefarious reasons. Also, I'm not familiar with a cheering when a GOP poll watcher was removed, but I wouldn't be surprised if s/he was behaving inappropriately (hence the removal).

I keep asking for evidence of fraud, and both of you Costellos come up with nothing.

Why is this only happening in blue districts? Can you imagine why? Because you
Blue districts are still counting votes. Why are they still counting votes? Why weren't these mail-in ballots counted earlier? Hmmm...

You guys are kooks.


There is no evidence. Trump supporters are all about unfounded conspiracy theories, fake news and lies.


But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.


Thine nutsack is not meant to be chortled by thyself, and yet thy continues in futility.


"Demonicrats". Real mature there, sir/ma'am. I can see why you like Trump.

Why are you mentioning suppression, exactly? As far as I can see, the only suppression attempts here have all been conducted by Trump with his efforts to STOP voting.

Your post is ludicrous and rather disingenuous.


They're evil. Demonic is accurate. They have been this way long before Trump.

Suppression because Trump's votes were given to Biden in some areas. Suppression because they tried to keep people from voting because of the "dangers" of "Covid." πŸ™„
Suppression because they wanted mail in ballots so they could cheat and steal this election. Suppression because they were ballot harvesting in Joe's favor.
Suppression because they wanted ballots to be able to be sent in after the election--another way for them to cheat.

Trump never wanted lawful voting to stop. The fake news wants you to believe that. They do not tell the truth.

Wake up.
