MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump is right, any Mask Mandates should...

Trump is right, any Mask Mandates should be left up to the state governors.

I just saw some news comment saying that Creepy Joe wants to make mask mandatory outdoors. I unfortunately have to live under a mask mandate in Kansas but didn't wear one until our dumb governor forced it on us. Thankfully any enforcement issues are civil and not criminal and its basically indoors only. There is no science that could back up a bullshit mandate for outdoor use at all times. Your Dementia is showing Joe if you think you could do this.


Masks should be optional. Period.


Absolutely and I totally agree. The science behind it is total bullshit and I consider them more of demoralization tactic than anything else. I've got my means to live with it here in KS but I wouldn't have to deal with it if we had a Republican Governor and thankfully the state legislature keeps her in check.


It is BS. It's a control tactic. This "power" has gone to the governors and mayors heads.

It's funny how creepy Joe said to wear it for the next 3 months....November ๐Ÿค”


It's interesting how they say President Trump has mishandled this pandemic so bad, but the only people I see mishandling it are Democrap governors in their own states. They're just blaming Trump to cover up their own failures as leaders, like usual.


dems will make them mandatory. same goes for the vaccine


No surprise there! What an awesome tyrannical way of handling things.


If we had mandated masks and fully shutdown nationwide early on things would be a lot better today. Our economy would be a lot better off today.


Who wanted to do that? Please show us where they stated this with a date from last spring.


Your reading comprehension is bad.


Doubtful. Look at New Zealand. Only lasted 102 days then level 2/3 lockdown where it lead to panic buying yet again. Nothing is going to get better until the vaccine is released but even then 33% said they won't take it of the 66% that would. Vaccine isn't a guarantee either and since COVID has elements of the common cold, I wouldn't be surprised if its merged with the other CORONA cold viruses out there already, hence why you need a year pretty much every year due to mutation of the virus. Thx China.


That's not panic. It's strategy. If an area has been exposed, then they shut it down in order to isolate the contagion. The same thing is done in my area and it works extremely well.

Thank Trump for refusing to listen to warnings from both his national security and health officials in January. 168,000 dead Americans from Trump's virus.

Republicans have a bad habit of supporting the stupidest people they can find for president: Bush, Palin and now Trump. And Trump clearly has personality disorders and cognitive decline.


Masks outside (optional)
Masks in buildings (dependent on property owner)

Once outside though it should be up to choice not forced but if you decide to go shopping in a private property owned place, you abide by the conditions set by that place else don't go, simple as that. Seen enough Karen's making a fuss where it clearly states you need to wear a mask if you want to shop here where they storm out while trashing the stuff around them.


"Masks outside (optional)
Masks in buildings (dependent on property owner)"

Basing a health policy on opinion is stupid. Science and data says to wear a mask and social distance. People work in those stores so why shouldn't they be protected, too? Karens aka: Trumpites need to grow up! They should be arrested and fined for the merchandise replacement.


"Karens aka: Trumpites need to grow up! They should be arrested and fined for the merchandise replacement."

๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐ŸคฃI almost missed this gem!
I don't recall you saying anything remotely similar in regards to all of the looting and destroying of businesses! Then again, you got yourself a new TV. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Maybe the "Trumpites" should have just walked out of the store with the unpaid merchandise.

Do you see your blatant hypocrisy???


Do you mean the Trumpites who have driven their cars into peaceful demonstrators? They and Trumpites who refuse to wear masks should be thrown in prison for reckless endangerment.

Anti-masker woman urinates on Verizon store floor. Must be one of yours. Trumpites gone mad.


Oh, that black guy in the white car who ran 2 women over on the highway....great story for the news but whoopsie, the driver was black so scrap the story even though at least one died.

No, I'm talking about BLM--Burn, Loot & Murder! You know, your terrorist group like that disgusting BLM broad who ๐Ÿ’ฉ on a cop car or that naked BLM broad spreading herself in front of the police. ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข

And you worry about masks! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
Thrown in prison! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ


Aren't you going to try to defend the Trumpite urinating in a Verizon store?


I didn't click it.

All of that kind of stuff is unacceptable in my opinion (unless it's unintended).
So no, I won't defend it.


That is what America has degraded to under Trumps โ€˜ Murcia.


Seriously MM, don't you think there was ever ANY bad behavior in America before 2016? The nation was all sweet and well mannered? It's an awful lot to blame one person for.

The President is responsible for a lot of things, true. But he can't be held accountable for every halfwit for public urination.

I doubt the person in question developed her bad habits in the last four years! Some flake takes a p&ss in public and it's Trump's fault?

We're really reaching deep for things to blame on him now.


I guess he's also responsible for that Burn Loot & Murder (BLM) girl who literally ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ’ฉ on an overturned cop car too!


Yes, NAN, (my new nickname for you, your name is too long. So is typing all this!! lol) I don't think it's fair to blame ANY President for the behaviors of grown adults. I thought this country was all about freedom. People have the freedom to act civil or to act like immature dopes.

Some people have lost sight of what the President's job IS! He's not camp counselor, hall monitor or pastor. A person's character will determine his actions no matter who is President.

For instance, I don't like Hillary Clinton. I would've been seriously heartsick if she had been elected. But owing to my own character and values, I would never have relieved myself in public because I disliked one of her policies!


"NAN" is fine. ๐Ÿ™‚

It's ridiculous what gets blamed on Trump. I suppose he's responsible for their hemorrhoids too.


Incorrect! The goal is to get rid of the pandemic as much as possible throughout the whole country! Having some states cleared while other are spiking makes no sense. Especially if no travel restrictions are in place.

There's nothing political about it! It's about your safety and the safety of others. How would YOU idiots feel if you got covid, survived, but then gave it to an elderly or high-risk loved one and they died up ended up in ICU?

Being rebellious and throwing little 3-year-old hissy fits over masks, social distancing, and avoiding crowded places does NOT make you look cool. It makes you a selfish, immature, d!ck face pu$$y.

Certain people on this board (whose names won't be mentioned but they know who they are lol) might be offended by my name calling but too bad! I call it like it is.


If what you say is what you believe, then you must be pissed off at all of pillagers violating lockdown orders and not social distancing and not wearing masks, right?

You should be even more pissed off that the govs and mayor arenโ€™t ordering law enforcement to enforce these rules, not to mention the other laws being broken, right?

Those pillagers can get and catch the virus and spread it from one riot mob to another. How does that help flatten the curve?


Trump only thought he was right in February-March when he believed Covid-19 would only effect blue states. He's been proven wrong, very wrong, since then.


"There is no science that could back up a bullshit mandate for outdoor use at all times. Your Dementia is showing Joe if you think you could do this."

It's been done here in Australia. In Melbourne masks are now mandatory outside your home and there is an on-the-spot $200 fine for people not wearing one. There have been a few vocal dimwits who have opposed the move but generally it seems to be working ok and Melburnians are complying with the rules. Maybe we Australians just haven't worked out what human rights are supposedly being violated by being asked to cover your face to slow the spread of a highly infectious disease.


It should be a national mandate so that everyone will take it seriously. Trying to make this Joe Biden's failure when Trump's been failing for 3 years at everything he's done ... very weak.


Before we make this a national issue, tell me why dem govs and mayors wonโ€™t enforce the mandates that they issued and allow pillagers to pillage and violate the city and state order?
