MovieChat Forums > Politics > Herman Cain dead at 74 from COVID 19

Herman Cain dead at 74 from COVID 19

Trump's friend Hermain Cain passed away this morning from COVID 19 at the age of 74 . He's been hospitalized since early July, and it's believed he contracted COVID 19 from the Tulsa Trump Rally, where he posed for pictures with a crowd wearing no mask. He was one of many who contracted the virus at the rally.


Cain, of course, was the CEO of 'Godfather Pizza', and a 2012 Presidential candidate. He dropped out when dozens of women came forward, saying they had an affair with the married man.

He became a close confidant of Trump's in his 2015 election, and Trump considered putting him in charge of the Federal Reserve.

Trump has blood on his hands this morning...


He was probably very high risk at 74 and I'm sure he had other health issues.


Which is why the CDC has been telling people to avoid crowds, and wear masks - especially if you are elderly and with compromised health. He should have never attended the COVIDpalooza back on June 20th and especially not wearing a mask - no one should have ! Trump should had never held this nor encourage people to defy the CDC.

Trump has the blood of one of his 'closest confidants' on his hands today.


He took the risk and was responsible for his own health.


Trump has been downplaying the virus from Day 1, originally discouraged social distancing measures (before pretending to somewhat be in favor of enacting them as he is now), pushed and pushed and pushed for this rally despite numerous people telling him it was a good idea and even encouraged people to come without a mask. Oh, and he's the President of the United States.

Of course Cain is responsible for his own health but, if you think Trump is squeaky clean in all this, then there is no helping you.


"originally discouraged social distancing measures"

Not true.


Trump rallies are worth dying for


BLM and Antifa didn´t have a problem ignoring the CDC. Curious, did you kick up a fuss when they ignored social distancing?


I believe they were all outdoors, and wearing masks - from the coverage the conservative media showed us. So far the CDC has not pinpointed any massive breakouts of COVID where they gathered. None at all.

Trump, on the other hand wanted to pack in 19,000 idiots and not have them wear masks at COVIDpalooza. Good thing less than 6,000 showed up. Cain was a big opponent of wearing masks, and openly defied CDC guidelines. He was one of many who have tested positive for COVID traced back to June 20 at COVIDpalooza. (Kimberly Guilfoyle is another big name).

Cain paid the ultimate price for his friend - you should be mourning him.


That's one powerful "hoax" isn't it?

Oh, you know the usual Trumpanzee cultist replies already and let's just pull their checklist up:

-"He was old anyway. I don't care if a bunch of old people die." (elcamino)

-"He had other underlying medical issues, you lib!"

-"There's no proof he died from COVID! He could have died from something else!"


-"Trump 2020 and BEYOND!"


Let's not forget the Lt. Governor of Texas, who said it's OK for the elderly to die from COVID for the sake of our economy. So that means Herman Cain died to help our economy, which will help Trump win re-election. All is good.


Yeah, those deaths sure are helping the econ--oh, wait a minute.


I don't think I could live without your hourly bulletins.

Any bad news for Trump just fills you with glee.


You're deflecting.

Why do you believe a president who is destroying America is worth defending?


I never said I "defend" him, but is it necessary to bitterly mock him every 5 minutes? It's more than a little tedious.

As for "destroying America," the Dems are doing a pretty good job of that themselves. There is enough blame to go around.

But, you lemmings can't see that. When Hillary lost the election, you all lost your minds.


An obituary is mocking him ? Seriously ?

Pointing out the fact that he has blood on his hands for Cain's death - and anyone else who died from COVID by attending his COVIDpalooza on June 20 - is mocking him ? You need to learn the definition of 'mocking'.


Why does no one respond to the part about the Dems helping to destroy America?

Because it's the truth, and you just can't face it???


Because this is about Herman Cain's death and you're failing at trying to prove Dems have something to do with the destruction of America which Trump did with is psychophants.

That's why.

Again, it's about priorities - and you don't have any. Nor do you have any class.


He deserves it...,for he does it to us every five minutes also


Indeed he does.


Don't deflect blame! Trump is the president, therefore the buck stops with him.

You are advocating censorship. I only foundout Cain died because I read the subject title.

If Trump wasn't doing so many stupid things, then there wouldn't be so much to "mock". Trump held a rally in Tulsa where Covid-19 cases were rising in defiance of the health officials who warned against it and now a man is dead. I repeat, why are you defending Trump?


Not to mention killing people - including Cain.


I believe Cain's death is more devastating to his survivors than it is bad news for Trump. Anyone with a heart and soul would agree.

But you don't see it that way, of course. It's all about priorities and you always have Trump at the top of your list of priorities.


you always have Trump at the top of your list of priorities.

I think I just heard the pot call the kettle.....

Ah, Skippy, which one of us posts about Trump 24/7 ??? Everything he says, everything he does, everything he doesn't do. If you had the means, you'd report on the color of his bowel movements! (And you'd probably enjoy it.)

You're simply obsessed. It ain't healthy.


Once again, you don't say a word about Cain's passing - which is the subject of this thread. It appears you're happy another black man is dead.



RIP. Very sad. Cain wasn't one of the smarter GOP presidential candidates, but he was one of the few with a personality and sense of humor.


Yes, a great sense of humor - especially when the first woman came forward in 2012, and he denied the affair with a hearty laugh. Then another came forward, he denied the affair with a big chuckle. Then ten more came forward the following day and 'Squirmin' Herman' wiped his brow, and suspended his campaign.

He was quite a character - RIP.


He was obviously enjoying his life and I assume money.

I wondered why a rich 72-year-old would risk his life by doing something so insane as attend a Trump rally during a pandemic.


I don't know about that (enjoying life and money). According to many remembering him today, he really wanted to be President, or be in Trump's administration. Cain did a lot of campaigning for Trump in 2016, with no payoff. They even thought Cain was going to be on the ticket with Trump, due to all the meetings he had with him, and leading him on (I remember when that was in the news four years ago, he was going to win the black voters for Trump). Then Trump was promising him the Federal Reserve, instead. He got nothing.

As for money, it was rumored he paid off all those women who came forward, and went through much of his fortune to keep them quiet so he could have a future in politics.


It sounds like he wanted power and/or prestige which explains why he went to the rally.

Pence was doing similar stupid things until he figured out that he could actually become president if he keeps himself healthy and allows Trump to run around without a mask.


I like his flat tax proposal. We waste a lot of manpower with complicated and cumbersome tax laws.


9-9-9. Didn't make sense to a lot of people, though. Me included.


Another Trump promise broken! Trump said he would make taxes so simple that the paperwork with be the size of a postcard. He made taxes much worst.


I forgot about that ! Oh wow! LOL!

Maybe he was going to steal the 9-9-9 from Cain? But when he didn't give Cain a position in his administration (and Cain really kissed his ass in 2016) Cain must've told him to get lost.


"He was one of many who contracted the virus at the rally."

Where's the proof of that, doggie?


Do your own homework. I'm not here to do it for you.


Can't find what doesn't exist.

Dang doggie! You already passed me up in posts in less than 8 weeks time! 😲


Don't give up - try harder. I'll give you a hint to help you on your homework: Kimberly Guilfoyle. No more hints, you have to do it on your own (as the doctors tell you).

Again, I'm glad I give you your sense of purpose in life. To get up every day and know you're needed in the world to count my posts and compare them to yours - it makes life worth living for you, no ?


I heard about her and again, where's the proof of where either of them picked it up? Hint: YOU HAVE NO IDEA!

No, I'm just sad for you that this board (and probably other social media outlets) are your life. Go enjoy some sunshine! It'll do you good.


No, my activities on the forum is your purpose to live each day.

Trump says enjoying sunshine and injecting oneself with disinfectant and bleach is the cure for keeping COVID away. You recommend the sunshine, so how much bleach and Lysol do you recommend I inject with ?


Man this sucks. It's just bad news after bad news. Best wishes to his family.


Sad to report, he was the poster boy for not wearing a mask - and encouraged other Trumpers to defy the CDC orders and not wear a mask. He really brought this on himself.


Yep. It's a sad sequence of events. There was a lot of mistakes he made, but I felt he had a lot of personality that made up for it. Sad to see him go.

Now the TPUSA co-founder guy, I really couldn't care less about.


Trump has still not acknowledged that Cain died from COVID, which he got from his Tulsa rally on June 20. Still won't do it. Cain's life was just not that important to him, I guess.
