MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump NEVER called Nazis/White Supremaci...

Trump NEVER called Nazis/White Supremacist "very fine people": IT'S A LIE!!!

Someone once said that if your repeat a lie many times people will begin to believe it is true. I for one am sick of the media, people on the left, and even Democrat presidential candidates propagating the "Very fine people" lie. It is time for this lie to be exposed.
FACT: Donald Trump NEVER said that the Nazis, White Supremacist, or the members of Antifa protesting in Charlottesville were "very fine people".

Here is what he DID say: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides."
""I just got off the phone with the governor of Virginia, Terry Mcauliffe, and we agree that the hate and the division must stop, and must stop right now. We have to come together as Americans with love for our nation and true -- really, I say this so strongly, true affection for each other."
"We have so many incredible things happening in our country, so when I watch Charlottesville, to me it's very, very sad."
"Above all else, we must remember this truth, no matter our color, creed, religion or political party, we are all Americans first. We love our country. We love our God. We love our flag. We're proud of our country. We're proud of who we are."
"And we want to see what we're doing wrong as a country where things like this can happen. "
"We must love each other, respect each other and cherish our history and our future together. So important. We have to respect each other. Ideally we have to love each other."

Those beautiful and moving words are taken verbatim from the transcript of the President's speech that day. And yet, NONE of those words have ever been repeated.
It is time to put an end to the lie that is tearing this country apart. Why would people create a LIE in an effort to divide our country ? I don't understand it, but it has happened. The left and the media are doing it, and they are using a LIE to do it.
So, again, Pres. Trump NEVER CALLED NAZIS OR WHITE SUPREMACISTS "very fine people". IT NEVER HAPPENED! KILL THE LIE!!! Please repost.


He said their were fine people on both sides and he said this after inciting these neo nazi nut jobs in the first place. This is what he always does. Then he back pedals and condemns the actions that he fueled in the first place and plays the victim when people point it out.

What is it you like about him exactly?


You're in denial.


He definitely is.


Good post. Of course with the "fine people" on "both sides" comment he was referring to those who opposed tearing Robert E. Lee's statue down, not the white nationalists he explicitly condemned (basic logic). Democrats and Never Trumpers have been lying nonstop about this in reprehensible fashion. It's telling that they have to lie to make their arguments.

BTW, even in the aftermath of that incident a Marist NPR/PBS poll found that a supermajority of Americans oppose removing Confederate statues:

% Oppose Removal/Support Removal
Americans - 62/27.

Republicans - 86/6
Independents - 61/27
Democrats - 44/47

Whites - 67/25
Hispanic - 65/24
Black - 44/40

South - 66/23
Northeast - 53/33
Midwest - 61/29
West - 61/27

Independents and Republicans decisively oppose removal, while only a slight plurality of Democrats support removal. Whites and Hispanics decisively oppose removal, and even a plurality of blacks oppose removal. A majority of the northeast opposes removal, with the other regions all opposing it by even bigger margins.

Either all of these Americans are "white nationalists", even most blacks and Hispanics, or else Trump is right about there being a huge number of "fine people" who oppose removing Confederate statues.


Good post. Of course with the "fine people" on "both sides" comment he was referring to those who opposed tearing Robert E. Lee's statue down, not the white nationalists he explicitly condemned (basic logic).

T-rump and Melania had a gut crunching guffaw over that defense you gave. Melania is rolling on the floor keeled over in laughter.

I'm betting T-rump enjoys watching his minions do this kind of dirty work for him - jump to his defense, and twist everything he says to sound 'logical'. He's appreciative, too - as no PR person in the world would want that job.

Keep going, krl97a ! Keep going!


You mean "dirty work" like accurately present his full quotes and post polls gutting the radical leftist narrative? You realize I didn't conduct the Marist/PBS/NPR poll, don't you, lol?


I think the point here is that you Trumpers readily jump at the defense of this silver spoon who neither knows nor cares for you in any way, shape and form other than to have your vote. In fact, Donald is such a narcissistic psychopath that, if it all came down, you'd better believe he'd grab you and use you as a human shield against the gunfire and then walk over your body to avoid getting dirt on his shoes.

People like you are why we've had tyrants all throughout history.


No, I actually care deeply about freedom. Shallow people like you with weak integrity and totalitarian, scorched earth mindsets who are willing to lie on a daily basis to smear people for political gain are why humanity has so often been plagued with tyrants.


Once again, you got pwned. You love being publicly humiliated.


LOL. Another serial liar shows up. Wrong, but you really have been pwned in every debate I've seen you engage in here. You're seriously pathetic, "Doggiedaddy". Maybe cutting back on the quantity of posts you spew here like Diarrhea would help your quality some. Probably not, but it's worth a shot.


Accusing other people of being serial liars when that's your signature MO isn't going to help you redeem your credibility. All you do is gaslight and lie.


A vapid line of projection or two won't restore your credibility when I can actually cite examples of you lying and being crushed (e.g. you falsely insisting "40%" of the Mueller report was redacted because you misread a different stat involving "40%", proving you hadn't read it) while you can't do the same for me.



You mean me, 62% of all Americans, and a plurality of blacks, halfwit? LOL.



Even that poll probably slants to the left. Maybe you should ask someone with triple digit IQ to help you with your arguments.



You've been defeated so thoroughly you've been reduced to citing post counts, lol. Mine's in the hundreds on a board where other regulars are in the thousands. It's not my fault most of your posts got deleted by mods. You should be grateful for that anyway.



All you did was call 62% of Americans "anti-American scum" (versus 27% on your side). Contrary to conventional leftist wisdom, that's not winning anything.

And no, I didn't recognize your screenname before today and may not remember it next week, but if your current butthurt meltdown ends and you stop following me from thread to thread, I would miss kicking you around.



democrats don't let facts get in the way of a nice bit of race baiting.


Can someone point out the "very fine people" in this video?


Wow! So many of our T-rump supporting forum members in that video! So hard to tell them apart.


I wouldn't put it past him to say Nazis or white supremacist very fine people. Sounds just like his rhetoric.


Give an example of support of those hate groups from Trump, since it sounds so much like his rhetoric. Or are you just talking the same old crybaby, liberal bullshit lies?


HAHAHAHAHA! Surely you jest!


It should be easy then. One example?




Don’t expect facts to have an impact the resident Democrat party lemmings. They believe “truth not facts” - Joe Biden. The product of an entire political media/party based on lies.

- Biden’s campaign, a complete lie based on Charolette.
- Warren proven liar.
- Harris proven liar.
- Obama proven liar.
- Clinton’s proven liars.
- ABCNNBBCBS lied for 2 years about evidence of Russian collusion. Still zero evidence.

This what the educated and informed American people have come to expect fro the bankrupt Democrat party. Worthless Communists since JFK.


What about our liar in chief?
The worst offender of them all! 😅


The democraps and their media puppets are always talking trash about him, and yet reality says something else.

Leftist statement: "Trump hates women and grabs their p-----"
Reality: he employs a number of women to work on his staff, and there was never actual proof of him assaulting any women.

Leftist statement: "Trump is homophobic."
Reality: he's shown a great deal of support for the LGBT people of America, up to and including being shown holding up a rainbow flag at a public event.

Leftist Statement: "Trump is a racist"
Reality: he's never once used racial slurs on any group, and employs many non-white people to work for him in Washington, including Ben Carson, who is black.

Leftist Statement: "Trump is a White Supremacist"
Reality: never once has he stated that white people were superior to all other races

Leftist Statement: "Trump is today's incarnation of Hitler"
Reality: he doesn't wield anywhere near the kind of power Hitler did in 1930s/40s Germany, and if he had, every asshole in the press (as well as all his other critics) would be in prison by now, and all we'd hear was his praises being sung on the news. I have yet to hear the lamestream media meet these requirements. Also, he is very cool with the Jewish crowd, including having one of his daughters married to a Jewish guy.

Leftist Statement: "Trump hates all immigrants."
Reality: He doesn't mind LEGAL immigrants. We're all for that here in America. We just have issues with people breaking the law, crossing our borders with no papers, and then immediately getting on welfare and turning into parasites to the American economy.

You all starting to see a pattern here?


Trump is a racist. Trump is a rapist. Trump is a fascist.


Maybe you forgot to click your heels together, because it's still not true.
