AsBelowSoAbove's Replies

Nambla is connected to Freemasonry you fool. Sheesh. Go to bed. You have school tomorrow. Everyone knows hes a dancer. Why do you think he was in Dirty Dancing? Satanists are Bisexual not GAY. Do you know anything about the Occult? I already explained all this to you. Try reading more before saying dumb crap. I even explained to you how you could try tracking Swayze to find out more. You just go on the internet to make crap up without knowing ANYTHING like a buffoon. Where do you idiotic clowns come from? Stay off the drugs or whatever you are on. If anyone is the Homosexual its probably you because you are obsessed with people you profess are Gay without actually knowing anything about them. Go find a therapist you need help. Im not going to be your "freak shrink". What a weirdo. Sheesh I wouldnt worry about the past I would worry about the future once he is put back in. No president should get cart blanche like this. This opens the door for a true nightmare scenario. Also lets the entire Administration of Presidents of the hook. The people on the right in the populace think this is a "win". This is a win for the Elite. For everyone else be it left or right its a major loss. Unbelievable people are supporting this decision. Dont get worked up this is all part of the Agenda and theres nothing to be done. Start preparing contingency plans for online activity after the election because we are going into a new phase and all this online stuff has always been a trap. Authoritarianism/Fascism/Dominionism with be the new Patriotism. It is what it is. Good Luck to You and I hope you can make it. Pretty much yes. He wasnt always like this. Interstellar was when I was like.... OK this has gone far enough. Someone give Nolan a chill pill before he starts believing his own hype. Never happened and now everyone says "He the Greatest Director of ALL time". Gimme a break. I think people suffer from PTSD with his films now from the music creating shell shock/brain damage. LOL.. What? Huh? WHAAAAAT? Tip for Nolan Fans. Always take hearing protection. Nolans hidden Agenda is to make mankind DEAF. Well if your father was a Freemason he was worshipping Lucifer and didnt know it. Its not real hard to figure out. Right in their doctrine. Its a lot more than "Networking" LOL. Try researching "Before 8 or its too late" Yes Freemasonry is Occult and they bugger little boys as well as each other. Research Demolay. Its getting old with people just pretending reality isnt real. Spend some time and do the work if you dont know. Just talking "whatever" is getting old. Yes John Wayne got screwed by a man. Welcome to Demolay Society which is a Young Man recruiting ground for Freemasons. This info has been around since before I was born. You dad is a sucker but hopefully he is out of it now for his sake and his soul. STAY AWAY FROM CULTS and especially the OCCULT. You are just making things up on Swayze then. Doesnt surprise me. Look if you want to figure it out look into who his handlers were. Acting coach and whatever ties he had to other men when he was a dancer. Sitting their just fantasizing someone is gay for whatever reason is just boring. I dont research a ton of celebrities but their names do come up often. Sinatra was a Satanist. As was the entire Brat Pack. Sammy Davis Jr. was hard core. JFK, Monroe... etc. Look for connections to Levay and Michael Aquino in Hollywood. Look into Haley Pasternak. He is connected to Jim Caviezel (Also Occult Freemason). Trained him. Pasternak is a Trainer/Programmer. MK Ultra etc. Never came across Swayze though. Not anywhere. Not saying its not possible because he is in there system. A lot of them dont have children because they dont want to have to give them to the occult. For you to understand that you will need to understand the programming protocol. The "children" are part of the "Community" and the bond of parenthood is suppressed. This is the reason for the "orgies" and "Breeders". Most occult children dont know who their true parents really are. Not too bad. Watched it twice and that was enough. Second time was kind of ....meh. Momento and Prestige are Nolans best work IMO. I dont think he can top that no matter how loud he makes the soundtrack to try and make up for it. Because hes Kevin Costner!!! I say we get Kevin Costner in a room with James Cameron and let them both just tell each other how great they are for 48 hours. We can break it up into 16 seperate 3 hour films and release it into theatres once a year until the end of mankind. Just to make sure EVERYONE knows how great they both are LOL. BTW.. Costner to good for silly television series now. Ill wait until its free. Costner has become so arrogant its hard to forget who I am watching sometimes. Even in his older films that I like he comes off as an ass now most of the time. Bull Durham hes a prick and thats a great baseball film. Costners "Cool" didn't age well IMO. Comes off as forced unlike guys like McQueen, Gibson, Bronson, Eastwood, Swayze, Willis etc. Come on now. Dont be ignorant...I dont "believe" I know. 32nd Degree Scottish Rite. Swayze a homosexual? IDK.. Do you have anything to back up that claim or some sort of way to link him to that. Only thing I can think of is Too Wong Foo and thats just acting so it doesnt mean much. Where is your info to back up this idea because Im curious. Meh.. I "try". Theres always a lot more thought into these characters than people think it just doesnt show up on screen sometimes. Hence why good acting is important. Not as much today because writing isnt as prioritized in films. Lord help us once everything is AI written. Its going to be the end of good cinema. Hey Utah transforms at the end as well because of his fraud. He basically becomes his own person and finds himself. Thats why he throws his badge into the Ocean at the end of the film. The Rain is a symbol for cleansing and renewal. Always look for water in films to find meaning in symbolism as its used regularly. The moment he takes the cuffs off of Bodi is the moment Utah becomes transformed and is no longer a fraud. It would have been more evident if the Utah character was done by a better actor. Again maybe Val Kilmer playing a role similar to what he did in Thunderheart. There are many parallels to Kilmer's Thunderheart portrayal and Johnny Utah in PB. Both FBI agents.. Naive.. Inexperienced.. Lost etc. Kilmer and Swayze going toe to toe would have been legendary. Busy and Kilmer interactions as partners would have been great as well. Still a good film though. Remake/modernization was an interesting attempt. Forgettable but I think they were trying. The Original is Not and is memorable. Nice Job overall Kathryn Bigelow. One of the most fun films of the early 90s. Watch Thunderheart sometime if you have never seen it and you will see what Im talking about. Great film and well written. LOL.. I can tell that you have never been in the Military. History full of examples of Military killing civilians. Its not just the USA either. Sheesh. You dont need to fear "guns" they are just inanimate objects. If all these "Pro gunners" were sociopathic everyone would have already been dead a long time ago. Stop parroting talking points or running with narratives from divide and conquer advocates. If you are not one of "them" and are peasant level you are one of us. Research history... you want the populace to have Guns trust me. I dont care if you are right, left, up, or down. An armed populace is a good thing and although not the be all end all of solutions it does give average people a chance to defend themselves in certain scenarios. Not all but some. Maybe think of it like taking a knife and a lighter on a camping trip. Or even a phone of some sort etc. etc. Being fearful of a firearm is kind of silly and a form of mental illness. It would be like fearing a wrench or a screwdriver. Just learn how to be responsible and not act on emotion (Like FEAR/ANGER) or impulse (Like Paranoia). If you do then someone else has to use THEIR firearm and nobody wants that. RELAX and take deep breaths. Everyone knows Swayze and Chris Farley were "A thing". Pretty obvious in the Saturday Night Live Skits. Just kidding. Never heard Swayze was Homo. Someone must be fantasizing I think. Pancreatic Cancer is brutal and gets you quick. There are interview where he talks about what he went though. I think its legit. However... Hollywood is all Occult and one of the Initiations into the Occult is a Bisexual act. Basically every celebrity is tainted or they dont work in that industry. You have to pledge loyalty or you are out. This includes icons like John Wayne who was Demolay and Freemason. All sorts of ritualistic sex acts in that as well. Elvis was also Occult and not Immune. Its just the way it is. The sex with the kids is more about programming and creating multiple alters from trauma (Also known as split personalities). Thats why these celebrities are always so screwed up and psychologically damaged. So How Bad was Swayze? I would say not bad. Obviously took the pledge but also chose not to have children (Occult is generational and they basically own your children) and Hollywood kind of black balled him. I suspect he wanted out of it all which is why him and his wife kind of lived away from all of the fame and chose to do other things. Booze and smokes were likely just a coping mechanism like MANY celebrities have done unless they go full blown egomaniac and narcissist. Correct. Im not sure where the confusion comes from with my first response. Maybe you took at as me being Pro Dominionism IDK. I may of worded it badley. It happens sometimes. My post was meant more as a warning of what this brings with it not an advocation. People wanting dominionism are in a mind controlled and cultish state of thinking. Thats been done many times throughout history and has been absolutely horrific. Genocides, Purges, Wars etc. all done behind the mask of pseudo religion when in reality it falls into Satanism and Wrath, Pride, Envy, Greed.. These are all things we have been warned about. I suspect you are not a follower of Jesus Christ but he doesnt advocate ANY of this. Quite the opposite. They have inverted Christs teachings and managed to deceive Christians into the Agenda. This is all foretold in Matthews24. Dont take offense Im not trying to convert you just state the facts and the correlations to both scripture and their Agenda. MAGA is a Satanic movement cloaked in Christianity but many of its supporters dont know it yet. They have been manipulated by emotion and not paying attention to what the leaders of the MAGA movement are actually preaching and advocating. Once Dominionism takes hold its the Government who decides who and what Christianity is not the teachings of Jesus Christ or the Bible. The leaders of MAGA worship Lucifer as their Christ not Jesus. This gets into Occult theology. Freemasonry being the major control group now. Freemasons believe Lucifer is Christ not Jesus. Here.. its short and might help people to understand Last thing you want is for people with this kind of doctrine dissolving the separation of church and state. Under Noahide Law you can be beheaded... No joke. And Noahide is endorse by ALL presidents including Trump. Noahide is a global agenda not just the USA and has been in development for a LONG time. We will take the plunge soon. There I kind of explained it. Not sure I did a real great job of it. Its a great performance by Swayze and theres a lot more going on with the Bodi Character than people catch because the film is great but kind of silly. Keanu's performance kind of turns the film into a stylized action film because hes the lead. I still like the film but that in spite of Keanu. It really needed a protagonist that could act in the film to keep things somewhat on track. The love story aspect. The new Agent in the FBI aspect. The interactions between Bodi and his crew. The scenes where Keanu doesnt speak hes great. The Chase. The raid on the House etc. Swayze saves the film for me though and Busy is interesting and believable. Wacky but also serious. Good acting from both. Gross is also overlooked in the film and excellent for his "surfer" part but its minor. Been a little while since I have seen this so Im somewhat going from memory. No Mans Land and Bad Influence are much more character driven stories that deal in this type of film. Obviously fight club as well. Point break falls more into Fast and Furious territory but I would say PB is a far better film than anything F & F due to the acting in that as well. Paul Walker a better actor than Keanu though by far. Best of these types for me was Point Break and Fight Club though. This.. devilish stranger type story that takes you out of your original self etc. Im probably forgetting some. Maybe do a time jump just for fun. Paul Walker as Johnny Utah along with Swayze as Bodi. That would work. Swayze still owns the film but Walker would do well enough acting wise where you dont role your eyes every time Johnny Utah speaks. Had to re-read it to get my train of thought back. I think I meant in the way that Utah is not a serious portrayal of an FBI agent. He has all the maturity of fast food worker. Thats fine when he is undercover in some instances but when he is with other agents its so unbelievable it takes you out of the film. As a character Utah doesnt even try to be serious. Hes basically a clown. I dont really blame Keanu for that thought because he obviously cant act... he can only act like he is acting. To fix that you would basically have to recast the role with an actor. Bigelow does use music throughout the film in the scenes where Keuannu is TRYING to act though in order to convey the scene and distract from his performance. The scenes with Busy and Swayze its not as noticeable because they dominate the scenes.. especially Busy with his wackiness. That always helps hide Keanus flaws in films. Bodi is a fraud more as a character because beyond all his talk of the "spiritual side" hes nothing more than a criminal and bank robber with selfish motives. Not very "spiritual" LOL. He puts up a front but its pretty transparent. He knows it as well which is why the bodi character and Swayze's portrayal does such a radical shift after the bank robbery goes south Bodi finally "Removes His Mask" hich was a hint for the audience of what was going on with the character. After that Bodi's true character is revealed and he is no longer the fraud of "Spiritual Guru". He becomes his true self.. A self serving criminal and murderer. End of the film Bodi is still trying to get away from his true self. He is overtaken by the pure force of the environment that he has put himself into though and is killed. Essentially Suicide because he has nowhere else to go. Again not very Spiritual.. more selfish and self serving. To Be Continued Um Rourke in Angel Heart is one of the best acting performances of all time. No Im not film illiterate. I was just throwing out some different Genres that are more popular. Posts are too long LOL. 3 paragraphs per post? OK then. I will try to remember that if we speak again. My apologies. Keanu has a few good films if hes in the right role with the right director. Bill And Ted was good. Knock Knock was OK for a dark comedy. Films like PB or Matrix did well in spite of his poor performances. Kind of like Will Smith in ID4. I did think Keanu was decent in Constantine but its kind of a whacky film and basically everyone is hamming it up. Speed is OK because Hopper acts like a buffoon and it helps Keanu's "Bro" and "Whoa" type performance. Yup. Conversations about done. Think we both made our points. Be well and have a good night. We can now take a "Break" from our "Points" Take Care letess and nice chatting. LOL.. I cant tell if you are being serious or sarcastic. I get insulted so much anytime political analyses is involved it all just mixes together. I will take that as you are actually understanding where I was coming from though. Look.. Homosexual demographic as a whole are a highly emotional demographic. Especially at the younger and activists levels. The "rulers" are not stupid. They take things like that and weaponize it. They do it to the right as well. The weaponization of "pride" is on both sides. Best thing to do is whenever you see something that gets you emotional ask yourself why. Then try to figure out who best benefits by that emotional control over you. That can kind of get people in the ballpark. Its a tactic very close to trauma based mind control. The homosexual LGB whatever they are called where made emotional and took the bait. They got used and will be cast aside.. somewhat (Luciferianism is a Bisexual religion). They will not like where this path takes them and Im not talking about hell Im speaking of how this Agenda is to play out. The Homosexuals get culled just like everyone else. Until then they are to be Chaos agents.. the low level ones anyways. I can handle dark content. I think where it gets to me is the glorification of that content. That seems to be the difference now as opposed to then. Some people like it.. I dont. Easy example might be something like American Gigolo. Its a glorification of Sin.. Pride. However it plays out a story of where that can take you and goes from a pop culture type film to dark fairly quickly. I wouldnt say its a "Happy" ending but there is a moral to the story and an arc. The more modern stuff to me is more like junkfood. Highly stylized and an attempt to look deep or serious but theres not much there outside the occasional small budget film that relies more on the writing. Yes I agree. Feminism has been weaponized as has Puritanism. This is a game they play with womens heads. Especially the right sometimes. Throw out a Candance Owens or other intel type and stealth fully preach feminism while pretending to be against feminism. The same can be said for the men though. Thats what that Men Going their Own Way Movement was about. To mess with the heads of men by convincing them it was masculine to not have children or get married. Its all about redefining what a man and a woman are all about. The result is a society of lonely bitter people that act on impulse and never reach maturity and thus never know themselves, have fulfillment, or reach inner peace. That when the Occult steps in to offer what is missing.. Love, Community, Sex... whatever. Standard cult tactics. It also aids in depopulation goals because when you oppress the family unit you also opress reproduction. Depollution is a double strategy.. kill people off AND stop reproduction. Choosing to "go your own way" or do the "aggressive feminist" route is also self serving which takes you right down the path of Luciferianism. And people cheer for it along the way with "pride".. its very sad to watch sometimes. The top of Mount Bracken is another on Walpurgis Night. What actually happens there Ive never been able to get anything solid. Its ritualist. A giant Antenna type structure right next to a private hotel for the elite thats not open to the public and only used for their events. Now understand just because they take part in these rituals does not convince me that the power is real. To me this is basically just props and acting out to convince their followers of Occult power because thats how programming work. I have never found any plausible evidence that wicca magic is real. Their power is largely in the mind because the programmers inside the occult admit you have to believe it for it to be effective. However that doesnt mean the occult is any less dangerous. It just means you dont want to get duped by them and be oblivious to their strategies and tactics. The "Magic" is just in their ability to trick you into "believing" its real. Similar to what they use music for. Heres one of the John Todd videos. Wasnt trying to tease you Im just not sure what to include sometimes for people because its hard to tell where people are at on this stuff. Understand this is a little of a mish mash from someone online but its well done and the visuals make a huge difference in terms of retaining info at the speed Todd goes. This info has been out there for 50 years and most people still have not heard it. I had the benefit of this stuff back in the early 90s from a researcher back then so I sometimes forget people are out of the loop sometimes. Just dont freak out. Ive had people get really rattled from this info before and thats not really the right way to go either. You want to stay analytical throughout this type of info. Yes I am familiar with their worship of Saturn in Satanism but I would have to revisit it. Thats been a while and for the last 2 years I have been avoiding trying to explain things that deep and stick to the Agenda playing out because its tangible and right in front of everyone's eyes if they can see it and not be so misdirected. Understand the Ancient bloodlines of the Occult believe they come from Alien Gods. Its kind of a running theme throughout some of the religions of which they control ALL of them even what people think is Christianity. Scientology is an easy example. Scientology just an Illuminati front. Belief system is a mirror. You would probably benefit from John Todd Testimony SandyR if you dont know it. He layed a lot of this out when he defected. He can be a little tricky depending on how far people delve but his exposure of the Occult is basically step 1. We only had glimpses of the Occult/Illuminati until Todd. Let me know if you want a couple links. There are some good videos out there with visuals that help people a lot. He covers a lot of territory very quickly in the Todd Tapes. These are testimonials when he defected back in the early 70s and he was running around America speaking in Churches trying to warn people. Occult/Illuminati went nuts and basically made the churches turn against him. Christians fell for it for the most part. Its hard for people to understand how deep the infiltration goes. Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Billy Graham and many others were all Illuminati. Basically Jack Hyles wasnt but they managed to infiltrate his ministries. Hyles was another fighter of the Occult and his Bus Ministries back in the 70s was doing a lot of damage to the Agenda. Black Cubes... There are grid lines they that they use for venues for "Spiritual Power" though. Underneath Mothers of Darkness Castle is a major one. Thats where the Black Hole ceremonies take place or at least did. TBC ????? Might want to re-read that because I dont think you understood it. Religion has been fully weaponized now even down to the lower levels among the populace. We are heading towards Fascism under the guise of religion. This is like the Dirty Wars all over again. Parts of it anyways.