AsBelowSoAbove's Replies

LOL yes I was being sarcastic about the length. Only 12 hours? Sheesh OK then. Im sure that will work as a major selling point. Its ONLY 12 hours LOL. I agree Maverick was excellent timing. Cruise a smart cookie. I actually didnt think it was that great but whatever. Compared to what we are fed these days for Cinema at least it was "FINE". Im not sure how many times thats going to happen though. Basically Cruise would have to be made King of Hollywood and these people eat their own. Oppenheimer may be a one trick pony as well. Nolans film are not always huge hits. He needs to stop intentionally being pretentious with his audience. Ego can get to him as well. Hollywood and those in it need to stay grounded with the fans if they want to pull out of this. Problem is I dont think they want to anymore. Theaters a dying all around the country. Much longer and they will have to offer free tickets and discounted concessions for the masses. IMO there are taking this venue away from the working class, lower class and it will just be an elitist passtime for some. Thats not a good longterm strategy either though. Dont let your political bias fool you. Core Audience of Westerns are traditionalists Americans not Progressives. You wont find a lot of Costner's targeted demographic for Horizon rewatching Brokeback Mountain if they ever watched it in the first place. Films are not "truth" thats ridiculous. Based on a "True Story" or "True Events" is film shilling nonsense. Its all produced. All fake. Better to not think of Westerns in terms of Left vs Right. Try it from a Traditional vs Progressive perspective. Try seeing all fims from that angle actually. People want traditional which is why everything has gone nostalgia in theme. Problem is they drown it in progressivism and the average traditional moviegoer doesnt want it. They just want to be entertained not preached to about the religion of modern activism. "I think he's even showing now that he's a person of a level of energy and integrity and of vision and that's why I did it. I don't often step out.” Although he hasn't hit the campaign trail for the general election, Costner has endorsed Joe Biden for president." "He also said at the time that he’d in interested in a Michelle Obama presidency. “Michelle’s incredibly bright and articulate and has possessed good judgement and experience as a result,” Costner said. “Why couldn’t she be [president]?” "Actor Kevin Costner said he was “OK” with losing fans over his political views, saying he “didn’t really care how the cookie crumbles” Dont worry, Im VERY aware of confirmation bias which is why it can be exhausting to run all these angles. After 30+ years of this I have my contacts that I share this info with just to make sure its dialed in. Insider Occult meeting things Like Sin, Bailey, Dante are regularly referenced. ( levels of the Programming operations, 9 levels of Hell. I know how crazy this stuff can sound because these Occultists at the top are pure sociopaths and CRAZY in terms of how the normal person thinks. Bailey is right one Lucifer Publishing's website AKA Lucis Trust. You need the books for full info but Lucis Trust is a decent start. If you have not analyzed Baily yet this is going to be difficult to process. You really are not going to be able to figure out whats going on until you analyze Bailey. Shes basically their Prophet and the most evil woman to ever live in terms of the big picture. Here.. Just be aware their "Christ" is Lucifer. It takes some work to get through it as a lot of what people think about "Christ" is inverted. These writings are fundamental to the Occult and The "Plan". LOL.. you dont see whats wrong with Freemasonry after reading Morals And Dogma by Albert Pike a Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council. No Kidding! Get out of here you Freemason clown. Send one of your ilk that are not so transparent. Ive been around a while and can spot you people from a mile away. Go worship your snake. Yeah they like to bugger those kids dont they? Spreading the seed for their "Christ". Friggin brainwashed Luciferian Clowns on the Internet. It never ends. Even in a film forum. You people are not fooling anyone anymore. Im not "implying" anything with Trump. He brags about it if you know symbolism, can read court cases, and know the things hes stated in the past. You jokers think everyone is to lazy and dumb to dig for the truth. Go read YOUR own doctrine. Everything I do is within the rules. Biggest problem with you Freemasons is your arrogance along with the fact you gave away the ability to think for yourselves.. its your weakness. oh lord, my god, is there no help for the widow's son? Now get lost. Its audacious all right LOL. He better get this to the free streaming services FAST if hes putting out the next installment in August or nobody will see it. I think Warner has already agreed to advertise the first 2 films but if they both bomb I dont see that happening again. This failure is going to have snowball effect if Costner doesnt make some moves FAST. Hes rich but he wont finish this if its just going to loose him 10s of millions of dollars every time. His "Secret" funders will walk as well. Costner is then faced with 100% self funding for a project he knows will FLOP. If it doesnt take off BIG in the next few days he needs to dump this sucker on fee streaming to try and build anticipation for the sequel in August then hope and pray he makes it up on the second for what was lost on the first. Basically the first film would be a loss leader. I think we will know the deal by maybe the 8th or 9th. Problem is once its on streaming and people watch it they will just wait for the second film on streaming. Very tricky balancing act. I wouldnt invest money with him. Hes far to reckless and arrogant with his remaining fan base. Hope Costner has not used up all his favors yet. Im not really a fan of any "actors". More a fan of the Characters in these films. Cruize is a sick puppy and top notch manipulator that knows not to insult his audience. Real life he is a maniac occultists like any other person inside that industry. Costner has had lots of good characters. Elliot Ness, Crash Davis, John Dunbar etc. Hes a good actor but that doesnt mean hes a good person. I think he a horses ass TBH and loves to promote that arrogance like its virtue. I love film but not "Hollywood". Hollywood is satanic and disgusting. Has been since day one basically behind the scenes. Even in the silent era. Watch Metropolis there is a ton in it. They are all sickos for the most part. People worshipping celebrities as false idols have mental disease IMO. They are NOT the "characters" they portray regardless of their sales pitch and promotions. If Cruise showed up on my front doorstep I would tell the kids to get away and throw his ass off my porch. They need to stay on the farm, keep their mouths shut, and just entertain us.. period. They have ZERO credibility in terms of morals and ethics. Cruise is a huge limousine liberal as well. Not that left vs right matters. John Voight is a righty and hes a sick SOB as well. yup pretty much. Nation of the programmed that dont know what they believe until they are TOLD what to believe. Left Cult vs Right Cult. They get played like a fiddle every day. sheesh another brainwashed moron. Im not in the mood for you to try and impress me with your ignorance. Smoke your dope and watch your beavis and butthead or do your playstation thing. You dummies are better of not speaking because you just end up looking like ignorant clowns all the time. Pretty obvious you never learned any history because you think Presidential Immunity is some "New Thing". Only thing new is its been put out in the open now. Nevermind.. play your video games and eat your cookies. Idiocracy continues. Sure but like I said Pride comes before the fall. Costner's problem wasnt yellow stone or lower pay it was the fact that hes been dissing the same demographic he expects will run to see his films. That just doesnt fly. People are not going to rush to support someone with conflicting ideological differences whether its a good film or not anymore. In the 80s and 90s.. even early 2000s it was different because the country was doing better and people were not worried so much about the future. Now we are in a whole new scenario and your average conservative traditional American literally HATE people like Kevin Costner. Theres more to a show like Yellowstone than just kevin. That show will not sink just because hes leaving it. Kevin has a very high view of self importance. People are not going to feel sorry because some guy making 1.3 million an episode had to take a pay cut. Just as they wont care if some guy with around half a billion dollars looses 38 million on a vanity project. Basically whatever fans he thinks he has dont care. They have their own problems. Kiss their asses and work hard to entertain them. Thats his job in their minds. Thats the Cruise formula and it works. It worked well before cruise as well. Thats why a film industry exists. Costner is done of he keeps choosing this route. Not really. Studios go that route sometimes and reduce costs once something has a following. Actors getting that old know the deal. Costner always been a HUGE limousine lib. Donated a lot of money to Hillary and would pal around with the clintons. He not only voted for Biden he wants Michelle Obama to be president and talks about how great Pete Bootyjudge (Spelling?) is all the time. He tries to "Portray" a conservative but its a front. People on that side of things figured him out years ago which is why he bombed for so long. Yellowstone was an outlier for him. Then he started shooting his mouth off again. People are tired of political activist celebrities. They dont want to hear that garbage from "Actors" that own things like jets and helicopters anymore along with multiple mansions and ranches. That celebrity God complex just doesnt fly anymore. Cruise gets it.. he at least "Acts" humble. Yes people trash it a lot but back in the mid 90s seeing it in the theatre it delivered 100%. Will Smith was easier to handle because he hadnt become so dislikable. These days he almost kills the film. Bill Pullman as President was always the standout performance for me. His speech to the people is a legendary scene and with forever be in the top tier of greatest speeches ever given on film. Mars Attacks came out the same year and was equally awesome but in a different way. Most didnt get the humor though. ACK ACK! That film still cracks me up. Good actor but yes pretty goofy looking. Adam Driver another. Adrien Brody was like that as well. Seems like Gyllenhaal is just jumping into old IPs now. Hes Done Swayze. Now Ford. Mel Gibson next? Seems like he wants to make a go for "Action Man" status. Hes not that kind of actor though. Doesnt have the screen presence for "Action Man" IMO. He also has that Dicaprio thing where no matter what he does he still looks like a little boy in the face trying to be more masculine. Hollywood likes their little boys though. It was but he quit for this. Plus I think he started asking for too much money and they said see ya. Spin comes from both sides on that so I suspect its something in the middle. Dumbest thing he did was betray his own fan base with the political stuff the last few years and tell them he doesnt care about fans. Smart Move as a filmmaker that has to self fund. DUH! Oh well they dont call him Crash for nothin. "I have been known on occasion to howl at the moon." - Crash Davis Yeah Im not too worried about Costner going broke. This is just a hit to his monumental ego more than anything else. Must be fun in the Costner household this week LOL. He probably thought this would be bigger than Dances With Wolves which was a gamble that paid off for him. Tin Cup... for REAL LOL. He keeps whaling those golf balls right into the pond. Oh well.. pride comes before the fall. Go woke go broke. The fans or Lack of fans are making themself heard. Costner always been an out of touch elitist. I liked him most when he was just a struggling actor. Agree most directors have a shelf life. They burn out and loose creativity. Some get too safe.. some go nuts and gamble too much. Coppola is one but he knew what he wanted to do wouldnt be commercial successes and stayed realistic just doing small films. The Mega one is just a LONG time project he wanted to finally finish. Its going to bomb though but he doesnt care. Hes basically completely retiring from what I gather. Costner may not be done directing after this but I dont think he will headline a major film again. Hes basically 70. It doesnt really work on something this scale as a commercial success. John Wick has a modern and dedicated fan base. Keanu Reeves also doesnt go around acting like an ass to his fans. Little bit more to work with in that case. Plus John Wick is a fast paced action film and people want that kind of comic book action now. Im suprised that film didnt make a lot MORE money. Its overly long for something so simple but I guess they thought they could gamble with it due to following/fandom. I gave up at the third one when he was fighting ninjas on horseback LOL. The first John Wick was a decent genre film but story line pretty dumb and comical. Dance club scene is fun. Keanu cant act convincingly so any time he speaks the film goes downhill fast. To me its like a parody of Payback. People want live action cartoons these days though. Highly doubting Costner will finish this. Second film is already a done deal but after that I kind of doubt it. People are not going to rush to see the second if they didnt watch the first and hes releasing these to close together. Maybe he could dump Horizon to all the streaming services for free FAST and try to get people to see it and make up for the losses on the first film with his second. Problem he has there is people will just wait for the second to come to streaming because the first would have come so fast. Interesting scenario to watch play out. Costner will need to somehow pull a rabbit out of the hat or hes going to lose his ass on this one... again. Hes going to get a reputation for Hollywoods biggest flopper the way he is going. Saying he doesnt care if it makes money is also dumb. Audience will just take the attitude "You dont want my money?".... "Fine. I wont give it to you" . "Bye!". Dumbass movie but as I keep saying Costner's arrogance is legendary. He needs to take his own advice. "Your shower shoes have fungus on them. You'll never make it to the bigs with fungus on your shower shoes. Think classy, you'll be classy" - Crash Davis LOL.. Nah. Modern stuff is just so bad now even old B (Or even C) movies seem better than they were. 80s had some of the all time classics. Seems like every month there was a new classic. These days we are lucky to get 1 a year and its usually insulting with heavy handed propaganda. Yeah Lopez is completely out of touch as well. That big vanity push sure backfired on her. Im not sure what she can do to salvage her career now. She cant take a break for long and she cant push through it right now. Shes stuck. Maybe a small streaming drama project where she can at least try and prove herself as a serious actress and HUMBLE herself to fans but I dont think she has it in herself to be Humble. Same goes for Costner. Hes already saying he doesnt care if it makes money LOL. Pretty rich coming from a guy making 1 million an episode from Yellowstone to talk about money not being a major driving force. OK Kevin. This is the problem with celebrities.. entitlement attitudes and ego/arrogance. People are sick of it and once they get a taste they just turn them off. Once that happens its just REALLY hard to get them back. They move on to something or someone else. Fan Blackballing is a thing. Cruise understands that and while corney always does his fan appreciation videos. Smart move as he realizes NO FANS.. NO AUDIENCE...NO FILMS... NO FILM INDUSTRY. Its not that hard of a concept to understand. Something high energy and fast paced with style could probably work. A Tombstone or Young Guns type film. Reality is Im not completely convinced Dances with Wolves would fly with audiences these days. Quigley Down Under or Maverick would have a better chance. Overwhelming majority of theatre goers now want to have a fun and stimulating time not watch long drawn out epics. Stuff like slow vanity projects are just going to be a tough sell. Better have a smart marketing strategy. Passion of the Christ 2 will likely be a major hit but Gibson has that base already set up from the last 2000 years.