MovieChat Forums > Point Break (1991) Discussion > Is this the movie where Swayze got his d...

Is this the movie where Swayze got his disease

It was sold as cancer but what really happened? How close exactly were the crew?


Who was that?




Swayze was a life long smoker that's how he got pancreatic cancer.


I think the OP was implying Swayze got it from gay sex. Don't ask me why.


The OP has been deleted so no further attention should be given to this post.


That's not the way it works. If the post is still there, it's fair game. Otherwise, the post would be deleted.

Did Swayze take it up the ass or not?


Unless he had some sort of double life I doubt it since he was married to the same woman his whole adult life


Swayze was a deeply closeted homosexual.

Meh, many gay actors get married for cover. It's a PR thing. I'm not saying he was or wasn't. But there are rumors and I think that's what the OP was getting at.


Everyone knows Swayze and Chris Farley were "A thing". Pretty obvious in the Saturday Night Live Skits.

Just kidding. Never heard Swayze was Homo. Someone must be fantasizing I think. Pancreatic Cancer is brutal and gets you quick. There are interview where he talks about what he went though. I think its legit.

However... Hollywood is all Occult and one of the Initiations into the Occult is a Bisexual act. Basically every celebrity is tainted or they dont work in that industry. You have to pledge loyalty or you are out. This includes icons like John Wayne who was Demolay and Freemason. All sorts of ritualistic sex acts in that as well. Elvis was also Occult and not Immune. Its just the way it is. The sex with the kids is more about programming and creating multiple alters from trauma (Also known as split personalities). Thats why these celebrities are always so screwed up and psychologically damaged.

So How Bad was Swayze? I would say not bad. Obviously took the pledge but also chose not to have children (Occult is generational and they basically own your children) and Hollywood kind of black balled him. I suspect he wanted out of it all which is why him and his wife kind of lived away from all of the fame and chose to do other things. Booze and smokes were likely just a coping mechanism like MANY celebrities have done unless they go full blown egomaniac and narcissist.


Okay, I didn't know Swayze had no children. I think I agree with DataLounge - GAY!!! It's kinda obvious now.

You believe John Wayne was a Satan worshiper but you can't believe Patrick Swayze was gay? 🤣


Come on now. Dont be ignorant...I dont "believe" I know. 32nd Degree Scottish Rite.

Swayze a homosexual? IDK.. Do you have anything to back up that claim or some sort of way to link him to that. Only thing I can think of is Too Wong Foo and thats just acting so it doesnt mean much.

Where is your info to back up this idea because Im curious.


JFC, my dad was a Freemason. Big deal. It's networking for business.

You said John Wayne was bisexual and into the occult.

I said I didn't know if Swayze gay or not. But if he had no children, and there are strong rumors, and he's in a profession, acting, which attracts gay males ... GAY.

But wearing drag in a movie has nothing to do with being gay.


Well if your father was a Freemason he was worshipping Lucifer and didnt know it. Its not real hard to figure out. Right in their doctrine. Its a lot more than "Networking" LOL. Try researching "Before 8 or its too late"

Yes Freemasonry is Occult and they bugger little boys as well as each other. Research Demolay. Its getting old with people just pretending reality isnt real. Spend some time and do the work if you dont know. Just talking "whatever" is getting old. Yes John Wayne got screwed by a man. Welcome to Demolay Society which is a Young Man recruiting ground for Freemasons. This info has been around since before I was born. You dad is a sucker but hopefully he is out of it now for his sake and his soul. STAY AWAY FROM CULTS and especially the OCCULT.

You are just making things up on Swayze then. Doesnt surprise me. Look if you want to figure it out look into who his handlers were. Acting coach and whatever ties he had to other men when he was a dancer. Sitting their just fantasizing someone is gay for whatever reason is just boring.

I dont research a ton of celebrities but their names do come up often. Sinatra was a Satanist. As was the entire Brat Pack. Sammy Davis Jr. was hard core. JFK, Monroe... etc. Look for connections to Levay and Michael Aquino in Hollywood. Look into Haley Pasternak. He is connected to Jim Caviezel (Also Occult Freemason). Trained him. Pasternak is a Trainer/Programmer. MK Ultra etc.

Never came across Swayze though. Not anywhere. Not saying its not possible because he is in there system. A lot of them dont have children because they dont want to have to give them to the occult. For you to understand that you will need to understand the programming protocol. The "children" are part of the "Community" and the bond of parenthood is suppressed. This is the reason for the "orgies" and "Breeders". Most occult children dont know who their true parents really are.


Hahaha. I've never liked Patrick Swayze. Cheesy. You're the one who seems to know all about him. I didn't know he had no kids. And now you tell me he's a dancer! Dude: GAY!!!

I started this out by saying I don't know if he's gay. But a professional dancer with no children, odds are he's gay. Basic logic.

I looked up before "Before 8 or its too late". It has nothing to do with Freemasonry. It comes from a pedophile organization associated the NAMBLA.

So you think all these actors and Freemasons are gay Satanists, except Patrick Swayze, the dancer with no children?🤣


Nambla is connected to Freemasonry you fool. Sheesh. Go to bed. You have school tomorrow.

Everyone knows hes a dancer. Why do you think he was in Dirty Dancing?

Satanists are Bisexual not GAY. Do you know anything about the Occult? I already explained all this to you. Try reading more before saying dumb crap. I even explained to you how you could try tracking Swayze to find out more. You just go on the internet to make crap up without knowing ANYTHING like a buffoon.

Where do you idiotic clowns come from? Stay off the drugs or whatever you are on. If anyone is the Homosexual its probably you because you are obsessed with people you profess are Gay without actually knowing anything about them.

Go find a therapist you need help. Im not going to be your "freak shrink". What a weirdo. Sheesh


Okay, got it. Patrick Swayze is the only straight guy in Hollywood. John Wayne was a fag.

Troll begone.


Bah, Blah, Blah

You make up nonsense and troll the internet trying to get attention. I get it.. your lonely and lost. Like I said seek therapy. You have nothing to add to conversation other than juvenile behavior. Basically just talk out your rear like a gamer boy that self medicates with drugs be it narcotics or prescription meds.

I dont care if you or your dad are homosexual or advocate Luciferian Freemasonry. You have free will. I dont agree with that choice but you are your own person and can accept the responsibility for your actions when that day comes. Im not interested in exchanges with you while you attempt to "Dumb Me To Death" with your ignorance and buffoonery about common knowledge subjects.

Take your bait and try it with someone more gullible. Im not interested and you are a waste of my time. I dont interact with mentally ill people online once they reveal themselves for who they are.

OK.. Im finished with you now. Hope you find a therapist soon before you hurt yourself or others. BYE BYE Freak.
