MovieChat Forums > Politics > I miss having a liberal like Trump for p...

I miss having a liberal like Trump for president. (p.s. Am i the only gay poster here)

So yeah, having a president who said gays should be protected from "the hateful foreign ideology" of Islam, wow that was a reassuring thing.

Obviously that doesn't seem important to any of Biden's rabid supporters here or anywhere else that I've seen them on the web. In fact it's the opposite.

10 years ago you guys were all "I LOVE GAY MARRIAGE SO MUCH" etc. Now you want to see us get executed by ISIS and whatnot.

What happened did you just get bored of us, or... what? Can any of you weirdos explain?


Pretty sure there are LOTS of homosexuals here from what Ive read. Personally I dont agree with homosexuality because its that of the Occult along with Bisexuality but that irrelevent. I do think its sad how homosexuals are manipulated into being their own worst enemy by the very people they support. Basically the low hanging fruit in terms of the Activists and they are encouraged to create as much chaos and hatred as possible by constant gaslighting and insults targeted at the very people they want acceptance from. Basically the result is the entire gay demographic in society is manipulated into the snake eating its own tail.

Now at the very highest level of the puppetmasters in the world its not as much homosexuallity as it it bisexualaity and even beastiality but that is more about blatant Satanism and rituals to worship their god than anything else. Homesexuals at the lower levels have been manipulated into that same position under the guise of many different front groups and sects. "Gay Marriage" for example is just an assault on "Marriage" more than it is something thats done for Homosexuals. Basically an assault on the traditional family unit. Long term the new system and religion worldwide will be open Luciferianism under the guise of Pseudo Christianity similar to what has been going on in the church since basically forever depending on the size and connections of each individual church. Basically if the Church has tax exempt status they have been infiltrated by the occult. This is why you will see naughty things behind the scenes in large churches throughout history.

The main figurehead spearheading this world Agenda is Luciferian/Satanic and Homosexual. 2025 marks a major year as its the "Externalization of the Hierarchy" so in terms of fitting into the world system of "Lucifer Worship" Homosexuals will feel right at home other than being a complete slave class but eventually they are "sacrificed" as well.


Basically the low hanging fruit in terms of the Activists and they are encouraged to create as much chaos and hatred as possible by constant gaslighting and insults targeted at the very people they want acceptance from. Basically the result is the entire gay demographic in society is manipulated into the snake eating its own tail.

Oh yeah, thanks... that totally made sense!


LOL.. I cant tell if you are being serious or sarcastic. I get insulted so much anytime political analyses is involved it all just mixes together. I will take that as you are actually understanding where I was coming from though.

Look.. Homosexual demographic as a whole are a highly emotional demographic. Especially at the younger and activists levels. The "rulers" are not stupid. They take things like that and weaponize it. They do it to the right as well. The weaponization of "pride" is on both sides. Best thing to do is whenever you see something that gets you emotional ask yourself why. Then try to figure out who best benefits by that emotional control over you. That can kind of get people in the ballpark. Its a tactic very close to trauma based mind control.

The homosexual LGB whatever they are called where made emotional and took the bait. They got used and will be cast aside.. somewhat (Luciferianism is a Bisexual religion). They will not like where this path takes them and Im not talking about hell Im speaking of how this Agenda is to play out. The Homosexuals get culled just like everyone else. Until then they are to be Chaos agents.. the low level ones anyways.


Am i the only gay poster here

Not at all! Robocat893, Keelai, and Skavau have been pretty gay for me for a few years now... πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£


I see I still live in your empty head rent free. That's got to be uncomfortable for you. I'm not gay but even if I was why does it matter? How would it effect your life?


You do realise this is a forum, right, and that I reply to lots of posters?




Many of the active users on the politics subforum want to use the state to drive you back into the closet.


Transgenders have eclipsed gays in the news media. Many gays may have bowed out of the news because once they forced government to include them in the government recognized marriage they had nothing else to "fight" for.


Yup, it’s the Communist/Marxist/CRT/DEI handbook tactic.

First, the feminist movement, gay movement, and black movement push aside the whites, followed by the transgender movement pushing aside the gays and feminists, and the illegal foreigners pushing aside the blacks.

In the end, they push them all aside by using AI and transhumanism.


How gay?
