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is TDS getting worse?

seems like those inflicted with TDS are getting a worse case of TDS, which I am not sure how that is even possible.


But we're told by fine outlets like Vox and the Washington Post that TDS simply does not exist.


the fake new is always fake news. they know it exists.


Wikipedia lists Vox and WP as "reliable" and "unbiased" sources though. Outlets like Fox and Forbes are to be "used with caution", and are outright banned on some sections of the site.


anyone can create a website and say what is and isnt real news. we now live in an age where fake news is created by AI and then posted on thousands of news feeds. for 3 years, the liberal mainstream news said that Joe was at the top of his game. he could no longer hide behind the veil of fake news with the live debate.




Trump will win this time for real, unless the election is hijacked.


@ JoWilli>>>>>>>>>>>>
Trump is a convicted felon. What makes you so sure he will win the election? That sounds like an oxymoron.


your back, did you read my story? it wasnt a fair trial anyways. Russia does the same thing to their political rivals or they push them out of a window.


@ JoWilli.......
Which thread did you tell your story? I haven't seen it yet.


it was like 2 weeks ago, let me see if I can find it.


If Trump loses then America REALLY will know the fix is in after that Abysmal debate and the American people simply won't buy into it this time out


great point. but logically, there was no reason for Joe to win the first time. he never left his basement and was losing the election that night. then come morning, the pollsters found votes they forgot to count. any sane person knows the election was fixed in 2020.


Is that why they hate him so much? They want to suck his dick and he won't let them?


Its all just a bunch of noise. Biden Derangement Syndrome is a thing as well on the right. The system just plays with peoples emotions to whip them into a frenzy. The left has far less self control than the bulk of the right so its going to get a lot more animated. Plus Homosexuals and other sects from the left just get triggered by ANYTHING when they start feeling any pressure whatsoever. My response is.. whatever. Let them freak out. Things have not even gotten bad yet. Mass suicides will likely happen before this Agenda is over. That along with the Mob forming. Then comes the purge eventually. Most of these online "Activists" wont make it as this Agenda plays out. This goes a lot farther and bigger than politics or any one nation.

Just seeing all the posts warning of the debates tomorrow is laughable to me. Debates are always a joke. Both sides spin it to make themselves look like the winner or at least NOT loser. The real losers are us because so many people keep falling for this dualism show. Its all a game and scripted. Anyone who cant figure that out by now is a fool IMO.

Convictions didnt even wake people up. Technically Trump cannot be Commander in Chief without a waiver from the Military. Biden could stop that right now but he doesnt... Why? Military could also stop it.. Why dont they?... Because its a rigged game. Trump will be reinstalled and people will cheer as the Agenda progresses. Then we get distracted for another four years while they work things behind the scenes just like every other front administration before this. Thats why we are stuck in this position now with no possible way out. Its called a double bind and we are locked in.


Biden Derangement Syndrome is not a thing and quit trying to gaslight people. The debate showed once and for all his handlers can no longer hide he has Dementia and is a threat to us all as long as he's President.


LOL Like I said .. Biden Derangement Syndrome is a thing as well. If you are going to parrot nonsense you are just going to continue to look like a mind controlled fool. Go hang around someone with actual dementia and you will realize how gullible you are being. I remember when they tried to sell the notion Obama was dieing in his first term as well. Idiot bought that nonsense as well. Trump doesnt have dementia either BTW. Sheesh people are thick these days.

If you want to attack Biden expose him as a Satanist and stop being so lazy with parroting talking heads. Its silly. Take the time and actually learn how their programming operations work within the Occult. If people knew just half of what those like Hunter Biden were put through as a child they would feel sorry for him. This stuff is generational. The programming starts in the womb.

Try to learn how the programming works and you will start understanding this stuff more. Heres a snippet that might help.


I actually found out who was responsible for Trump winning the election in 2016, and it wasn't the Russians. It was the US military. Apparently the military and the CIA/FBI don't like each other, and the military evidently got sick and tired of the two agencies not doing their jobs anymore. The military knew the Democraps and their buddies overseas in the WEF were going to rig the election so Hillary won no matter how much the American people hated her. However, the satellite the WEF's tech geeks were using to send extra electronic votes overseas to the voting machines at the last minute was damaged (and now I know it was the military that did it) so Trump won because the voters actually chose him over Hillary for real. It's why the Left and their buddies overseas had their heads explode for 4 years; they were outraged that their little game had failed, and that the voters had actually chosen a man they had been programmed to hate, despite him being a friend of theirs for years before he switched parties.

The military foresaw what was going to happen in the 2020 election, and probably worked out a plan with Trump. They knew that if Trump overcame the rigging, that civil unrest would get far worse than it actually did on January 6th, and they worried civil war would erupt. So they put a plan together to "allow" the election rigging, but made sure everyone knew the truth, and you can find it all over the place. Biden was in no condition to run even back then (we who had an IQ higher than 60 all knew he had dementia, even in 2020), was a puppet for Obama and a cabinet full of far-left extremists, the "scamdemic" was used to cheat, in addition to states changing voting laws at the last minute, etc. They probably even told Trump to put on a good show and scream to the heavens about the election being rigged and that he wouldn't accept it. It wouldn't take much of acting skills to do what he's been doing these past 4 years, but he knows the score.

It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they put decoy "incriminating" evidence at Mar-a-Lago for the Feds to try and grab, and they found out they'd been had during that raid, and then had to lie to the press to save face.

Basically, the military "let" Biden win the 2020 election because they wanted the American people to see why it was a bad idea not to let someone like Trump be president, and the voters were basically getting punished for 4 years and allowed to see how shitty the country got under "leadership" like what puppet Biden showed.


You are kind of getting it. This collaboration with the Military and Trump has been known for a long time. NSA and Military Intelligence are also involved. These are all Luciferian run IE Freemasons. CIA and FBI are on the other Spectrum which is the more blatantly Satanic side. Back in 2016 there was still a bit of an internal war going on within the Occult because the Satanists were not too happy they were being pushed out for the power structure so much. Kennedy, Bushes, Clinton and especially the Collins branches where rebelling against Van Duyns restructuring. Thats all been worked out now. There are 7 Major bloodlines in the high council now that are getting this agenda through. Merovingian is obviously one of those which is where Trump stems from.

Important to understand that the US Military is all run by Freemasonry. Trump is 33rd degree. Rockefellers are basically in control of US territory. Gates is a Rockefeller as is Clinton which is why these people never get touched. Luciferianism/Satanism run rampant in the US Military and thats been exposed since the early 70s. Trump is basically cozy with all of them and always has been. Bushes (Satanists), Clintons (Satanists), Kennedy (Satanist), Collins (BIG TIME SATANISTs). This might sound shocking but its old information. Been around forever. Where Trump fits in is this "Political Outsider" Strategy that was leaked shortly after 2009. Hillary was with Van Duyn in Bilderberg in 2014. A lot was worked out there. Details with Trumps implementation was worked out with Trump/Soros meeting in 2009. After that the Trump vs Obama show started and away they went. Hillary was never set to become President. It was a ruse which is why she conceded right away. All the "stories" of her freaking out behind the scenes were just that....stories. Think of it as performance art similar to Trump at the WWE years before when he played the heal to wrestling fans.



Biden was put in place for Accelerationism because it couldnt happen under Trump if he was going to be brought back later to sell the New World to the masses. As I have said before we have to go into the New Age by choice not force. There will be a purge though for those that wont abandon Jesus Christ. Thats were Noahide Law come into play. Their true Christ is Lucifer which means the False Idol is Jesus Christ. Christians that follow Jesus become the Antichrist. I better slow down before I get to deep and start confusing people.

Biden took the deal a long time ago. Basically hes been controlled by the NSA (Luciferian Illuminati) from the start. Masks also play into this of course. The Masked actor stuff is real and has been since George Bush Senior. People dont follow history though so its hard for them to absorb this stuff sometimes. Biden wont be replaced. Hes a patsy basically. When his term is up he will avoid prison.. thats the deal. All these people are controlled even Trump but hes a funny actor when he tries to play John Wayne in his rallies. People eat it up. John Wayne also a Luciferian Freemason of course.

Basically its One Occult useing dualism. Left Cult vs Right Cult. Good Cop vs Bad Cop. Trump and MAGA will bring in Dominionism which then leads to Noahide. This is Baileys final step 10 in the ushering in of Lucifer as Christ. That happens when he is to be revealed in 2030 as the world leader. That comes out of the Jesuits and has been leaked by multiple sources of longtime defectors PRE 2008 from the occult that have been vetted. Its possible they were fed disinfo but since the early 2000s everything has gone according to plan.

Baily's step 10



All this garbage of Trump working for "God" (which is true from their perspective as they worship Lucifer/Satan) , MAGA, Biden protecting Democracy is just silliness for the masses as are things like Q (Which are Freemasons/Luciferian/Intel Agencies) which was basically designed to destroy the truther movement after 9/11. As Hillary once said they needed to get control again of the information. Hillary is a very loyal soldier to the Occult as she has been an actual High level Satanic Witch since the age of 19. Bills Primary Handler as well. Bill is also a Rockefeller and a mind controlled slave just like everyone within the Hive.

#1 priority for them is to keep people distracted so their agenda can remain hidden in plain sight. They have to put the info out there but they are allowed to hide it. Funny thing is their Agenda is right on the Lucis Trust website in "Parts" but everything is compartmentalized because the Occult think everyone is stupid and dont have the ability to figure things out. In a lot of ways they are right.

Bailey's Plan = Q and MAGA plan. Where the left fits in is as Agents of Chaos. The Chaos is just illusion for the show. Its a team effort and both the right and the left wing come from the same "Fallen Angel". Think of "It takes two wings to fly straight" or "Achieve Balance" and it might be easier to process.

Some Quick Bailey.. Kind of a crash course

Also this. You need to understand their useage of vocabulary. Its confusing for people

Christ = Lucifer
Enemies = Christians
Intensive Preparation = Accelerationism and Stage of the Forerunner
Undesirables = Useless eaters, Elderly, Christians (Again). World Pop 500 million.
Global Cleansing Action = Purge/ Depopulation


I know this stuff can be heavy. I was exposed to this research when I was very young and have had the benefit if time. People here dont and become rattled very easily before going into insults and denial mode. I get it.. I went through it early on as well. Its been going on our entire lives people just didnt want to know and dont want to face the fact that evil collaborates on such a high level. It makes them uncomfortable.

I will say it is much easier to deal with if you have faith and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. This is bigger than politics or peoples "Feelings". I wasnt always a follower. When you spend time on this type of research though you eventual figure out that it proves the existence of Jesus Christ and THAT gives you a sense of calm and inner peace. Its just saddening to see so many people deceived. The reason I can talk like this on the fly is just repetition in terms of research. The truth will set you Free and thats always been the case with me. You can never underestimate how intelligent the occult is though at the planner levels. It can be figured out through.

Nice Job digging Amerigirl26. Nice to see someone trying and seeking truth. This isnt my usual place I came here to get away from things LOL.. its true Believe it or not. I wanted to get back to talking about film because its basically to late for "truthing" now as 2025 is within months and Trumps reinstallment will finalize Bailey's plan. Not that Biden is an alternative because he is NOT. Biden a sick SOB. This is the game.. people are allowed to chose lesser of two evils but it doesnt matter because its just semantics. People can vote however they want it doesnt matter. Trump will be reinstalled. After that it can go one of two ways. Everything points to Bailey's plan continuing though along with a BOOM of development which is why we are being flooded with Migrants as the new Slave class. We are to build Lucifer/Satans kingdom and then hand it over.


Well put.


I think it's increasing.

The news show my dear old mudder watched was showing a clip of Trump from like 4 or 5 years ago.


It's an election year; hang on to your hats!


TDS got to level 16 last night.


Everything with the left gets worse. They are one big slippery slope.

1995 “We just want to be excepted”
2005 “we just want marriage”
2015 “men can have babies, you will obey my pronouns”
2020 “camps for anyone who’s not vaccinated” - the entire democrat party media and their lemmings
2025 “end free elections to protect ourdemocracy”
2030 “they were a threat to Ourdemocracy®️ so their extermination was justified” - already sitting in the Democrat media/party/lemmings heads awaiting release


Don't forget the introduction of "political correctness" in the late 80s/early 90s--"You will speak the way we tell you to speak." Which, of course, now goes by the name of "woke," which I've seen people who write "Woke AF" in their twitter bios actually suggest doesn't exist. I guess if you have no shame, hypocrisy won't make you blush...


Thats just "Progress" Sandy. This is all meant to be in stages. All the yin/yang dualism is just to great balance while the goals are achieved. Its the Agenda and its been going on our entire lives. Step 10 is right around the corner now and the primary goal is fulfilled... for this stage anyways. Its not political just the appearance of politics... the show. Anyone thinking this is right vs left doesnt pay attention or think for themselves anymore. Political right is just as wacked out as the left when the cameras are off. Cant believe we are at the point where I have to explain to people that politicians LIE for self serving motives and not to trust the government.



I watched a video on the black cube statues seen around the world and their relationship to Saturn. Are you familiar with this?


Yes I am familiar with their worship of Saturn in Satanism but I would have to revisit it. Thats been a while and for the last 2 years I have been avoiding trying to explain things that deep and stick to the Agenda playing out because its tangible and right in front of everyone's eyes if they can see it and not be so misdirected.

Understand the Ancient bloodlines of the Occult believe they come from Alien Gods. Its kind of a running theme throughout some of the religions of which they control ALL of them even what people think is Christianity. Scientology is an easy example. Scientology just an Illuminati front. Belief system is a mirror.

You would probably benefit from John Todd Testimony SandyR if you dont know it. He layed a lot of this out when he defected. He can be a little tricky depending on how far people delve but his exposure of the Occult is basically step 1. We only had glimpses of the Occult/Illuminati until Todd. Let me know if you want a couple links. There are some good videos out there with visuals that help people a lot. He covers a lot of territory very quickly in the Todd Tapes. These are testimonials when he defected back in the early 70s and he was running around America speaking in Churches trying to warn people. Occult/Illuminati went nuts and basically made the churches turn against him. Christians fell for it for the most part.

Its hard for people to understand how deep the infiltration goes. Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Billy Graham and many others were all Illuminati. Basically Jack Hyles wasnt but they managed to infiltrate his ministries. Hyles was another fighter of the Occult and his Bus Ministries back in the 70s was doing a lot of damage to the Agenda.

Black Cubes... There are grid lines they that they use for venues for "Spiritual Power" though. Underneath Mothers of Darkness Castle is a major one. Thats where the Black Hole ceremonies take place or at least did.



The top of Mount Bracken is another on Walpurgis Night. What actually happens there Ive never been able to get anything solid. Its ritualist. A giant Antenna type structure right next to a private hotel for the elite thats not open to the public and only used for their events.

Now understand just because they take part in these rituals does not convince me that the power is real. To me this is basically just props and acting out to convince their followers of Occult power because thats how programming work. I have never found any plausible evidence that wicca magic is real. Their power is largely in the mind because the programmers inside the occult admit you have to believe it for it to be effective. However that doesnt mean the occult is any less dangerous. It just means you dont want to get duped by them and be oblivious to their strategies and tactics. The "Magic" is just in their ability to trick you into "believing" its real. Similar to what they use music for.

Heres one of the John Todd videos. Wasnt trying to tease you Im just not sure what to include sometimes for people because its hard to tell where people are at on this stuff.

Understand this is a little of a mish mash from someone online but its well done and the visuals make a huge difference in terms of retaining info at the speed Todd goes. This info has been out there for 50 years and most people still have not heard it. I had the benefit of this stuff back in the early 90s from a researcher back then so I sometimes forget people are out of the loop sometimes. Just dont freak out. Ive had people get really rattled from this info before and thats not really the right way to go either. You want to stay analytical throughout this type of info.


💯% An accurate description of leftism.


After the U.S Supreme Court Verdict giving Trump the win is going to cause TDS even worse, especially in TrentnQuarantino making a duplicate thread of the one I just posted just to vent over it


Haha, that dude or dudette is such a piece of shit!


Yes he left is not going to handle Trump being reinstalled very well. Right wont be very happy either unless they want to move things towards Fascism. BOTH sides need to chill out IMO. Peasantry all fighting and gaslighting each other constantly only serves divide and conquer objectives. All this rubbing peoples noses in it is just counterproductive and damaging to everyone as a whole on the bottom level. Its just not a very intelligent way to approach things. People need to start learning more strategy and less emotion. Study Game Theory because they use it CONSTANTLY on us.
