AsBelowSoAbove's Replies

Nice post and very thoughtful Nanook. Reeve fans would appreciate that. Im not a huge comedy watcher outside of maybe Gene Wilder but I will look into Noises Off. Its hard to say what Reeve was actually like or would even be like now in this current climate. What I do know is that he took the responsibility of being Superman very seriously, Also was passionate about filmmaking, and was basically liked by everyone from what I know. Even John Carpenter liked him and he doesn't say nice things about working with people unless he means them. People these days describe Reeves sometimes as "Wooden" but I never saw that. More a classy actor than "Wooden". I think people just repeat garbage without actually looking at the films and body of work. That or they require hyperemotionality and nonrealistic acting to be impressed. What people consider acting can get out of whack sometimes. Its pretty simple... if it can keep you in the film then its working. Sometimes I wish people would stop making things so complicated when it comes to film and story telling. There is something to be said for less is more in film. Idiocracy has taken of too much of modern cinema. People just want junk food ice cream these days and no steak. You and others in this thread are spot on. We have the free ones but I really dont use them unless someone recommends something I dont have a dvd of and I want to see it before deciding to buy. Its pretty rare these days I see anything good enough to purchase though. Last one I think was Nick Cage in "Mandy" which I wouldnt say is a great film but it is unique in terms of style. Starry Eyes is an excellent film but I still have not purchased. Colossus The Forbin Project is complete on Rumble so I just recorded it. I had to get "The Keep" that way as well when someone from Australia was nice enough to load it on Rumble for 24 hours so I could grab a copy. A lot of good older films are out of print and streaming services are hit and miss. I advise film lovers to start recording films they like on DVDs while they can. Also you can typically find DVDs at pawnshops for $1 and not have to give "Hollywood" a dime. I refuse to fund the film industry unless they straighten up their act. Buying second hand they get NOTHING and you also stop people from tossing it in the trash. Its a win/win for us. Streaming services always been a trap. Its just another way for them to control what you can watch and surveil you. Everything to do online and streamed is tracked and surveilled and being recorded/documented in their beast supercomputers (Ex. Aladdin) for future targeted when the time is right. Aladdin also uses Julian software which is also dangerous (think "Pre Crime")Think of us as "Mice" and the internet is the "Cheese". We are to be made dependent on online content in order to set up mankind for the "Virtual World" which is basically going to become our new "Reality" which they have full control over. All the Neuroscience tech thats been developed in Optogenetics and Chemogenetics plays into this new control system for those that survive that far. Everything is going by the numbers chugging along. "Minority Report" and "Strange Days" films are not far off. Agree 100%. Gunmen is a fun classic that has no business being as good as it is. Anyone who doesnt like this must be a complete jerkoff. Its not meant to be Shakespeare or Kubrick. All the actors did a great job in this. Classic 90s buddy action movie. This was well liked by audiences at the time of release. We saw it in the theatre and were not disappointed. I would say the standout was Dennis Leary as usual for him. He basically steals every scene hes in even when with Patrick Stewart. Peebles and Lambert had great chemistry. Supporting cast were all great as well. This film has a lot of style. I could see someone like Tarantino being a fan of this. Trump will be reinstalled. No doubt about it. Even this move the left is making convincing everyone that the 2020 elections were legit points to that outcome. People are not looking at this with an unbias view. They have to get people thinking the system is still functional which is why the left are basically setting that notion up for the point at which Trump is reinstalled. Only other scenario I can see is Biden winning and Military stepping in but I dont think that will work either because people still wont have faith in this rigged system we have been trapped into by our own free will. Technically Trump cant even be president but this is all a show so it doesnt matter. "According to 10 U.S.C. 504, any person who is a convicted felon is prohibited from enlisting in any military service. However, you may still enlist for military service if you secure a felony waiver. The waiver request is not automatic, and approval depends on a case-by-case basis." Biden could stop all this right now but he wont because he is also controlled. this goes a lot deeper than people realize. Idiots on both sides are going to completely "Freak Out" in their own ways when Trump is re-installed. They have us in a double bind as usual so in the end it wont matter but it will placate the right for a few years and buy us a little more time until the hammer gets dropped on us HARD. 2025 is a huge marker year but 2030 to 2035 is the real craziness when they reveal their "World Leader". Hes 24 now but not to be revealed publicly until the Age of 30. Should buy them enough time to finish stageing the forerunner and complete the Externalization of the Hierarchy which begins next year 2025. Year 9 of this current cycle and the end until new 9 year cycle begins. Might be a good time for people to revisit Dante and find the "Trump" reference in Inferno. Crazy times. Its Unbelievable how well laid out all this Agenda has been. Reeves is basically known for Superman and Somewhere in Time.. thats it. Its a shame because he was a very good actor with a lot of screen presence. Im not a fanboy but he was an excellent actor and took it very seriously. Highly committed while still being professional and not becoming an egotistical nutcase. Its a shame we dont have actors like that anymore. Caine is another one of the greats obviously that was kind of taken for granted for years. Basically effective in every genre multiple times even comedy. Complete professional and its nice he finally got some of the respect he deserves. Its a shame Reeves never did. He will always be THE Superman though. Nobody else can even come close. Cavil (who I actually dont mind) has the looks but not the depth. Donner knew what the heck he was doing when he cast Reeves. Absolutely True and I dont know the source material. I want to say it was a play that was adapted but cant remember for sure. Probably a novel. I own the film and will give it a rewatch soon. I do put this as a classic because it is so unique and has two great actors but most people have either forgotten or never seen it which is a shame. I was surprised it popped up here. If I ever get enough posts where Im not dealing with these time delays I will probably start some posts under these forgotten and overlooked gems of cinema. Im amazed people who like film are not going back and finding out about more of these but its not the kind of stuff you can watch and take in while texting on a phone. Somehow people need to learn to put the phones down and actually take in a film instead of passively watching old films then going online saying its boring. Things have gotten very sad for movie buffs. Nice post. Yes gym training has a place but nature training is both more difficult and also more beneficial because you are forced to adapt to the unforeseen or that which you cant control. easy way to explain this would be take someone whom is getting back to running. You start on the track to protect your body from injury more.. the track is level and cushioned. After achieving that you progress eventually to trail running which would be far more dangerous to start on. In short things like gyms or tracks are great for rehab but unless you are competing in those specific environments it can become stale and halt your growth both body and mind. Nature training is where its at "IF" your body can handle it. Sometimes you have to work up slowly to that level though. Having youth is definitely an advantage because the body can take more sloppiness in training and still recover. The older you are the more the Gym (Or better yet Home Gym) becomes an important factor. Stallone knows his stuff about fitness and training and I think even he would agree. Getting old doesn't necessarily "Suck" but there is a lot of adaption that needs to take place both with training and diet... fasting is a major one as well....Also fasted training. Also staying motivated which is HUUUGE. LOL, I figured that was the case. People are so wacked out these though on the internet I can never tell for sure anymore. I truly wish it was satire when I get talking about the occult. Im fully aware how crazy it sounds sometimes because these people in the Occult truly live in a bizarre reality and its hard for people to wrap their heads around. Especially when it comes to things like programming. Let me grab one of the wacked out rituals.. Mothers of Darkness Of Course. Thats Hillaries sect since she was a child. This stuff is generational. Here.... "An Grande Dame is killed in a ritual in order to pass her spiritual power onto the next initiate in line and is done with great reverence. No blood is spilled out of respect since the woman who gives up her life willingly. At death, the last breath is inhaled by the replacement to transfer the power. It is said that there may be as many as 2.197 Grande Dames at such a coronation. her head is served on a silver platter at a banquet." That information was leaked more than 30 years ago now. Hillary has been a Grande Dame since the age of 19 when she did her 1,000 points of light ceremony in the Mother of Darkness Castle. She is not rare either. Taylor Swift is an easy example of many more modern witches in M.O.D. Now you know what Hillary's end will be like though. This isnt a left vs right thing its an Occult thing and you are either in or you are out. Even Trump comes from these bloodlines which is difficult for people to wrap their heads around. This stuff is far to bizarre for people to make up and I try to debunk all of it. Its real though. Its beyond bizarre. Thats a fairly vanilla ritual too. It gets way more nasty than that. The stuff "holly"wood shows is basically a joke. You can see footage of that ever year from the Beltane Festival/Rituals on May 1st every year. Its on youtube for all to see. People been getting killed exposing the Occult since before I was a kid back in the 80s. LOL you are fun to read when you are speaking for your love of soundtracks. I am a major lover of film score as well and agree. I still listen to all of them. Dicola and Rocky 4 is a regular among many others. Cant believe all this 80s synth talk and you left out Carpenter or Georgio Moroder Midnight Express. Vangelis was also one of the majors for film. its hard to list them all off the top of my head. A somewhat overlooked one was Sylvester Levay who did the score for Stallone's Cobra film which was more horror based before Stallone chopped it down. Be nice if he would give us the full film someday because from what I can tell he butchered it to much. Levay also did the excellent score to Werewolf TV Series on FOX back in the 80s. Long live the 80s synth score though. It basically inspired an entire genre. I would probably give Carpenter the bulk of the credit but others were doing it as well. Carpenters just seem to be the ones that really stuck out. Even to this day there are crazy amounts of "Synth Wave" still being produced because people love it so much. Im a soundtrack junkie so I love it all both synth and orchestral. I use to be able to pick a favorite composer in John Williams but its impossible now. John Barry has been my kick lately (King Kong 1976, Mercury Rising etc.) but Dicola and Rocky 4 is a regular. Training montage is like a well oiled machine. Basically perfection. Vince is still alive. I believe hes in his mid 60s now. You should send him your regards. I think he is on social media. Dicola also did the soundtrack to Staying Alive which is an underrated film. Basically Rocky on Broadway which sounds silly but Stallone made that film work and Travolta was excellent in it. I think its a better film than Saturday Night Fever and Im a fan of John Badham's films who is one of the most overlooked Directors of his era. Stallone never got/gets any credit as a director either IMO.. or writer for that matter. Sly has talent Been a long time since Ive seen this one. Maybe 20 years now since I actually sat down and watched it. I would have to revisit. Last Liotta films I watched were (I think) Narc and No Escape a couple years ago. I have a soft spot for "No Escape" for whatever reason. Not his best film but I like it. I have Turbulance on DVD I think though. Ill check it out again soon. Maybe im remembering it better than it was. I watched Red Eye again last year. I still liked that film. Kind of an Action thriller from Wes Craven. Cillian Murphy doesnt really like it but I never understand why. He did a good job in it. Craven could direct well outside of Horror but he kind of trapped himself. I like more serious films usually but sometimes Im in the mood for this stuff if its got good actors in it and the production cared. I would definitely put this in B movie category. Holly and Liotta are pros though. Maybe "Trans Mission" would be a better term. Throw some STDs and their "Gift giving" in and it can work a couple different ways. LOL.. yes he was definitely having a good time on this film. My guess would be the director kept telling him to go bigger and Liotta said OK.. lets get nutty! LOL. Typically hes a little more scary when he flys off the handle. Its not really a serious film. Kind of like a thrill ride popcorn movie. Wes Craven Red Eye kind of reminded me of it back when that came out. Another Psycho on a plane film. It should be said that films like this were pre modern and pre message for the most part. People went to the theatre to see films largely in part due to actors involved instead so much of brand or IP. I dont think I ever met anyone that didnt like Liotta. He was the draw of that film and word of mouth about Turbulence made it pretty popular at the time. Not a Mega blockbuster but I remember everyone liking it at the time. A LOT has changed since then. Some people like modern garbage because its activism and they go back and watch films looking for anything to pick it apart. I crack up at some of the nitpicking and criticisms of these old films while the same people run around proclaiming perfection in modern cinema. LOL... OK then. Seems kind of redundant. Racist, Nazi, and Bigot all mean pretty much the same thing the way you are using them. Im none of those BTW. Im just anti Cult and EXTREMELY Anti OCCULT. Im fully aware of their ability to psychologically manipulate people into mental illness. Ive studied this stuff for years. It really spiked with the introduction of smart phones. You can see that in the statistics since its introduction. A lot of it has to do with the Blue Light and also the psychological Trauma they impose through things like Political Activism and Agenda driven narratives. Its standard cult tactics. Since then its only progressed and WILL only progress. Mass suicides have already started people just dont understand this moves SLOW so its easily hidden. Look up Depression Rates and Suicide since the introduction of the Smart Phones and Blue Light. Also look at street light probing in your area for "Blue Lights". Also look up Optogenetics and Chemogenetics technology. Everything we are going through now is just the beginning. These are 9 year cycles and 2025 is just the end of this cycle. 2026 starts phase 3. NAZI is Occult so I dont know how you draw that conclusion. Look up Order of 9 Angles. Thats a particularly nasty Occult Sect you will see a lot online pushing the white supremacy stuff. A Satanic group you need to be aware of. Threat wise I would say they are more dangerous than the "Process" which was Manson's sect. Its all just a bunch of noise. Biden Derangement Syndrome is a thing as well on the right. The system just plays with peoples emotions to whip them into a frenzy. The left has far less self control than the bulk of the right so its going to get a lot more animated. Plus Homosexuals and other sects from the left just get triggered by ANYTHING when they start feeling any pressure whatsoever. My response is.. whatever. Let them freak out. Things have not even gotten bad yet. Mass suicides will likely happen before this Agenda is over. That along with the Mob forming. Then comes the purge eventually. Most of these online "Activists" wont make it as this Agenda plays out. This goes a lot farther and bigger than politics or any one nation. Just seeing all the posts warning of the debates tomorrow is laughable to me. Debates are always a joke. Both sides spin it to make themselves look like the winner or at least NOT loser. The real losers are us because so many people keep falling for this dualism show. Its all a game and scripted. Anyone who cant figure that out by now is a fool IMO. Convictions didnt even wake people up. Technically Trump cannot be Commander in Chief without a waiver from the Military. Biden could stop that right now but he doesnt... Why? Military could also stop it.. Why dont they?... Because its a rigged game. Trump will be reinstalled and people will cheer as the Agenda progresses. Then we get distracted for another four years while they work things behind the scenes just like every other front administration before this. Thats why we are stuck in this position now with no possible way out. Its called a double bind and we are locked in. I remember this when it came out it was fun. You basically watch it for Ray Liotta to go psycho. This was not super long after Goodfellas and it was fun watching Liotta play Crazy which was his thing in the early years. There was snippets of it in Goodfellas but it was not a lot of the film. Turbulence was kind of a surprise hit. No Escape was another fun one from Liotta. He was one of the more intense actors in Hollywood throughout the 90s and always gave a good performance. Unlawful Entry and Unforgettable are a couple others that come to mind. Narc was a little after post 2000. Underrated actor when he had good material he was interested in. He had about as much emotional stability as nitroglycerin once he flipped the switch. Similar to Charles Bronson in that way.. quiet then EXPLOSIVE on a dime. Pretty unique actor. Lesson to be learned. When coming across drunk people venting their frustrations keep your mouth shut and go about your business. Real Life is not "Politically Correct". As for the courts and Military covering up crimes done by their own.. welcome to reality. Some of these political activists are going to get themselves killed with this idiotic behavior. When people are acting like animals on the street you do get within striking distance and you certainly dont add fuel to the fire. Call the authorities or wait until the burn themselves out... especially when they are stone drunk. Better yet just stay the heck away from them and worry about yourself. Best not to put yourself in a situation where you can get beat senseless and EXPECT others to jump in and put themselves in jeopardy to bail you out. Thats reality and knowing your environment/surroundings. People are responsible for their own actions and she learned a vey hard lesson.... hopefully. I doubt she will be so reckless again. I will say if my wife or children tried pulling a stunt like that with some random Drunk belligerent kid on the street I would tell them to stay quiet FAST. Shes lucky he didnt kill her. Looks like the haters are doubling even tripling down and not taking the bait from all their attackers to me. Meanwhile the haters of the haters at the studios are panicking and trying to find a way to spin it into a positive. Wont work. These review channels have bigger and more loyal following than the films/series now. Only chance they have left is for places like youtube to cancel the review channels and that wont happen even though they are trying by labeling bad reviews as basically hate speech LOL. Correct. All the White male actors are dead now. Time for reboot. Male cast will be comprised of Asians, Blacks, and Hispanics (They load the stormchaser trucks). Females will lead the cast of course. Hair colors are yet to be decided. Theme of the film will be women fighting the patriarchy in storm chasing. Sexual category of the film will be Bisexuality. Religion will be Gnostic New Ageism. Rating will be G of course for children. After this they reboot "Eraser" titled "Erase-HIM" in which Arnold Schwarzenegger will reprise his famous role. This time he will change his sexual orientation to that of a female .. a very ugly female. Vanessa Williams will be replaced by Taylor Swift. Bingo. Helen Hunt has a HUGE following among the black youth. Its all they ever talk about. Also every white person I know is just so vocal about how great all Black colleges are. Its practically all they talk about between tee off times and car rides on the way to the spa. I say make Helen Hunt a black woman or at least have her be married to a black transgender man who is in desperate need of Gender reassignment surgery. Also they need children. Im thinking a lesbian daughter will another girlfriends that are making out in every scene. That or Make Helen Hunts character a Transgender Man type. Better yet dont make another stupid twister film and kick Helens Hunt to the curb. When do they make the sequel to Volcano? Tommy Lee Jones is still breathing I think. Anne Heche is dead but she can be replaced with cheap blow up doll easy enough.... or Margo Robbie. Maybe do a crossover franchise.. Volcano Barbie. Tagline is.. "This time Barbie is gonna BLOW" Look.. you have to look at all this modern stuff as basically gay parodies of classic films. Its the equivalent of saying some porn film about star wars is cannon. They can do whatever they want with these films and franchises but its not original to the actual classics. Its just big budget LGBT or whatever else political activist category they want to frame a counterfeit story into. Nobody even rewatches (Or even watches) or talks about them anyways outside of youtube influencers trying to gain a following by either praising them or ridiculing them. Its just noise and crap "Content". If you want some space opera thats decent check out the Battlestar Galactica series from a while back. Thats still watchable. Just in.... Stallone working on new age themed sequel/reboot to First Blood. Working title is RamBro. Film will center around an ex special forces green beret homosexual (Ryan Reynolds with wig) on the run from all white hetrosexual white supremacist KKK police force (Led by John Goodman or Tom Selleck) . Colonel Trautman is to be replaced by an Pink Haired Black 300Lb Lesbian. Stallone will pass all director duties to Celebrity Transvestite "Rupaul" and inspirations for the style of the film will be heavily drawn from John Waters "Pink Flamingos" 1972. Thats where we are. Its all noise. All nonsense. In reality all this gay Star Wars content should fit into the LBGT category or channels. They can try and normalize this stuff all day long but people dont watch it let alone care to talk about it. Hollywood has always had Gay and Bisexual Mafia but it was hidden. Let them all come out so people can see who is taking all their money. After this we go to A.I. formula films which is just another sham. Everything will just be very fancy versions of cartoons. Old films are where its at. Has been for a long time now.