AsBelowSoAbove's Replies

Tango and Cash 2 : Cant Dance Anymore and Cashless Thunderbolt and Lightfoot 2 (1974) : Lightfoot LIVES Rain Man 2 : The Quest For K-mart (Underwear Scene) Die Hard 6 : DEAD Maximum Overdrive 2 : E.V. Apocalypse Field of Dreams 2 : Nightmare Horizon..... "If you build it they wont come" Southern Comfort 2 : Bend Over Above the Law 2 : Niko For President Snake Plissken 3 : Escape From Amerika Action Jackson 2 : Action Johnson (The Rock) : Who Killed my Stepfather Cobra 2 : ANTIFA Stand By Me 2 : Back Up Freak Witness 2 : Deodorant and Bathtubs.. Frantic 2 : You Can Keep Her This Time Cujo 2 : Chiwawa American Gigolo 2 : Viagra Well if he waits on streaming for part 1 and 2 it goes from 3 hours to 6 hours. If you wait for all four films in order to watch the full story to the conclusion you will be spending 12 hours LOL. I doubt I could even watch Dances with Wolves for 12 hours. He needs to re-edit this. Make it a series. 12 one hour episode series.. done. If he wants to release it first in theaters fine but after its complete put a better structure on the story in terms of viewing. Thats up to Kevin. If this doesnt pick up quick I would try and get it out to all I could in order to try and attract people to the theatres for the second film. I think the next one comes out in mid August. Thats basically a month away. If people have not see the first I cant see them going to the second. Im not buying they will want to sit in a theatre for 6 hours either if they dont want to do 3. Very Bizarre strategy. Im a movie buff along with a Costner fan (Mostly the older stuff) but Im not interested in spending 6 hours sitting in a theatre. Double bill as well $30-$40 to basically see one film? Maybe Costner should promote a challenge. "Can you watch 70 year old Kevin Costner for 6 hours and pay for it?" or "Greatest 6 Hour Epic of the year.. we promise or your money back!" Get that 1st puppy on streaming as a loss leader and try to pull the big crowds with #2. I can see the headlines. "Eldery Man gets "Costnered" to death while watching Horizon for 6 hours". "Movie Goers report urine soaked seats across the US at 6 hour showings of Horizon" Agree 100%. Its also weird seeing these characters this old trying to do these roles. It just doesnt work. To pull off a continuation after this long is very tricky. Outside of Cobra Kai Im not sure its been done effectively. People talk about Top Gun Maverick but its really just Tom Cruise that made it back plus its an outlier. Cobra Kai managed to change its entire tone. I dont think you can keep the same tone for a sequel that far out away from the original material. The Hustler & Color Of Money? That worked. Stallone has also kind of been able to pull it off with Rambo and Rocky. I guess theres a couple. VERY hard to do though. Ive not seen Cop 4 yet. Just some scenes. Im not sure I want to after what I watched. My normal protocol is to ignore any new reboots or far out sequels to not wreck the originals for me. Its worked. Always liked Cop 1 and 2 for what they are. Im curious about this but its not looking good. Well I saw it in the theatre and didnt think it was THAT bad but it took a beating when it was released. It isnt popular because of the film though. There would have been a sequel if that was the case. The film BOMBED. Kevin's had lots of bombs. What he should have done was make this Horizon a mini series like he did with Hatfeilds and McCoys. That was well received and had pretty solid viewership from what I remember. Of course that was before he went full DUMB and got hyper political. Anyone who doesnt think that stuff has affected this film is living in a fantasy land. The left has cancel culture but so does the right. You start talking about Bidens great Integrity and hoping Michelle Obama becomes president.. also gushing over Bootiejudge your going to push away a whole lot of your fans and people are relentless these days once they get a taste of what these people are really like off screen. They will refuse to support it. Costner not great at reading the room hes to busy looking in the mirror. HMMM.. Ill "try" to explain. I am a follower of Jesus Christ but all religious institutions have been infiltrated since before I was born by the Occult. I grew up conservative and voted Republican until I finally got down to the facts about what was going on in the world. I left the Republican party about 6-7 years ago. I did vote for Trump although I new he was connected to the Occult but it was buried deep in terms of bloodline connections. I know Hillarys WELL. Our Children were young and I was hoping to buy us some time by going lesser of two evils. There was a slight chance at the beginning Trump was going to fight this. However I watched Trump like a hawk along with the administration behind the scenes to see what they were actually doing and their crafting of this Agenda was shocking while pretending to be against it in the media, rallies etc. Im basically A-Political now because it doesnt matter who they install anymore and Trump is whom they have groomed for this role to take us into the new world. I dont tell people not or who to vote for because these things are just formalities at this point. We dont decide elections and havent for a long time. What I do tell them to do is find the truth and not fight with our fellow peasants about politics because its a a very elaborate show. Also to not get stressed out and turn dark because they will become Luciferian and not know it. Im anti occult not pro political party. Fundamentally the left are Satanists and the right are Luciferian however its all Satanic. The Luciferians just dress up Satanism with "Enlightenment" or "Illumination". There is crossover in the political parties though. Many Democrats are Luciferians and Many republicans are Satanists. Its all Occult. Hollywood is the same. I do love good films since childhood though. I didnt watch cartoons & sitcoms growing up mainly film. Always knew it was fake but the storytelling aspect and how they pulled it off was always an interest. Hmm.. OK. Well... Tombstone would make a heck of a series if they want to start a new series. Im sure a ton of veteran actors would jump at the chance of that.Call it "the Earps" or something. It would be pro LE and thats going to need so fresh propaganda once LE get immunity from prosecution which is in the cards. Will help get the populace support going in the direction of abusive LE. Or you can take the other angle. Earps were pretty much pricks. Center it more in line with the Cowboys and run it from their perspective. Or do a mixture of both sides. Every Film about Tombstone or the Earps vs the Cowboys has trouble knowing how much to include. A young guns series could work as well for something lower scale. Theres so many older Western IPs out there its endless. Rio Bravo could be neat if done right. War Wagon. Fastest Gun Alive. I think Westerns as a Genre can be done right but they need to be amped up in terms of energy and suspense. The risky part for studios is they are period films or series and things get expensive. Yellowstone is modern. They could work the classics into modern takes of old western films but it would go so against the modern propaganda it probably wouldnt get the green light. Young Guns could be done pretty cheap though. Seems like they were always moving and never stuck in one town. Plus the cast was fairly small. Sheridan probably has lots of ideas. Moderators here seem big on free speech which is a good thing. I found the title funny though when I read it. Atleast hardsell doesnt mince words. Im white but not offended. Well they are kind of the same thing. Freemasons worship the Serpent. No such thing as reptilian humanoids though. Thats a ruse put out by alternative media Freemasons to get people to make themselves look crazy. OK now think you are right and I am wrong LOL. I cant remember anymore they are all blending together. 2 out of those three were shot on the same sets though.. I think LOL. Nice to see some Hammer Lovers. Most people just think Dracula or Frankenstein but there are a bunch of offshoots that are great. Some of them are a royal pain to track down on DVD. Thats probably my biggest problem with Hammer. Worried about what? Just make sure you stay out of it for your own good. POlay the long game. Freemasons worship Lucifer and beyond that Satan. They will deny if you call them out on it but its in their doctrine. Look up their pledges for the different level. Its all Satanic Occult pledges. Freemasonry has been getting exposed since before I was born fellas. Im not sure why people dont know this. Nobody has heard of David Hill? Jim Shaw? Shaw was the highest level of Freemasonry to ever defect. Stay out of the Occult. Its not worth it. They try and put up a front of "fine upstanding members of society" but they worship the serpent and partake in homosexual acts and pedophelia. Im not saying anything thats not been known for MANY, MANY years. Here... Freemason Gone wild Freemason Facts Freemasons Deities Freemason Symbolism FREEMASON RITUAL - CAUGHT ON CAMERA Misguided freemasons believe you can live forever by sexually vampirising children This is not new Bombshell info. Its been known for a very long time. People are just deceived. Freemasons also have an extensive network throughout the world that try to hide it. Even online in places like this. US Military is Freemason run as are the Intel Agencies and LE. Politics as well of course. Elite Special forces are Freemasons that partake in homosexuality. That was leaked back in the late 90s. Its part of their rituals. Probably. Its hard to trust any director now. The Magnificent Seven could have worked but they decided to screw around with it too much. Bone Tomahawk was a good western but it was basically a horror film. Im not against combining genres though. Easy one would be Valley of the Gwanji because the Dinosaurs would pull people into the theatres. Very simple story. Get good actors.. play it straight and go Western/ Horror/ Sci Fi all in one. Its a known IP, Kids would be attracted. Young Adults. Middle Age and Elderly that are familiar with the film. Cant have any element of wokeness in it though. No annoying special forces 95 pound super soldier types. Hispanics can be worked in as long as they are machismo. Put together a solid cast in the style of Predator (Not Bodybuilders) and keep it serious. Just a good gritty Cowboy Dinosaur film. I doubt they really want to get people back into theaters though. Thats not the Agenda. They dont want people to ever leave their houses and get addicted to streaming before switching everyone to VR. Then everyone's just a vegetable addicted to AI and VR. These people are not stupid. They know what they are doing they just play dumb. No I didnt. Barrymore is a programmed multiple though. Say the right words and you can trigger her into being a 6 year old just like Spears or Dolly Parton. Barrymore has Dissociative Identity Disorder. Brittany triggered herself once in an interview into a switch. I think the code word was "Weird". Pelosi got triggered once as well. Codeword was "Quiver". The parton one was in the middle of a concert. I dont have that link anymore. Kamala is likely smarter than people think otherwise she never ould have gotten to that position. Shes evil though. Theres a Satanic witch out their in Cali named Nadia Smalley thats a piece of work but she didnt win her seat in Congress. Shes connected to Kamala along with the Collins branch. Harris is a Satanist. America would be better without Freemasons Just asked the wife. She said it was Spike as well I always thought it was Spike. Just asked my son who is 12 and he said Spike due to the spike in his hair. I was never a huge fan of this film growing up for whatever reason but my son has been since an infant. He says Spike. Guessing you are thinking Mandela Effect? ColumboKate?... Nice name. I like it. I dont do drugs so I wouldnt know. I also dont know anyone who does that stuff. If the righties and lefties online are high all the time it explains a lot of their behavior though. Costner probably a doper. It would explain his lack of awareness when he opens his mouth sometimes. Pretty sure thats correct. Black people hated her. Do women even like Kamala? Ive never heard one gush over her. I doubt she even have the support of her own gender within her party. Shes more unlikable than Hillary from what I know. I have never heard a black reson gush over Kamala either. Not men or women. Im not sure Kamala has a "base" of supporters. working now